why am I not able to earn points for modules
Starting Friday Nov 15, 2019 I have not been able to earn XP points for modules completed. When i finish it awards the badge and trophy, but it It states 0% completed, 0 mins remaining with no XP points awarded. A sample of this can be found on my…

SignIn Events Azure AD Graph API wrong next link
Hello, I understand that MS Graph API would be a proper way to do it, but I still have to use Azure AD Graph API. So, I put my request for signInEvents at https://graphexplorer.azurewebsites.net/#. It works as I got my events. The response contains …
Cannot upload ECDSA certificate with 500 error
Starting this month, I'm getting a 500 error when uploading my ECDSA certificate. I am developing Let's Encrypt automatic certificate renewal tool for App Service. I've been reporting 500 errors since this month. …

Can't load action type "JavaScriptCode in Logic Apps.
Hello Logic Apps helpers, After following the documentation: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/logic-apps/logic-apps-add-run-inline-code I created a free integration account and add this action to my logic app: "actions":…
Windows 8 UWP XAML - Popup Keyboard - Loss of Data
Hi, We have a UWP app (via Window store) that has been production for quite a while. Nothing has changed with the app. Last 6 or 7 months, users have reported that data is not being saved via a TestBox (most of the time it works, but times it…

FileZilla FTP deploy to Asuzre website; How to keep timestamp from updating
Hi, I am using FileZilla to FTPS deploy to an Azure website. However, the file's timestamp keeps changing to the current date/time upon upload. I have already modified FileZilla's "Preserve timestamps" setting. Thanks, Green

Azure Function response times out, and tcp connection is reset (closed) before all content is received
Hi. I am not sure, if this is the right forum. We have an embedded device, which connects to an Azure Function and gets a 10MB file. During the file transfer the connection is reset (TCP RST) or we see, that Azure is no longer sending data to…
Laravel WebApp + Laravel Web API
I am new to Azure and I've been following these guides. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/app-service-web-get-started-php https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/app-service-web-tutorial-php-mysql However my…
Create multiple connections using Stream Socket
I have two separate uwp apps which run as Server and Client. I installed Server app in one machine and Client app in 3 machines. I need to share a file from Server app to Client app. When I shared the file Sometimes it is not shared to all the…
UWP Desktop Bridge app and suspend/resume
Hello, How does suspend/resume work with an UWP app that uses Desktop Bridge? Are such apps ever suspended? Desktop Bridge apps don't have suspend/resume based on this API documentation:…
Azure AD with Azure SQL Database (Best Security approach in Connection String)
Hi, In Azure SQL Database (Single Instance) what is the best approach for connecting to a Database ? I want to maintain a connection string with Azure SQL DB without exposing the credentials. i.e. Not using SQL authentication, wherein we…

Can I connect PowerBI with AzureDevops ?
I want to visualize my query of Azure Devops in Power BI to find out the status of work items and types. Can I do it ? How ?

Azure App Service Certificate Configuration not working
I purchased an SSL certificate using an Azure for my App Service. When I try and configure the certificate, I can not access step 1 or any other step, it just keeps spinning and nothing displays.
ThrowOnExternalCallFailed() on Windows 10 17763 and lower
An app with Target version: 18362 and Min version: 16299 works flawlessly on Windows 10 18362, 18363, but it throws exceptions by System.Runtime.InteropServices.McgMarshal.ThrowOnExternalCallFailed on 17763 and lower: From 17763: Exception from…
How to analysis UWP crash log?
My Application is Crash for some UI issue and it shows error - "parameter incorrect" After Crash is want to open some file.. I want to understand how can I get valid crash log in detail and what is the best way to analysis log
Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.CurrentAppSimulator.RequestProductPurchaseAsync() no longer works
The following code used to work: Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.PurchaseResults pr = await Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.CurrentAppSimulator.RequestProductPurchaseAsync(_ud.sInAppTokenName); It no longer shows a window. Instead, it returns…
Xbox dev mode fails to launch
I've been using dev mode at for a while with no real problems. I brought my console over to my brother's house so I could show people the game I've been working on,but now suddenly my console will no longer boot into dev mode. If I unplug the console…
expiration date for the azure vm
our vM has set to expire on dec 31st and we liked to extend the expiration date. do you have any options

Patch Orchestration Application (POA) does not install updates in gMSA security cluster
https://github.com/microsoft/Service-Fabric-POA/issues/34 In ETW log, i see next: { "ProviderName": "POA-NodeAgentSFUtility", "Id": 2, "Message":…
Count PivotItems
I am writing a local app to be used as a wallboard/dashboard tool. The idea is to loop through various WebViews of SSRS reports. A counter is operated via a DespatcherTimer and each time a set interval is hit, the SelectedIndex on the pivot is…