Azure App Service Unloads during off peak usage hours Memory Working Set goes to 0 bytes
I have an app service (Azure Mobile App) that I just noticed seems to get unloaded when there are no active clients for a while--typically 5PM to 6AM. It sometimes takes a few minutes for the service to "come alive" again when the first…

Effects of 'Delegated Type' permissions under 'API Permissions' on registered application?
Hello, I have noticed that even if i do not have any permission at all on the 'API Permissions' of a selected registered application, it can still connect to resources by using the users scope consent. What is the point then of configuring the…
Does Azure VM's for SUSE Linux cost based on per core licencing model ?
I have figured out that SUSE Linux SAP priority is calculated based on per-core licencing. But why is that for 8 cores and 32 cores price is the same. Look at my calculations bellow :

WPF Azure AD App registration Login + API request with Sharepoint Online problem
I am trying to use an Azure AD App Registration with a WPF application to upload and download files using Sharepoint Online. I used to authenticate. I…
PG::ConnectionBad: could not connect to server: No such file or directory precompilation failed Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
I am trying to deploy Ruby on Rails app on Azure app service on Linux through Local git deployment method. But the deployment fails with the following error: PG::ConnectionBad: could not connect to server: No such file or directory precompilation…
Get software keys via API in PartnerCenter
Hi,in Partner Center Portal we can via Button to get keys as below, is exist any API we can achieve this function? Thx
Which App can I use to install packages on instances in vmss of linux on daily basis?
I want to execute a script which has code to install Anti virus like ClamAV on the instances present in the virtual machine scale set. That script should be executed on the newly auto scaled instances too using logic of Azure function. For this I need an…
Abnormal memory usage
I'm having a container web app, the memory usage pattern in the graph looks odd. Memory keeps increasing to around 90% but the application process takes about 50% only, sometime it downs to 0, do you know why?
Failure to register for the Hardware Program
Hi all, I'd like to register for the Hardware Program to sign and distribute my driver in Partner portal, but after I uploaded the sample binary signed with my EV key and checked the agreement to finish the registration, I got the following error…

Why can't I start a stateful service in azure service fabric cluster?
Hi, I'm new to service fabric cluster, and I have a problem with stateful services. I tried creating a single node cluster in azure, and first tried to deploy a stateless service, and it just worked fine. But, when I tried a stateful service, it…

Secure backend Appservice
I have an application that consists of a "front-end" website, and a back-end web API. Iwant the end users of my application to be able to access the front-end website, but ionly want the front end to be accessible to the end users. The back-end…
Enable Azure Security Center using ARM Template
Please share, Enable Azure Security Center using ARM Template
Change App Service Plan does not show valid destination Hosts
1 How do I report this to the support team? 2 How do I do this 'change app service plan' using the Azure Portal CLI? I have the following Azure resources: A 'Test' webapp called 'W1' on resource group 'RG1', the webapp is on an App Service Plan…

Error: There was an error loading this content.... When accessing registrations
Hey all When I try to access App registrations from the Azure AD page, I get an error and no apps are listed. I can access some of the apps directly as I have the URLs for them, but no way to browse then. Error: There was an error loading this…

App Service Remote Debugging VS2015 Not Supported
I tried to attach a remote debugger to my development slot, but got the following error: I then proceeded to open General Settings under Configuration on the slot, and switched Remote Debugging On and chose 2015 for my visual studio version. …

Urgent update needed for Microsoft Authentication Library on Android
Hello, I'm a Product Manager for a fintech startup. Following the exchanges in this thread we were told by one of your developers that you'd release an updated version…
Azure permissions needed to get storage context
I have a runbook which tries to get a Storage Context with New-AzStorageContext but the variable keeps coming back empty. I've given the automation account's run as account storage blob data Owner, Storage Account Contributor, and Classic Storage Account…

Setting custom script extension in virtual machine scale set is changing the status of instances to NotReady.
I have set custom script extension using az command az vmss extension set --publisher Microsoft.Azure.Extensions --version 2.0 --name CustomScript --resource-group resource_group_name --vmss-name vmss_name --settings…
How to get id token in ADB2C custom policy
Hi All, We are trying to capture the id token that gets generated while a custom policy is executed. Is there any way we can assign it to a claim and use it in the custom policy. we could infer from the application insights that id token is present in…