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Receive Delta Sharing shares using Open ID Connect (OIDC) federation in a user-to-machine flow (open sharing)


This feature is in Public Preview.

This page describes how data recipients can use a 'user-to-machine' (U2M) application (e.g, Power BI) to establish access to Delta Sharing shares created in Azure Databricks using Open ID Connect (OIDC) federation. The "user-to-machine" (U2M) authentication flow uses OIDC federation, allowing JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) issued by the recipient’s IdP to be used as short-lived OAuth tokens that are authenticated by Azure Databricks. This Databricks-to-open sharing authentication method is designed for recipients who do not have access to a Unity Catalog-enabled Databricks workspace.

In OIDC Federation, the recipient’s IdP is responsible for issuing JWT tokens and enforcing security policies, such as Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). Likewise, the lifetime of the JWT token is governed by the recipient’s IdP. Databricks does not generate or manage these tokens. It only federates authentication to the recipient’s IdP and validates the JWT against the recipient’s configured federation policy. Data providers can also choose to federate authentication to their own IdP when sharing data internally with other users or departments within their organization.

OIDC federation is an alternative to using long-lived Azure Databricks-issued bearer tokens to connect non-Databricks recipients to providers. It enables fine-grained access control, supports MFA, and reduces security risks by eliminating the need for recipients to manage and secure shared credentials. For information about using bearer tokens to manage authentication to shares instead, see Create a recipient object for non-Databricks users using bearer tokens (open sharing).

This page is for recipients using "user-to-machine" (U2M) applications (e.g., Power BI or Tableau). For information about how providers can enable OIDC federation for recipients in Azure Databricks, see Use Open ID Connect (OIDC) federation to enable authentication to Delta Sharing shares (open sharing). For information about the "machine-to-machine" (M2M) OAuth Client Credentials flow, see Receive Delta Sharing shares using a Python client and Open ID Connect (OIDC) federation in a machine-to-machine flow (open sharing).

This page explains how data recipients can use their own identity provider (IdP) to access Delta Sharing shares created in Databricks.

Overview of the user-to-machine (U2M) authentication flow using OIDC token federation

To use OIDC token federation for access to data shared by a Databricks provider, you do the following:

  1. Give the Azure Databricks provider the IdP and user information that they request.
  2. Use the OIDC profile generation portal URL that the provider sends you to access a profile file (Tableau) or OAuth sign-in page (Power BI).

Get the OIDC policy field values from Entra ID

If you, as a recipient, use Microsoft Entra ID as your Identity Provider, you can get the information requested by the provider by following these instructions. For other IdPs, refer to their documentation.

  • Issuer URL: This is the token issuer, specified in the iss claim of OIDC JWT tokens. For Entra ID it is https://login.microsoftonline.com/{tenantId}/v2.0, replace {tenantId} with your Entra tenant ID. To learn how to find your tenant ID, see the Microsoft Entra ID documentation.

  • Subject Claim: The field in the JWT payload that identifies which fields the type of identity that access the data (e.g. user or group).

    • If you intend a single user in Entra ID to access the shared data, choose oid (Object ID).
    • If you intend to share with a group of users choose groups.
  • Subject: the Unique identifier of the identity which can access the shared data.

    • If you intend to share with a single user and choose oid for the subject claim, then you should find the Object ID of the user according to Microsoft Entra ID documentation and use that as subject.
    • If you choose groups as the subject-claim then you must find the group object Id Group object ID: In the Entra ID console, select groups, and search for the group. The object ID is displayed on the group row in the list. For groups claim, in the Entra Console, select groups, and find the object ID of your group.
  • Audience: For U2M authentication, the recipient doesn't need this value. The Databricks provider always uses the following ID:


    This is the ID for the Databricks published multi-tenant App(DeltaSharing) OAuth-registered client app that recipients use to access Databricks shares using Power BI and Tableau.

Example values for Entra ID

These are example configuration for sharing with a specific user with Object ID 11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555 in Entra ID tenant aaaaaaaa-bbbb-4ccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee.

  • Issuer: https://login.microsoftonline.com/aaaaaaaa-bbbb-4ccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee/v2.0
  • subject claim: oid (Object ID of a user)
  • Subject: 11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555 Microsoft Entra ID documentation
  • Audiences: 64978f70-f6a6-4204-a29e-87d74bfea138 (This is the client ID of the multi-tenant app registered by Databricks in Entra ID)

These are example configurations for sharing with a specific group with Object ID 66666666-2222-3333-4444-555555555555 in Entra ID tenant aaaaaaaa-bbbb-4ccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee

  • Issuer: https://login.microsoftonline.com/aaaaaaaa-bbbb-4ccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee/v2.0
  • subject claim: groups
  • Subject: 66666666-2222-3333-4444-555555555555 (This is the object ID of the group, which can be found in the Entra ID console. You can select a group and find the object id of your group)
  • Audiences: 64978f70-f6a6-4204-a29e-87d74bfea138 (This is the client ID of the multi-tenant app registered by Databricks in Entra ID)


For U2M applications like Power BI and Tableau, the audience should be the multi-tenant app ID registered by Databricks in Entra ID, which is 64978f70-f6a6-4204-a29e-87d74bfea138.

For more information about U2M applications and their OIDC Federation policies see Receive Delta Sharing shares using Open ID Connect (OIDC) federation in a user-to-machine flow (open sharing).

Access the shared data using Power BI

After the provider creates the policy for you, they will share a link to the Databricks OIDC Portal, which can be opened from anywhere and accessed multiple times. This link does not contain any sensitive information.


Power BI connector must be on a version that was released in March 2025 or later.

Access the share

  1. Go to the OIDC profile portal URL that the Databricks provider shared with you.

    Request the URL if you haven't yet received it.

  2. On the portal page, select the U2M tile and, under To use on Power BI, copy the serving endpoint.

  3. In Power BI, go to Get data and search for Delta Sharing, select Delta Sharing (custom), and click Connect.

  4. On the Delta Sharing dialog, paste the serving endpoint URL in the Delta Sharing Server URL field and click OK.

  5. On the Delta Sharing authentication dialog, make sure that OAuth is selected in the sidebar, and click Sign in.

    You are taken to your IdP login page. Log in as you usually do.

  6. Return to the Delta Sharing authentication dialog and click Connect.

  7. In the Navigator, the shared data is listed under the Delta Sharing URL.

Approve of Multi-Tenant App

To be able to use the Databricks published multi-tenant app(DeltaSharing), the Entra ID tenant admin needs to open this URL in their browser and sign in with admin identity to approve usage: https://login.microsoftonline.com/{organization}/adminconsent?client_id=64978f70-f6a6-4204-a29e-87d74bfea138. Please replace {organization} with your Azure tenant ID. This is a one time action, more info here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/entra/identity/enterprise-apps/grant-admin-consent?pivots=portal.

Access the shared data using Tableau

To access the share using Tableau:

  1. Go to the OIDC profile portal URL that the Databricks provider shared with you.

    Request the URL if you haven't yet received it.

  2. On the portal page, select the U2M tile and, under To use on Tableau, download the profile file.

  3. Find and copy the Delta Sharing endpoint.

  4. Open the Tableau Delta Sharing OAuth connector to authenticate automatically with your IdP and launch the connector page.

  5. On the connector page, paste the Delta Sharing endpoint URL. The bearer token is prepopulated.

For more information, see the Tableau Delta Sharing connector readme in Databricks Labs.