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go ahead, mac my day

a Macintosh girl in a Microsoft world

the odds are good

At the OOPSLA planning meeting last weekend, we were looking at some of the statistics of our...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 05/10/2007

pictures from CHI 2007

For those of you who attended CHI 2007, especially the Microsoft reception on Wednesday night, check...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 05/09/2007

Office 11.3.5 update now available

For your downloading pleasure, we've released Office 11.3.5 today. You can download it here. There's...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 05/08/2007

UX positions open in MacBU

While I'm at CHI next week, one of my many goals is to find interesting and interested candidates...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 04/27/2007


In the interests of playing around with whatever is the New Hotness, I signed up for twitter. Now...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 04/27/2007


Anyone else going to CHI next week? I've got a huge list of the sessions that look the most...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 04/25/2007

blue and green and orange and purple all over

There's a new ad in the UK Get a Mac campaign: Office Posse. There's absolutely no way that you're...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 04/24/2007

something to aspire to

I thought I was doing pretty well with my music collection: about 200 GB. But Will Friedwald takes...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 04/19/2007

deja vu

I'm going to choose to view this as great minds think alike, rather than someone just ripping off a...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 04/16/2007


I checked to see the referrals to my blog posts. One of the referrals to my post the five stages of...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 04/15/2007

a short guide to Mac user responses to the Leopard slip

In case you haven't heard this yet [1], Apple announced late yesterday that Leopard won't ship until...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 04/13/2007

respect your user

Walt Mossberg wrote a great piece about the out-of-box user experience of buying a new laptop: Using...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 04/12/2007

in loving memory of Usenet

The next book that popped up in my reading queue is Silicon Snake Oil by Clifford Stoll. Written in...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 04/09/2007

the five stages of grief (iPhone edition)

In 1969, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross gave the world the now well-known five stages of grief. You’ve heard...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 04/06/2007

making it and faking it

A few weeks ago, I posted an entry intended to tell you how to be a software engineer without...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 04/05/2007

the user experience of gift cards

My mother, bless her heart, doesn't believe in my (extensive) Amazon wish list. But since we live...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 04/03/2007

product review - iFrog one-handed keyboard

On March 8th, I had surgery to repair a torn rotator cuff and labrum in my right shoulder. I'm...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 03/28/2007

pet peeve #1

I'm not the first to whinge about this, and I know that I won't be the last, but it really does...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 03/27/2007

book review - 'Apple Confidential 2.0: The Definitive History of the World's Most Colourful Company'

Book title: Apple Confidential 2.0: The Definitive History of the World's Most Colourful Company...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 03/26/2007

website security with cute widdle kittens

We've all seen websites with CAPTCHAs -- those image boxes with a random collection of squiggly...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 03/19/2007

article review - The Design of a GUI Paradigm Based on Tablets, Two-Hands, and Transparency

Article title: The Design of a GUI Paradigm Based on Tablets, Two-Hands, and Transparency Authors:...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 03/17/2007

iLaunching the iLaunch

The Onion has an informative article titled Apple Unveils New Product-Unveiling Product that...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 03/07/2007

another instance of security versus usability

Last weekend, when I logged in to my bank's website to pay my bills, I discovered that they have...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 02/26/2007

How to be a software engineer without coding

In an earlier post, I mentioned that there is a bevy of non-coding jobs involved in software...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 02/16/2007

happy update day!

Happy update day! If you haven't noticed yet, Office 11.3.4 is now available. Download it from...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 02/14/2007

Rolling Stone on Apple

The guys over at Rolling Stone sure do know how to get lots of hits to their site. A recent entry in...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 02/13/2007

happy birthday, MacBU!

This month, the MacBU is ten years old. One of the coolest things that has been done to celebrate...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 02/07/2007

the arcane craft of writing error messages

Let me put forth an axiom: software development is hard. It's not just the coding bits that are hard...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 02/05/2007

peace out

I read all sorts of Mac sites, but my hands-down favourite for the past several months has been The...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 01/30/2007

book review - 'iWoz: From Computer Geek to Cult Icon'

Book title: iWoz: From Computer Geek to Cult Icon Author: Steve Wozniak ISBN: 0393061434 I really...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 01/27/2007


One of the coolest parts of my job (and there are many) is meeting our customers.  I've been lucky...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 01/26/2007

the iPhone user experience

Last week, Steve Jobs finally gave us the iPhone. In the keynote address, he took 80 minutes to...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 01/16/2007

Office:Mac 2008

Last week during Macworld Expo, we formally announced details about Magnesium. The real name will be...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 01/15/2007

from the depths of despair

Right after yesterday's Stevenote, I was standing in the Moscone Centre with a bunch of my fellow...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 01/10/2007

reminder: at the blogger lounge

Just a reminder ... I'm hanging out this afternoon from 3-5pm at the blogger lounge. Come over and...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 01/10/2007

music to start and end the day

Maybe you didn't realise this, but going to MWSF is living the rockstar life. Well, okay, maybe...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 01/10/2007

'twas the night before MWSF

As I did last year, I helped out Chris Kim at our vendor table at User Group University. I really...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 01/08/2007


Here's what I'm planning to be doing at MWSF: Monday, 5-7:30pm - User Group University vendor area...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 01/04/2007

Tufte seminar review

The last major thing that I did, before disappearing for most of December, was to attend a seminar...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 01/03/2007

let it snow!

Today is my first day back in the office. I was welcomed back by something that makes me a true...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 01/02/2007


Today's my last day in the office before vacation. I'm headed off to Australia tomorrow, and won't...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 12/05/2006

sitting in the middle of an us-versus-them debate

One of the things that I like about being a blogger and reading blogs is that you get to watch a...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 11/30/2006

the spam that keeps on spamming

It's the time of year for the spammers to ratchet up their efforts. I blame all of the spam in the...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 11/27/2006

Q&A: backing up Entourage

I wasn't sure if anyone was actually reading today, but the first question has already arrived. It...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 11/20/2006

go on, ask

It's a quiet holiday week. Many of my co-workers are taking some of their vacation time this week....

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 11/20/2006

Apple, you evil temptress

Clearly Apple is trying to tell me that it's time to upgrade. They announced today that they're...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 11/14/2006

my MWSF wishlist - top ten announcements I wish Apple would make

I know that it's a bit early for this kind of post, but I'm going to be out of the country for most...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 11/10/2006

Test post

I'm now trying to see if I like it and how Mac-friendly it is.Published with...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 11/07/2006

book review - 'A Pattern Language for Web Usability'

Book title: A Pattern Language for Web Usability Author: Ian Graham ISBN: 0201788888 The title of...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 11/07/2006

enabling OOPSLA

I served as Student Volunteers Chair of OOPSLA 2006. People ask me what that means, and I've never...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 10/31/2006

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