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go ahead, mac my day

a Macintosh girl in a Microsoft world

a personal plea to Apple

Dear Steve Jobs, Please stop your assault on my wallet. I'm already desperately wanting a new...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 09/04/2007

OOPSLA 2007 early registration closes 13 September 2007

I'm taking a break from all things Office [1] to work on a few OOPSLA things. It's shaping up to be...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 09/03/2007

unleash your inner artiste, Office-style

Of my many talents, art is not on the list. I can't draw a stick figure that looks like a stick...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 08/29/2007

why do you want OneNote on your Mac?

I've been noticing several requests for us to add OneNote to our Mac product portfolio. I have some...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 08/24/2007

go forth and do research

There are some great things about working for Microsoft. Yes, really. One of the great things about...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 08/22/2007

the user experience of a hotel shower

This morning, I found myself in yet another hotel room, staring bleary-eyed at the shower. I'm not a...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 08/21/2007

usability versus usage -- an iPhone example

Today, I noticed an article in Information Week titled Businesspeople Face Steep Learning Curve with...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 08/17/2007

newest MacBUer

We've just added a new Program Manager to our team. Welcome Gavin Shearer to the MacBU. He used to...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 08/14/2007

Mac geek humour

I hadn't noticed that some of the best pieces of Mac geek humour have made it up onto YouTube. WWDC...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 08/14/2007

the unmasking of Fake Steve

It was bound to happen sooner or later, but, as Fake Steve himself (in his real persona) says: 'I...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 08/06/2007


We've made the difficult decision to delay Office:Mac 2008. We're targeting Macworld Expo in January...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 08/02/2007

releasing software is like the first day of high school

Today marks a personal milestone for me: it's the first day that a piece of Microsoft software that...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 07/31/2007

living with the iPhone - listening to music

Up until I purchased the iPhone, I was an old skool iPod owner. I still had my old 2G iPod. I...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 07/24/2007

living with the iPhone - crashes

Now that I'm a few weeks into my relationship with my iPhone, he's started to leave the cap off of...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 07/20/2007

RDC v2 public beta coming

Over on Mac Mojo, the new boss has made an announcement near and dear to my heart. We announced at...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 07/17/2007

untangling technology

Over the weekend, the Fresh Starts column in the New York Times featured usability professionals....

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 07/10/2007

living with the iPhone - making calls

I'm surprised at how well the iPhone does as an honest-to-goodness phone. I have to admit that I'm a...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 07/05/2007

alpha geek

One of the coolest things about working for MacBU is that I get paid to be a Mac geek. Even better,...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 07/02/2007

what I love about my iPhone so far

Someone pointed out in the comments to a previous post that I've just whinged about things. That's...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 07/01/2007

digital turnip twadding

In Opus today, Berkeley Breathed takes on the iPhone. The official Opus site at doesn't...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 07/01/2007

iPhone UX issues and inconsistencies

I've noticed a few iPhone UX inconsistencies and issues in my cursory poking at the device. Widgets...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 06/30/2007

iPhone acquired

For all of my wibbling yesterday, and my GM's hypnotism today, there really wasn't a question as to...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 06/30/2007

a new career low

I've reached a new low in my career. My boyfriend has convinced my new GM to try to hypnotise me so...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 06/29/2007

queue with Woz for your iPhone

According to the Los Angeles Times, Woz is going to queue for the iPhone just like the rest of us....

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 06/29/2007


Okay, I admit it. I'm wibbling about the iPhone. On one hand, it's new and shiny and cool and...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 06/28/2007

article review - 'Understanding Memory Triggers for Task Tracking'

Article title: Understanding Memory Triggers for Task Tracking' Authors: AJ Bernheim Brush, Brian R....

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 06/26/2007

this just in: geeks prefer black

Geek t-shirts are pretty much universally black. It turns out that geek laptops are also black. For...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 06/22/2007

20 years of PowerPoint

Today's Wall Street Journal features an article titled PowerPoint turns 20 as its creators ponder a...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 06/20/2007

the iPhone user experience revisited

Last week, after Steve Jobs announced that the current development path for the iPhone is to develop...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 06/19/2007

book review - 'The Inmates Are Running the Asylum'

Book title: The Inmates Are Running the Asylum: Why High-Tech Products Drive Us Crazy and How to...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 06/18/2007

some WWDC notes

One of the weirdest parts about coming to WWDC is that it's one of the few places in the world where...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 06/15/2007

delicious taunting

As a Mac geekgirl, I've long since come to accept that Apple likes taunting me with New Hotness That...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 06/13/2007

the t-shirts of WWDC

One entertaining part of WWDC is watching the geek t-shirts go by. The WWDC t-shirt this year says...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 06/12/2007

Mac girl at Microsoft, Windows boy at Apple

Oftentimes, when I tell people that I work on Mac software at Microsoft, the conversation is pretty...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 06/11/2007

wishlist check-in

So how did my wishlist stack up against the reality of the Stevenote? Well, there were no hardware...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 06/11/2007

the day before WWDC

The day before WWDC. It doesn't feel like it, if only because it doesn't feel like it should be...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 06/10/2007

generally managing

We've got a new General Manager here in MacBU. His name is Craig Eisler. Craig is the passionate...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 06/08/2007

the user experience of the Westin's room service menu

I'm currently in Atlanta, wrapping up some Entourage research. My flight from SFO was late on...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 06/08/2007

chat at WWDC

I'm going to be at WWDC for most of the week, so email me if you want to chat sometime during the...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 06/05/2007

OOPSLA call for posters, demos, and other late content

What's oopsla up to? The leading forum for innovative and thought-provoking ideas in object-oriented...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 06/05/2007

iPhone ad deconstruction (first thoughts)

What do Mac geeks do for fun on a Sunday night? Why, they deconstruct the newly-released iPhone ads,...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 06/03/2007

the lead-up to WWDC

It's that time of year again. It's the lead-up to WWDC. Those of us who are lucky enough to be able...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 06/03/2007

Fake Steve is writing a Real Book

October's going to be a busy time for me. Not only is that the month of OOPSLA 2007 (I'm posters...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 06/01/2007

the Apple geek run-down of D5

Wednesday was a busy day at D5 - All Things Digital, and I'm sure that their website is reaping the...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 05/31/2007

stay off message

Over the weekend, I noticed that my blog got mentioned in the content to be different blog earlier...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 05/29/2007

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, together at last

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are going to do a joint interview at the Wall Street Journal's D5 - All...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 05/24/2007

your library is delicious

One of my favourite Mac apps is Delicious Library. It's got a great UI, and it fills a big need for...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 05/22/2007

the one thing I don't like about my Macbook

I love my MacBook. I really do. His name is Bernard. Bernard is the right size for my personal...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 05/21/2007

file format converter is now available

It's been an exceptionally busy few months here in MacBU. We're busily working on Office:Mac 2008,...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 05/15/2007

will the real Fake Steve Jobs please keep hiding?

My current favourite blog is The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs. The identity of FSJ is unknown. This...

Author: Nadyne Richmond Date: 05/14/2007

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