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Fabulous Adventures In Coding

Eric Lippert's Erstwhile Blog

Heads up: Fabulous Adventures will be moving

A number of people have pointed out to me over the last few months that this blog server is a little...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 12/05/2003

The JScript Type System Part Eight: The Last Blog Entry About Arrays, I Promise

Recall that I defined a type as consisting of two things: a set of values, and a rule for...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 12/05/2003

A Grammatical Aside

I just wrote in a comment to my previous entry, "The ability to rate one's knowledge of a subject...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 12/02/2003

Six out of ten ain't bad

Occasionally I interview C++ developers. I'm always interested in how people rate themselves, so...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 12/02/2003

Speeding Can Slow You Down

I hope all you readers living in the United States had a restful and enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday....

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 12/01/2003

The JScript Type System Part Seven: Yeah, you've probably guessed that I wrote the array stuff

A reader asked me to clarify a point made in an earlier entry: Note that JScript .NET arrays do not...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 11/21/2003

The JScript Type System, Part Six: Even more on arrays in JScript .NET

You might have noticed something odd about that last example using SetValue. If you actually look up...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 11/14/2003

The JScript Type System, Part Five: More On Arrays In JScript .NET

As I was saying the other day, CLR arrays and JScript arrays are totally different beasts. It is...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 11/12/2003

The JScript Type System, Part Four: JScript .NET Arrays

As I mentioned in an earlier entry, one of the major differences between JScript .NET and JScript...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 11/10/2003

The JScript Type System, Part Two: Prototypes and constructors

A number of readers made some good comments on my article on JScript typing that deserve to be...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 11/06/2003

The JScript Type System, Part One

I thought I might spend a few days talking about the JScript and JScript .NET type systems, starting...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 11/05/2003

Eval is Evil, Part Two

As I promised, more information on why eval is evil. (We once considered having T-shirts printed up...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 11/04/2003

A Parable

Once upon a time I was in high school. Ah, the halcyon days of my youth. One day I was sitting in...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 11/03/2003

Eval is Evil, Part One

The eval method -- which takes a string containing JScript code, compiles it and runs it -- is...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 11/01/2003

Functions are not frames

I just realized that on my list of features missing from JScript.NET "fast mode" I forgot about the...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/31/2003

Global State On Servers Considered Harmful

The other day I noted that extending the built-in objects in JScript .NET is no longer legal in...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/29/2003

How many Microsoft employees does it take to change a lightbulb?

UPDATE: This article was featured in The Best Software Writing I. Thanks Joel! Joe Bork has written...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/28/2003

JScript Goes All To Pieces

My entry the other day about fast mode in JScript .NET sparked a number of questions which deserve...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/27/2003

The Most Boring Story Ever

The other day a reader suggested: Make a blogentry about how you started at MS and so on! You asked,...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/27/2003

Compatibility vs. Performance

Earlier I mentioned that two of the design goals for JScript .NET were high performance and...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/24/2003

Michael's Security Blog is online

Michael Howard has started blogging. If you're interested in writing secure code (and these days,...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/23/2003

Attention passengers: Flight 0703 is also known as Flight 451

I hate octal. Octal causes bugs. I hate bugs, particularly stupid "gotcha" bugs. Foolish C...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/23/2003

Making Sense of HRESULTS

Every now and then -- like, say, this morning -- someone sends me this mail: I'm getting an error in...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/22/2003

Constant Folding and Partial Evaluation

A reader asks "is there any reason why VBScript doesn't change str = str & "1234567890" &...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/21/2003

I'm not stringing you along, honest

JScript and VBScript are often used to build large strings full of formatted text, particularly in...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/20/2003

The Malware of Ultimate Destruction

The other day Peter was talking about the ActiveX Control of Ultimate Destruction -- a hostile...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/18/2003

How Bad Is Good Enough?

I keep talking about script performance without ever actually giving my rant about why most of the...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/17/2003

Long jumps considered way more harmful than exceptions

Bob Congdon's blog ( points out that in the dark days before...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/16/2003

Dead Trees vs. Bits

Speaking of books, people keep telling me and Peter and Raymond that we should write books based on...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/16/2003

Designing JScript .NET

A while back a reader asked for a rundown on some of the design decisions we made when designing...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/14/2003

Digging A Security Hole All The Way To China

I mentioned earlier that I wrote one of the last books published by the now-bankrupt Wrox Press. A...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/13/2003

Wrox is dead, long live Wrox

A number of people have expressed surprise to me that Wrox is out of business. Here's the scoop....

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/13/2003

It Never Leaks But It Pours

One of the easiest bugs to write is the dreaded memory leak. You allocate some chunk of memory and...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/13/2003

What Everyone Should Know About Character Encoding

Thank goodness Joel wrote this article -- that means that I can cross it off of my list of potential...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/10/2003

How Do I Script A Non-Default Dispatch?

As I've discussed previously, the script engines always talk to objects on the late-bound IDispatch...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/10/2003

Why Is There No #Include?

A common and entirely sensible programming practice is to put commonly used utility functions in one...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/09/2003


Following up on this morning's entry, a reader asked me why Windows Script Components don't have...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/08/2003

Why Can't I Create The WScript Object?

Every now and then someone will ask me why the WSH shell object and the WSH network object are...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/08/2003

Spot the Defect!

At Microsoft we have an internal email list called "Spot the Defect" -- people mail around buggy...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/07/2003

I can't make my script do nothing!

Yes, the title is grammatical. A few days ago I was discussing the semantics of data that isn't...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/07/2003

Eric's Blog for January 279th, 2003

I'm having my kitchen redone. Yes, I remember that in my very first blog entry I said that I would...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/06/2003

Let's Get Explicit!

A reader asked me yesterday if there was a way to detect "at compile time" (ie, before the code...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/02/2003

For-in Revisited

A while back I was discussing the differences between VBScript's For-Each and JScript's for-in...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/01/2003

A Little More on Nothing

VBScript has Null, Empty and Nothing. What about JScript? Unfortunately, JScript is a little screwed...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 10/01/2003

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