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Fabulous Adventures In Coding

Eric Lippert's Erstwhile Blog

Revenge of The Cycle Detector

Mike Schinkel takes even longer to get to the point than I do, and that's saying something! Mike...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 03/22/2004

School days, part two

Well that got quite a few lengthy and high quality comments in a short time. To briefly follow up on...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 03/19/2004

School Days, School Days

Just a couple random notes today, following up on a few threads and reminiscing about school days....

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 03/18/2004

Attack of the Undead Cycle Detector

My old friend Rob made some comments on yesterday's post which deserve to be called out: Consider a...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 03/17/2004

I'm Putting On My Top Hat, Tying Up My White Tie, Brushing Out My Tails -- In That Order

I thought I might blog briefly on an interesting algorithm which can be implemented very elegantly...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 03/16/2004

Things in my eyes!

Another quick non-technical post today. I was reading KC Lemson's blog and she mentioned that she's...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 03/15/2004

Denne funksjonen er fullstendig ubrukelig!

I don't know about you guys, but here at Microsoft we hear a lot about “diversity in the...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 03/12/2004

Aargh, Part One: A Pirate Walks Into A Bar…

One of my former housemates was fond of pirate jokes, as am I. My personal favourite of his was: A...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 03/10/2004

OOP = Obviously Oxmoronic Posting

In double-checking today's entry, I see that I wrote:Saying that script is bad because spotty...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 03/08/2004

Cargo Cultism, Part Four: Other Disciplines

Just a couple quick follow-ups. Mike Spille has some good comments tying the relationship between...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 03/04/2004

Metaprogramming, Toast and the Future of Development Tools

Toast! Many, many years ago -- long before they were professors -- Thingo and Orbifold and I were...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 03/04/2004

Cargo Cultists, Part Two

Thanks all for your kind words and cogent thoughts on yesterday's post. I'd like to sum up some of...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 03/02/2004

Mooooore's Laaaaaaw!

I was just thinking about writing a blog entry about "which is more secure, script or something...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 02/27/2004

WSF Files, Pedagogic Code, and Lippert's Paradox

The Scripting Guys had a blog entry the other day about WSF files. I thought I'd do a quick...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 02/25/2004

Table Driven Programming

Table driven programming is a technique that can make some programs more readable and maintainable,...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 02/24/2004


Greg "Scripting Guy" Stemp and I have collaborated on a blog entry today. If you're interested in...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 02/23/2004

VBScript and JScript Don't Mix, at least in ASP

A reader wrote me recently to describe a problem that I used to hear fairly often: I write ASP code...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 02/19/2004

How Does Script Debugging Work Internally?

Every now and then someone will ask me how the behind-the-scenes magic works that allows you to...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 02/15/2004

Quotable Quotations

When I was a teenager, I and a bunch of my more deviant friends would get together every Thursday...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 02/12/2004

True Confessions of a Language Developer

There's a funny thing about tools that I first noticed many years ago: people using tools often know...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 02/11/2004

Unicode output and the Windows Script Host

I'm working on a prolix essay on the future of declarative programming languages, but I've been...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 02/11/2004

JScript, IE Behaviours and instanceof Redux

Today, a quick follow-up on my earlier post about the instanceof operator in JScript. A customer...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 02/04/2004

Laugh While You Can, Monkey Boy!

Joel has been talking about resumes and the hiring process lately, a subject which fascinates me....

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 01/27/2004

Eval is Evil, Part Three

Recall that in Part One we discussed eval on the client, and in Part Two we discussed eval on the...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 01/26/2004

Script And IE Security Part Eight: IDispatchEx

Finally, we get to the last unexplained bit on the IObjectSafety interface. What's the "use dispex"...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 01/23/2004

Why Are So Many Of The Framework Classes Sealed?

I talked earlier this month about some issues in subclassing, and recommended sealing your classes....

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 01/22/2004

Script And IE Security Part Seven: Other Stuff

The only JScript functions which change their semantics when the security system is on are the...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 01/22/2004

The Triumphant Return of Clinick's Clinic

Hey, this is my 100th post on Fabulous Adventures in Coding since I started in September. Good thing...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 01/21/2004

Script In IE Security Part Six: Creating Objects With State

Ideally the call to QueryCustomPolicy would take an argument representing the moniker for the...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 01/21/2004

Script In IE Security Part Five: Creating Objects With The IE Security Manager

I spent the weekend falling down Whistler and Blackcomb mountains with slippery boards attached to...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 01/20/2004

Script And IE Security Part Four: Creating Objects Without The IE Security Manager

Suppose for a moment that a non-IE script host has asked the script engine to be safe for untrusted...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 01/15/2004

Script And IE Security Part Three: Some Object Creation Techniques Are Explicitly Forbidden

A couple readers have commented that yes, my conjecture that people will continue to use the...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 01/14/2004

Can you fix my computer?

Joe Bork comments on things people ask when they find out you work for Microsoft. Me, I get the same...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 01/13/2004

Script And IE Security Part Two: Digging Deeper

I want to continue my foray into the security semantics of the script engines this week, for a...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 01/13/2004

Welcome to

I'm pleased to announce that the good people at MSDN and the good people at have worked...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 01/09/2004

Code Security Part One: Code Security and IE

I want to start this year by rambling on a bit about security and script, how various code-based and...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 01/09/2004

VBScript is to VB as Cheese is to...?

A Joel On Software reader made the mistake of stating in my presence: "VB is to VBScript as Java is...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 01/08/2004

Virtual Methods and Brittle Base Classes

Hey, I'm back! And in my new location. That was the longest and least relaxing vacation I've ever...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 01/07/2004

Multi-cast delegates the evil way

A lot of people have asked me over the years how various kinds of event binding work. Basically,...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 12/12/2003

Once More Into The Breach

This is the new home of Eric Lippert's Fabulous Adventures In Coding. Eventually the content from...

Author: Eric Lippert Date: 12/11/2003

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