What do you want in a Webcast?
For that matter.....Do you even like Microsoft Webcasts?
My team is on a conference call right now and we are discussing webcast attendance and how to get more people to attend. All of us are raising some interesting questions but we are on the inside and may not have an appropriate perspective. I want to know what you think about our webcasts and what you want from them. More Demos? Less Demos? Different topics? How deep should we go? Are they discoverable? Are they too long or too short? Guest speakers? I am just throwing things out there.
You tell me -What do you want in a webcast?
January 11, 2008
PingBack from http://geeklectures.info/2008/01/11/what-do-you-want-in-a-webcast/Anonymous
January 11, 2008
In order of priority: > Energetic presenter - to name a few (in no order) Kai Axford, yourself, Michal Murphy, Keith Combs. > A combination of overview, outline, and then demos which show real-world examples of implementation and usage. > Q&A interspersed to keep people awake > 90 mins is a good timeframe > (obviously) - clear audio, video, well-prepared demos. The value of these webcasts is often overlooked - keep up the good work and more people will figure out just how usefel these are!Anonymous
January 11, 2008
The comment has been removedAnonymous
January 11, 2008
The previous comments are right on the money. I'll repeat/restate and add some new thoughts.
- Make them easy to find. I'm usually trying to aggregate webcasts for my use and publish to my team.
- Make them available as an RSS/Podcast feed. I use Feeddemon and Feedstation and it works like a charm for lots of audio feeds (NPR, etc).
- Extending the format comment above - how about a Zune feed (wmv would work)? Lots of us are trying to leverage free time. Waiting in airports and when I'm on my bicycle trainer (ok, maybe not the best time, but you get the point).
- I'm less interested in Q&A and you might consider breaking the videos into shorter topics. I think this makes it easier on the presenter and it is easier to schedule three 30 minute webcasts than one 90 minute one... Hope this helps! -Paul
January 14, 2008
This is all great feedback! I am currently working to identify all of the stakeholders that can benefit from this feedback. I summarize the eedback and provide it to each as well as direct links to this entry so they can see the unedited comments. Thanks!Anonymous
January 15, 2008
Hi Robert - Your feedback has not fallen of deaf ears. I've taken the reins from Dean and George and looking at many of the webcast issues you have expressed in the past. The most immediate project I'm working on is removing registration for the on-demand webcasts. This would make it much easier to view the recorded webcasts without going through all those pages. There are a number of other projects on our plate for the next few months: Adding RSS to product series landing pages, online media portal to aid discoverability for video, audio and hands-on Virtual Labs and aggregating content so it tells a more cohesive story: www.vistatestdrive.com. Paul - you can listen to the audio from many of our TechNet Webcasts on your MP3 player at www.microsoft.com/podcasts. We're also looking at creating more audio-only Podcasts which would not have demos. We're also looking at saving it into other formats such as MP4 for video podcasting. I'll provide updates to our progress on my blog at http://blogs.msdn.com/msdnwebcasts/ Scott LumAnonymous
January 15, 2008
First....a big thank you to everyone who posted comments ...including the most recent comment by ScottAnonymous
January 19, 2008
- Make it easier to locate desired topics.
- Energetic and knowledgeable presenters.
- A more portable download format, for example wmv playable on a Zune would be great! Thanks! Keep up the great work!