az ml component
This reference is part of the ml extension for the Azure CLI (version 2.15.0 or higher). The extension will automatically install the first time you run an az ml component command. Learn more about extensions.
Manage Azure ML components.
Azure ML component defines the configuration of component for pipeline jobs. You can configure the input/output ports, execution environment and command of component. After the component are created, you can reference the components in the pipeline job to execute them in docker containers.
Name | Description | Type | Status |
az ml component archive |
Archive a component. |
Extension | GA |
az ml component create |
Create a component. |
Extension | GA |
az ml component list |
List components in a workspace. |
Extension | GA |
az ml component prepare-for-sign |
Prepare a component for signing. |
Extension | GA |
az ml component restore |
Restore an archived component. |
Extension | GA |
az ml component show |
Show details for a component. |
Extension | GA |
az ml component update |
Update a component. Currently only a few fields(description, display_name) support update. |
Extension | GA |
az ml component archive
Archive a component.
Archiving a component will hide it by default from list queries (az ml component list
). You can still continue to reference and use an archived component in your pipelines. You can archive either a component container or a specific component version. Archiving a component container will archive all versions of the component under that given name. You can restore an archived component using az ml component restore
. If the entire component container is archived, you cannot restore individual versions of the component - you will need to restore the component container.
az ml component archive --name
Archive a component container (archives all versions of that component)
az ml component archive --name my-component --resource-group my-resource-group --workspace-name my-workspace
Archive a specific component version
az ml component archive --name my-component --version 1 --resource-group my-resource-group --workspace-name my-workspace
Required Parameters
Name of the component.
Optional Parameters
Label of the component.
If provided, the command will target the registry instead of a workspace. Hence resource group and workspace won't be required.
Name of resource group. You can configure the default group using az configure --defaults group=<name>
Version of the component.
Name of the Azure ML workspace. You can configure the default workspace using az configure --defaults workspace=<name>
Global Parameters
Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.
Show this help message and exit.
Only show errors, suppressing warnings.
Output format.
JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID
Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.
az ml component create
Create a component.
az ml component create --file
Create a component from a YAML specification file
az ml component create --file my_component.yml --resource-group my-resource-group --workspace-name my-workspace
Create a component from a YAML specification file with specified version
az ml component create --file my_component.yml --version 1 --resource-group my-resource-group --workspace-name my-workspace
Create a component in registry from a YAML specification file
az ml component create --file my_component.yml --registry-name my-registry-name --resource-group my-resource-group
Create a component in registry from a YAML specification file with specified version
az ml component create --file my_component.yml --version 1 --registry-name my-registry-name --resource-group my-resource-group
Required Parameters
Local path to the YAML file containing the Azure ML component specification. The YAML reference docs for component can be found at:
Optional Parameters
Name of the component.
If provided, the command will target the registry instead of a workspace. Hence resource group and workspace won't be required.
Name of resource group. You can configure the default group using az configure --defaults group=<name>
Update an object by specifying a property path and value to set. Example: --set property1.property2=value.
Skip validation in creating the resource. Note that dependent resources will not skip their validation in creating.
Version of the component.
Name of the Azure ML workspace. You can configure the default workspace using az configure --defaults workspace=<name>
Global Parameters
Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.
Show this help message and exit.
Only show errors, suppressing warnings.
Output format.
JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID
Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.
az ml component list
List components in a workspace.
az ml component list [--archived-only]
List all the components in a workspace
az ml component list --resource-group my-resource-group --workspace-name my-workspace
List all the component versions for the specified name in a workspace
az ml component list --name my-component --resource-group my-resource-group --workspace-name my-workspace
List all the components in a workspace using --query argument to execute a JMESPath query on the results of commands.
az ml component list --query "[].{Name:name}" --output table --resource-group my-resource-group --workspace-name my-workspace
List all the components in a registry
az ml component list --registry-name my-registry-name --resource-group my-resource-group
List all the component versions for the specified name in a registry
az ml component list --name my-component --registry-name my-registry-name --resource-group my-resource-group
List all the components in a registry using --query argument to execute a JMESPath query on the results of commands.
az ml component list --query "[].{Name:name}" --output table --registry-name my-registry-name --resource-group my-resource-group
Optional Parameters
List archived components only.
List archived components and active components.
Max number of results to return.
Name of the component.
If provided, the command will target the registry instead of a workspace. Hence resource group and workspace won't be required.
Name of resource group. You can configure the default group using az configure --defaults group=<name>
Name of the Azure ML workspace. You can configure the default workspace using az configure --defaults workspace=<name>
Global Parameters
Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.
Show this help message and exit.
Only show errors, suppressing warnings.
Output format.
JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID
Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.
az ml component prepare-for-sign
Prepare a component for signing.
Preparing a component for sign generates 2 files: catalog.json and catalog.json.sig, these files contain the SHA256 generated for each file that is present in the target folder. If the files are already present, they will be deleted and new files will be created with updated signature.
az ml component prepare-for-sign --file
Prepare a component from a YAML specification file for signing
az ml component prepare-for-sign --file my_component.yml --resource-group my-resource-group --workspace-name my-workspace
Prepare a component in registry from a YAML specification file for signing
az ml component prepare-for-sign --file my_component.yml --registry-name my-registry-name --resource-group my-resource-group
Required Parameters
Local path to the YAML file containing the Azure ML component specification. The YAML reference docs for component can be found at:
Optional Parameters
If provided, the command will target the registry instead of a workspace. Hence resource group and workspace won't be required.
Name of resource group. You can configure the default group using az configure --defaults group=<name>
Name of the Azure ML workspace. You can configure the default workspace using az configure --defaults workspace=<name>
Global Parameters
Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.
Show this help message and exit.
Only show errors, suppressing warnings.
Output format.
JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID
Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.
az ml component restore
Restore an archived component.
When an archived component is restored, it will no longer be hidden from list queries (az ml component list
). If an entire component container is archived, you can restore that archived container. This will restore all versions of the component under that given name. You cannot restore only a specific component version if the entire component container is archived - you will need to restore the entire container. If only an individual component version was archived, you can restore that specific version.
az ml component restore --name
Restore an archived component container (restores all versions of that component)
az ml component restore --name my-component --resource-group my-resource-group --workspace-name my-workspace
Restore a specific archived component version
az ml component restore --name my-component --version 1 --resource-group my-resource-group --workspace-name my-workspace
Required Parameters
Name of the component.
Optional Parameters
Label of the component.
If provided, the command will target the registry instead of a workspace. Hence resource group and workspace won't be required.
Name of resource group. You can configure the default group using az configure --defaults group=<name>
Version of the component.
Name of the Azure ML workspace. You can configure the default workspace using az configure --defaults workspace=<name>
Global Parameters
Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.
Show this help message and exit.
Only show errors, suppressing warnings.
Output format.
JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID
Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.
az ml component show
Show details for a component.
az ml component show --name
Show detail for a component with the specified name and version
az ml component show --name my-component --version 1 --resource-group my-resource-group --workspace-name my-workspace
Show detail for a component in registry with the specified name and version
az ml component show --name my-component --version 1 --registry-name my-registry-name --resource-group my-resource-group
Required Parameters
Name of the component.
Optional Parameters
Label of the component.
If provided, the command will target the registry instead of a workspace. Hence resource group and workspace won't be required.
Name of resource group. You can configure the default group using az configure --defaults group=<name>
Version of the component.
Name of the Azure ML workspace. You can configure the default workspace using az configure --defaults workspace=<name>
Global Parameters
Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.
Show this help message and exit.
Only show errors, suppressing warnings.
Output format.
JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID
Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.
az ml component update
Update a component. Currently only a few fields(description, display_name) support update.
az ml component update --name
Update a component's description
az ml component update -n my_component -v 1 --set description="new description" -g my-resource-group -w my-workspace
Required Parameters
Name of the component.
Name of resource group. You can configure the default group using az configure --defaults group=<name>
Name of the Azure ML workspace. You can configure the default workspace using az configure --defaults workspace=<name>
Optional Parameters
Add an object to a list of objects by specifying a path and key value pairs. Example: --add property.listProperty <key=value, string or JSON string>
When using 'set' or 'add', preserve string literals instead of attempting to convert to JSON.
Label of the component.
If provided, the command will target the registry instead of a workspace. Hence resource group and workspace won't be required.
Remove a property or an element from a list. Example: --remove property.list <indexToRemove>
OR --remove propertyToRemove
Update an object by specifying a property path and value to set. Example: --set property1.property2=<value>
Version of the component.
Global Parameters
Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.
Show this help message and exit.
Only show errors, suppressing warnings.
Output format.
JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID
Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.
Azure CLI