az appconfig kv
Manage key-values stored in an App Configuration store.
Name | Description | Type | Status |
az appconfig kv delete |
Delete key-values. |
Core | GA |
az appconfig kv export |
Export configurations to another place from your App Configuration store. |
Core | GA |
az appconfig kv import |
Import configurations into your App Configuration store from another place. |
Core | GA |
az appconfig kv list |
List key-values. |
Core | GA |
az appconfig kv lock |
Lock a key-value to prohibit write operations. |
Core | GA |
az appconfig kv restore |
Restore key-values. |
Core | GA |
az appconfig kv set |
Set a key-value. |
Core | GA |
az appconfig kv set-keyvault |
Set a keyvault reference. |
Core | GA |
az appconfig kv show |
Show all attributes of a key-value. |
Core | GA |
az appconfig kv unlock |
Unlock a key-value to gain write operations. |
Core | GA |
az appconfig kv delete
Delete key-values.
az appconfig kv delete --key
[--auth-mode {key, login}]
Delete a key using App Configuration store name without confirmation.
az appconfig kv delete -n MyAppConfiguration --key color --label MyLabel --yes
Delete a key using connection string.
az appconfig kv delete --connection-string Endpoint=;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --key color --label MyLabel
Delete a key using your 'az login' credentials and App Configuration store endpoint.
az appconfig kv delete --endpoint --key color --auth-mode login --yes
Required Parameters
Support star sign as filters, for instance * means all key and abc* means keys with abc as prefix.
Optional Parameters
This parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. If the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. If the auth mode is "login", provide the --endpoint
or --name
and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. You can configure the default auth mode using az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>
. For more information, see
Combination of access key and endpoint of the App Configuration store. Can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. Users can preset it using az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>
or environment variable with the name AZURE_APPCONFIG_CONNECTION_STRING.
If auth mode is "login", provide endpoint URL of the App Configuration store. The endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. You can configure the default endpoint using az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>
If no label specified, delete entry with null label. Support star sign as filters, for instance * means all label and abc* means labels with abc as prefix.
Name of the App Configuration store. You can configure the default name using az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>
Do not prompt for confirmation.
Global Parameters
Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.
Show this help message and exit.
Only show errors, suppressing warnings.
Output format.
JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID
Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.
az appconfig kv export
Export configurations to another place from your App Configuration store.
az appconfig kv export --destination {appconfig, appservice, file}
[--auth-mode {key, login}]
[--dest-auth-mode {key, login}]
[--export-as-reference {false, true}]
[--format {json, properties, yaml}]
[--naming-convention {camel, hyphen, pascal, underscore}]
[--preserve-labels {false, true}]
[--profile {appconfig/default, appconfig/kvset}]
[--resolve-keyvault {false, true}]
[--skip-features {false, true}]
[--skip-keyvault {false, true}]
Export all keys and feature flags with label test to a json file. To use the Microsoft Feature Management schema when exporting feature flags to a file, set the environment variable AZURE_APPCONFIG_FM_COMPATIBLE to False.
az appconfig kv export -n MyAppConfiguration --label test -d file --path D:/abc.json --format json
Export all keys with null label to an App Service application.
az appconfig kv export -n MyAppConfiguration -d appservice --appservice-account MyAppService
Export all keys with label test excluding feature flags to a json file.
az appconfig kv export -n MyAppConfiguration --label test -d file --path D:/abc.json --format json --skip-features
Export all keys and feature flags with all labels to another App Configuration store.
az appconfig kv export -n MyAppConfiguration -d appconfig --dest-name AnotherAppConfiguration --key * --label * --preserve-labels
Export all keys and feature flags with all labels to another App Configuration store and overwrite destination labels.
az appconfig kv export -n MyAppConfiguration -d appconfig --dest-name AnotherAppConfiguration --key * --label * --dest-label ExportedKeys
Export all keys to another App Configuration store using your 'az login' credentials.
az appconfig kv export -d appconfig --endpoint --auth-mode login --dest-endpoint --dest-auth-mode login --key * --label * --preserve-labels
Export all keys and feature flags with label test using appconfig/kvset profile.
az appconfig kv export -n MyAppConfiguration --label test -d file --path D:/abc.json --format json --profile appconfig/kvset
Export all keys to another App Configuration store from a snapshot of the source configuration
az appconfig kv export -n MyAppConfiguration -d appconfig --dest-name AnotherAppConfiguration --snapshot MySnapshot
Required Parameters
The destination of exporting. Note that exporting feature flags to appservice is not supported.
Optional Parameters
ARM ID for AppService OR the name of the AppService, assuming it is in the same subscription and resource group as the App Configuration store. Required for AppService arguments.
This parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. If the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. If the auth mode is "login", provide the --endpoint
or --name
and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. You can configure the default auth mode using az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>
. For more information, see
Combination of access key and endpoint of the App Configuration store. Can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. Users can preset it using az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>
or environment variable with the name AZURE_APPCONFIG_CONNECTION_STRING.
Auth mode for connecting to the destination App Configuration store. For details, refer to "--auth-mode" argument.
Combination of access key and endpoint of the destination store.
If --dest-auth-mode is "login", provide endpoint URL of the destination App Configuration store.
Exported KVs will be labeled with this destination label. If neither --dest-label nor --preserve-labels is specified, will assign null label.
The name of the destination App Configuration store.
If auth mode is "login", provide endpoint URL of the App Configuration store. The endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. You can configure the default endpoint using az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>
Export key-values as App Configuration references. For more information, see
File format exporting to. Required for file arguments. Currently, feature flags are not supported in properties format.
If no key specified, return all keys by default. Support star sign as filters, for instance abc* means keys with abc as prefix. Key filtering not applicable for feature flags. By default, all feature flags with specified label will be exported.
Only keys and feature flags with this label will be exported. If no label specified, export keys and feature flags with null label by default. When export destination is appconfig, or when export destination is file with appconfig/kvset
profile, this argument supports asterisk and comma signs for label filtering, for instance, * means all labels, abc* means labels with abc as prefix, and abc,xyz means labels with abc or xyz.
Name of the App Configuration store. You can configure the default name using az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>
Naming convention to be used for "Feature Management" section of file. Example: pascal = FeatureManagement, camel = featureManagement, underscore = feature_management, hyphen = feature-management.
Local configuration file path. Required for file arguments.
Prefix to be trimmed from keys. Prefix will be ignored for feature flags.
Flag to preserve labels from source AppConfig. This argument should NOT be specified along with --dest-label.
Export profile to be used for exporting the key-values. Options 'depth', 'separator', 'naming-convention', 'prefix', 'dest-label' and, 'resolve-keyvault' are not supported when using 'appconfig/kvset' profile.
Resolve the content of key vault reference.
Delimiter for flattening the key-value pairs to json or yaml file. Required for exporting hierarchical structure. Separator will be ignored for property files and feature flags. Supported values: '.', ',', ';', '-', '_', '__', '/', ':'.
Export items excluding all feature flags. By default, all features with the specified label will be exported to file or appconfig. Not applicable for appservice.
Export items excluding all key vault references. By default, all key vault references with the specified label will be exported.
Export all keys in a given snapshot of the App Configuration store. If no snapshot is specified, the keys currently in the store are exported based on the specified key and label filters.
Do not prompt for preview.
Global Parameters
Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.
Show this help message and exit.
Only show errors, suppressing warnings.
Output format.
JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID
Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.
az appconfig kv import
Import configurations into your App Configuration store from another place.
az appconfig kv import --source {appconfig, appservice, file}
[--auth-mode {key, login}]
[--format {json, properties, yaml}]
[--import-mode {all, ignore-match}]
[--preserve-labels {false, true}]
[--profile {appconfig/default, appconfig/kvset}]
[--skip-features {false, true}]
[--src-auth-mode {key, login}]
[--strict {false, true}]
Import all keys and feature flags from a file and apply test label.
az appconfig kv import -n MyAppConfiguration --label test -s file --path D:/abc.json --format json
Import all keys and feature flags with null label and apply new label from an App Configuration store.
az appconfig kv import -n MyAppConfiguration -s appconfig --src-name AnotherAppConfiguration --label ImportedKeys
Import all keys from a snapshot of an App Configuration store.
az appconfig kv import -n MyAppConfiguration -s appconfig --src-name AnotherAppConfiguration --src-snapshot MySnapshot
Import all keys and apply null label from an App Service application.
az appconfig kv import -n MyAppConfiguration -s appservice --appservice-account MyAppService
Import all keys with label test and apply test2 label excluding feature flags from an App Configuration store.
az appconfig kv import -n MyAppConfiguration -s appconfig --src-label test --label test2 --src-name AnotherAppConfiguration --skip-features
Import all keys and feature flags with all labels to another App Configuration store.
az appconfig kv import -n MyAppConfiguration -s appconfig --src-name AnotherAppConfiguration --src-key * --src-label * --preserve-labels
Import all keys and feature flags from a JSON file and apply JSON content type.
az appconfig kv import -n MyAppConfiguration -s file --path D:/abc.json --format json --separator . --content-type application/json
Import all keys to another App Configuration store using your 'az login' credentials.
az appconfig kv import -s appconfig --endpoint --auth-mode login --src-endpoint --src-auth-mode login --src-key * --src-label * --preserve-labels
Import all keys and feature flags from a file using the appconfig/kvset format.
az appconfig kv import -n MyAppConfiguration -s file --path D:/abc.json --format json --profile appconfig/kvset
Required Parameters
The source of importing. Note that importing feature flags from appservice is not supported.
Optional Parameters
ARM ID for AppService OR the name of the AppService, assuming it is in the same subscription and resource group as the App Configuration store. Required for AppService arguments.
This parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. If the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. If the auth mode is "login", provide the --endpoint
or --name
and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. You can configure the default auth mode using az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>
. For more information, see
Combination of access key and endpoint of the App Configuration store. Can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. Users can preset it using az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>
or environment variable with the name AZURE_APPCONFIG_CONNECTION_STRING.
Content type of all imported items.
Depth for flattening the json or yaml file to key-value pairs. Flatten to the deepest level by default if --separator is provided. Not applicable for property files or feature flags.
If auth mode is "login", provide endpoint URL of the App Configuration store. The endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. You can configure the default endpoint using az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>
Imported file format. Required for file arguments. Currently, feature flags are not supported in properties format.
If import mode is "ignore-match", only source key-values that do not already exist or whose value, content-type or tags are different from that of an existing key-value with the same key and label, will be written. Import mode "all" writes all key-values to the destination regardless of whether they exist or not.
Imported KVs and feature flags will be assigned with this label. If no label specified, will assign null label.
Name of the App Configuration store. You can configure the default name using az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>
Local configuration file path. Required for file arguments.
This prefix will be appended to the front of imported keys. Prefix will be ignored for feature flags.
Flag to preserve labels from source AppConfig. This argument should NOT be specified along with --label.
Import profile to be used for importing the key-values. Options 'depth', 'separator', 'content-type', 'label', 'skip-features' and, 'prefix' are not supported when using 'appconfig/kvset' profile.
Delimiter for flattening the json or yaml file to key-value pairs. Separator will be ignored for property files and feature flags. Supported values: '.', ',', ';', '-', '_', '__', '/', ':'.
Import only key values and exclude all feature flags. By default, all feature flags will be imported from file or appconfig. Not applicable for appservice.
Auth mode for connecting to source App Configuration store. For details, refer to "--auth-mode" argument.
Combination of access key and endpoint of the source store.
If --src-auth-mode is "login", provide endpoint URL of the source App Configuration store.
If no key specified, import all keys by default. Support star sign as filters, for instance abc* means keys with abc as prefix. Key filtering not applicable for feature flags. By default, all feature flags with specified label will be imported.
Only keys with this label in source AppConfig will be imported. If no value specified, import keys with null label by default. Support star sign as filters, for instance * means all labels, abc* means labels with abc as prefix.
The name of the source App Configuration store.
Import all keys in a given snapshot of the source App Configuration store. If no snapshot is specified, the keys currently in the store are imported based on the specified key and label filters.
Delete all other key-values in the store with specified prefix and label.
Do not prompt for preview.
Global Parameters
Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.
Show this help message and exit.
Only show errors, suppressing warnings.
Output format.
JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID
Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.
az appconfig kv list
List key-values.
az appconfig kv list [--all]
[--auth-mode {key, login}]
[--fields {content_type, etag, key, label, last_modified, locked, tags, value}]
[--resolve-keyvault {false, true}]
List all key-values with null label.
az appconfig kv list -n MyAppConfiguration --label \0
List a specific key for any label start with v1. using connection string.
az appconfig kv list --key color --connection-string Endpoint=;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --label v1.*
List all keys with any labels and query only key, value and tags.
az appconfig kv list --connection-string Endpoint=;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --fields key value tags --datetime "2019-05-01T11:24:12Z"
List content of key vault reference with key prefix 'KVRef_' and only select key and value.
az appconfig kv list -n MyAppConfiguration --key "KVRef_*" --resolve-keyvault --query "[*].{key:key, value:value}"
List key-values with multiple labels.
az appconfig kv list --label test,prod,\0 -n MyAppConfiguration
List all key-values with all labels using your 'az login' credentials.
az appconfig kv list --endpoint --auth-mode login
List all key-values in a given snapshot of the app configuration store.
az appconfig kv list --connection-string Endpoint=;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --snapshot MySnapshot
Optional Parameters
List all items.
This parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. If the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. If the auth mode is "login", provide the --endpoint
or --name
and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. You can configure the default auth mode using az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>
. For more information, see
Combination of access key and endpoint of the App Configuration store. Can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. Users can preset it using az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>
or environment variable with the name AZURE_APPCONFIG_CONNECTION_STRING.
Format: "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss["Z"/±hh:mm]. If no time zone or offset specified, use UTC by default.
If auth mode is "login", provide endpoint URL of the App Configuration store. The endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. You can configure the default endpoint using az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>
Space-separated customized output fields.
If no key specified, return all keys by default. Support star sign as filters, for instance abc* means keys with abc as prefix.
If no label specified, list all labels. Support star sign as filters, for instance abc* means labels with abc as prefix. Use '\0' for null label.
Name of the App Configuration store. You can configure the default name using az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>
Resolve the content of key vault reference. This argument should NOT be specified along with --fields. Instead use --query for customized query.
List all keys in a given snapshot of the App Configuration store. If no snapshot is specified, the keys currently in the store are listed.
Maximum number of items to return. Must be a positive integer. Default to 100.
Global Parameters
Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.
Show this help message and exit.
Only show errors, suppressing warnings.
Output format.
JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID
Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.
az appconfig kv lock
Lock a key-value to prohibit write operations.
az appconfig kv lock --key
[--auth-mode {key, login}]
Lock a key-value using App Configuration store name.
az appconfig kv lock -n MyAppConfiguration --key color --label test
Force locking a key-value using connection string.
az appconfig kv lock --connection-string Endpoint=;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --key color --label test --yes
Required Parameters
Key to be locked.
Optional Parameters
This parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. If the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. If the auth mode is "login", provide the --endpoint
or --name
and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. You can configure the default auth mode using az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>
. For more information, see
Combination of access key and endpoint of the App Configuration store. Can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. Users can preset it using az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>
or environment variable with the name AZURE_APPCONFIG_CONNECTION_STRING.
If auth mode is "login", provide endpoint URL of the App Configuration store. The endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. You can configure the default endpoint using az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>
If no label specified, lock entry with null label. Filtering is not supported.
Name of the App Configuration store. You can configure the default name using az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>
Do not prompt for confirmation.
Global Parameters
Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.
Show this help message and exit.
Only show errors, suppressing warnings.
Output format.
JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID
Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.
az appconfig kv restore
Restore key-values.
az appconfig kv restore --datetime
[--auth-mode {key, login}]
Restore all key-values to a specific point in time.
az appconfig kv restore -n MyAppConfiguration --datetime "2019-05-01T11:24:12Z"
Restore a specific key for any label start with v1. using connection string to a specific point in time.
az appconfig kv restore --key color --connection-string Endpoint=;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --label v1.* --datetime "2019-05-01T11:24:12Z"
Required Parameters
Format: "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss["Z"/±hh:mm]. If no time zone or offset specified, use UTC by default.
Optional Parameters
This parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. If the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. If the auth mode is "login", provide the --endpoint
or --name
and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. You can configure the default auth mode using az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>
. For more information, see
Combination of access key and endpoint of the App Configuration store. Can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. Users can preset it using az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>
or environment variable with the name AZURE_APPCONFIG_CONNECTION_STRING.
If auth mode is "login", provide endpoint URL of the App Configuration store. The endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. You can configure the default endpoint using az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>
If no key specified, restore all keys by default. Support star sign as filters, for instance abc* means keys with abc as prefix.
If no label specified, restore all key-value pairs with all labels. Support star sign as filters, for instance abc* means labels with abc as prefix. Use '\0' for null label.
Name of the App Configuration store. You can configure the default name using az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>
Do not prompt for confirmation.
Global Parameters
Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.
Show this help message and exit.
Only show errors, suppressing warnings.
Output format.
JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID
Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.
az appconfig kv set
Set a key-value.
az appconfig kv set --key
[--auth-mode {key, login}]
Set a key-value with label MyLabel.
az appconfig kv set -n MyAppConfiguration --key color --label MyLabel --value red
Set a key with null label using connection string.
az appconfig kv set --connection-string Endpoint=;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --key color --value red --tags key1=value1 key2=value2
Set a key with string value and JSON content type.
az appconfig kv set -n MyAppConfiguration --key color --value \"red\" --content-type application/json
Set a key with list value and JSON content type.
az appconfig kv set -n MyAppConfiguration --key options --value [1,2,3] --content-type application/activity+json;charset=utf-8
Set a key with null value and JSON content type.
az appconfig kv set -n MyAppConfiguration --key foo --value null --content-type application/json
Set a key-value using your 'az login' credentials.
az appconfig kv set --endpoint --key color --value red --auth-mode login
Required Parameters
Key to be set. Key cannot be a '.' or '..', or contain the '%' character.
Optional Parameters
This parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. If the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. If the auth mode is "login", provide the --endpoint
or --name
and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. You can configure the default auth mode using az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>
. For more information, see
Combination of access key and endpoint of the App Configuration store. Can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. Users can preset it using az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>
or environment variable with the name AZURE_APPCONFIG_CONNECTION_STRING.
Content type of the key-value to be set.
If auth mode is "login", provide endpoint URL of the App Configuration store. The endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. You can configure the default endpoint using az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>
If no label specified, set the key with null label by default.
Name of the App Configuration store. You can configure the default name using az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>
Space-separated tags: key[=value] [key[=value] ...]. Use "" to clear existing tags.
Value of the key-value to be set.
Do not prompt for confirmation.
Global Parameters
Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.
Show this help message and exit.
Only show errors, suppressing warnings.
Output format.
JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID
Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.
az appconfig kv set-keyvault
Set a keyvault reference.
az appconfig kv set-keyvault --key
[--auth-mode {key, login}]
Set a keyvault reference with label MyLabel.
az appconfig kv set-keyvault -n MyAppConfiguration --key HostSecret --label MyLabel --secret-identifier
Set a keyvault reference with null label and multiple tags using connection string.
az appconfig kv set-keyvault --connection-string Endpoint=;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --key HostSecret --secret-identifier --tags tag1=value1 tag2=value2
Required Parameters
Key to be set. Key cannot be a '.' or '..', or contain the '%' character.
ID of the Key Vault object. Can be found using 'az keyvault {collection} show' command, where collection is key, secret or certificate. To set reference to the latest version of your secret, remove version information from secret identifier.
Optional Parameters
This parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. If the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. If the auth mode is "login", provide the --endpoint
or --name
and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. You can configure the default auth mode using az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>
. For more information, see
Combination of access key and endpoint of the App Configuration store. Can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. Users can preset it using az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>
or environment variable with the name AZURE_APPCONFIG_CONNECTION_STRING.
If auth mode is "login", provide endpoint URL of the App Configuration store. The endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. You can configure the default endpoint using az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>
If no label specified, set the key with null label by default.
Name of the App Configuration store. You can configure the default name using az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>
Space-separated tags: key[=value] [key[=value] ...]. Use "" to clear existing tags.
Do not prompt for confirmation.
Global Parameters
Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.
Show this help message and exit.
Only show errors, suppressing warnings.
Output format.
JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID
Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.
az appconfig kv show
Show all attributes of a key-value.
az appconfig kv show --key
[--auth-mode {key, login}]
Show a key-value using App Configuration store name with a specific label and datetime
az appconfig kv show -n MyAppConfiguration --key color --label MyLabel --datetime "2019-05-01T11:24:12Z"
Show a key-value using connection string with label
az appconfig kv show --connection-string Endpoint=;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --key color --label MyLabel
Show a key-value using your 'az login' credentials.
az appconfig kv show --key color --auth-mode login --endpoint
Required Parameters
Key to be showed.
Optional Parameters
This parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. If the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. If the auth mode is "login", provide the --endpoint
or --name
and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. You can configure the default auth mode using az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>
. For more information, see
Combination of access key and endpoint of the App Configuration store. Can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. Users can preset it using az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>
or environment variable with the name AZURE_APPCONFIG_CONNECTION_STRING.
Format: "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss["Z"/±hh:mm]. If no time zone or offset specified, use UTC by default.
If auth mode is "login", provide endpoint URL of the App Configuration store. The endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. You can configure the default endpoint using az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>
If no label specified, show entry with null label. Filtering is not supported.
Name of the App Configuration store. You can configure the default name using az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>
Global Parameters
Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.
Show this help message and exit.
Only show errors, suppressing warnings.
Output format.
JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID
Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.
az appconfig kv unlock
Unlock a key-value to gain write operations.
az appconfig kv unlock --key
[--auth-mode {key, login}]
Unlock a key-value using App Configuration store name.
az appconfig kv unlock -n MyAppConfiguration --key color --label test
Force unlocking a key-value using connection string.
az appconfig kv unlock --connection-string Endpoint=;Id=xxx;Secret=xxx --key color --label test --yes
Required Parameters
Key to be unlocked.
Optional Parameters
This parameter can be used for indicating how a data operation is to be authorized. If the auth mode is "key", provide connection string or store name and your account access keys will be retrieved for authorization. If the auth mode is "login", provide the --endpoint
or --name
and your "az login" credentials will be used for authorization. You can configure the default auth mode using az configure --defaults appconfig_auth_mode=<auth_mode>
. For more information, see
Combination of access key and endpoint of the App Configuration store. Can be found using 'az appconfig credential list'. Users can preset it using az configure --defaults appconfig_connection_string=<connection_string>
or environment variable with the name AZURE_APPCONFIG_CONNECTION_STRING.
If auth mode is "login", provide endpoint URL of the App Configuration store. The endpoint can be retrieved using "az appconfig show" command. You can configure the default endpoint using az configure --defaults appconfig_endpoint=<endpoint>
If no label specified, unlock entry with null label. Filtering is not supported.
Name of the App Configuration store. You can configure the default name using az configure --defaults app_configuration_store=<name>
Do not prompt for confirmation.
Global Parameters
Increase logging verbosity to show all debug logs.
Show this help message and exit.
Only show errors, suppressing warnings.
Output format.
JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.
Name or ID of subscription. You can configure the default subscription using az account set -s NAME_OR_ID
Increase logging verbosity. Use --debug for full debug logs.
Azure CLI