Alex Barnett's blog
The blog of Alex Barnett
Google Rudderless?
Google Rudderless? (No, not that Rudder.)
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/27/2005
Kevin O'Keefe will be pleased...
Kevin O'Keefe will be pleased...Mark Lloyd is a UK lawyer specialising in digital media, is joining...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/27/2005
'The semantic Web is a dead duck, let me assure you'
"The semantic Web is a dead duck, let me assure you." Here's a tip: anyone that seems to be so sure...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/27/2005
Martin Heidegger is a complete lunatic
The Mebourne Philosopher lets loose on Martin Heidegger. "Martin Heidegger is a complete lunatic....
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/26/2005
'Launching a product isn’t just features, it’s time to market'
Ex-Microsoftee Tim Jarrett on Microsoft's online mapping play, MSN Virtual Earth. "Launching a...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/26/2005
French say 'non' to 'blog', want 'bloc' instead. "France's Commission generale de terminologie et de neologie wants to replace the use of...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/25/2005
Eric Rudder gets flattering write-up at nytimes
Eric Rudder, VP of Microsoft Server and Tools group has a flattering write-up at,...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/25/2005
Nano-screens are coming
Technology Review: "Motorola revealed its first working nano-emissive display (NED) prototype on...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/24/2005
Gates unveils MSN Virtual Earth - mapping and satellite service
Via Inside Microsoft: "Jason Calacanis reports that Microsoft chairman Bill Gates just unveiled...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/23/2005
Microsoft UK turns to ex-FBI agent for security
ZDNet reports that Microsoft UK has chosen a new security chief, a man with plenty of experience of...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/23/2005
Media will change more in the next five years than it has in the past 50 years
I've just ordered my copy of JD Lasica's 'Darknet: Hollywood's War Against the Digital Generation'....
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/23/2005
Microsoft's blogging history
Korby Parnell writes up a version of Microsoft's blogging history: "In the beginning, back in 2002...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/22/2005
Skype Call at 35,000 feet
Jeff Pulver: "Turns out that Skype works quite well on SAS Net, flying at 35,000 feet, over the...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/21/2005
Sound of thunder
I caught up with Dan Cohen in Seattle last night who's here on a trip from Microsoft UK. ...I...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/21/2005
In RSS we trust
Nick Bradbury: "...I'd like to start a conversation about the threat that spam and spyware pose to...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/20/2005
Completely Rethinking the Web
Dirk Knemeyer has written an intriguing article over at Digital Web Magazine, 'Completely Rethinking...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/19/2005
It is time...Execute Order Sixty-Six.
Saw 'Revenge of the Spliff' this the best of the new 3, imho. But nothing beats ESB.
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/19/2005
Microsoft Offers Improved Blogging Tools to Windows Hosters
Netcraft reports that Microsoft has released an updated suite of tools for hosting providers, which...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/19/2005
Flash 7 at 90%
Flash continues its ubiquitous presence. Flash v.7 installed base at 90%. Flash v.any 98%......
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/19/2005
AKQA + Microsoft design Xbox 360 UI
AKQA has finally been able to get round to announcing that they've been working closely with...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/18/2005
Game consoles are like buses...
Game consoles are like buses. None come around for ages, then three come all at once. 1. Xbox 360 -...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/18/2005
Xbox 360 'briefing video'
E3 'briefing video' is up online. Worth a watch if you are as excited about Xbox 360 as I am :-) Via...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/17/2005
Newsgator Acquires FeedDemon
This is big news in the RSS world. FeedDemon, the reader I've been using for a couple of years now...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/16/2005
Platform war between Apple and Microsoft. How retro.
EE posts a viewpoint from Brightcove on the digital media landscape: "In one corner, we have the...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/16/2005
Xbox 360 makes Time Magazine cover
Via Inside Microsoft: "Time Magazine has a major cover story on the Xbox 360, with a picture of Bill...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/16/2005
IE 7 to have tabs: official
From IE Blog: "The tabbed browsing experience in the upcoming IE7 beta is pretty basic. Expect...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/16/2005
This compelling little mystery can now be safely put to bed
Inside Google asks: "Matt Mullenweg (creator of WordPress, the software that powers this blog) says...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/15/2005
2 billionth PC to be sold by 2008. Today, we're at 1 billion.
Steve Ballmer gave a presentation at Stanford Business School (where he dropped out after a year to...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/14/2005
Useful Screencasting links
If you're looking for info on Screencasting, The Indian blogger has some useful resource links.
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/14/2005
Nameplanet - my nomination for worst customer support
I'm going to nominate Nameplanet, a webmail provider Kate (my wife) uses, for the worst customer...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/14/2005
MessageCast acquired by Microsoft
Steve Rubel picked up on this, but is official now. MessageCast has been acquired by Microsoft. "The...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/11/2005
Self-replicating robots a reality
According to the BBC, self-replicating robots are now a reality. "By turning and moving, the cubes...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/11/2005
Accenture launches RSS screensaver
"Researchers at Accenture Technology Labs have just launched a tool that combines your choice of RSS...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/11/2005
Chicken Sushi
Am in Tokyo for a few days...all new to me, including the chicken sushi I had last night. I'm alive...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/07/2005
Forbes video interview with Robert Scoble
Robert Scoble is video interviewed by Forbes (not for being the richest business blogger).
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/05/2005
Microsoft's Mr Linux - Channel 9 interview (video)
Channel 9 gets an interview with Microsoft's Mr Linux, Martin Taylor: "Charles Torre sits down with...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 05/03/2005
Man dies from online addiction
This is most bizarre and very sad. A 'new media' 54-year-old addict, unable to take a rest from his...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 04/30/2005
Skype Beta Released for Smartphones
BetaNews: Skype Beta Released for Smartphones: "Internet telephony company Skype has issued a beta...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 04/29/2005
RSS advertising arms race not worth the hassle
Nick Bradbury, developer of FeedDemon RSS reader shares his thoughts on the RSS advertising arms war...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 04/29/2005
RSS ads arms war begins, it goes like this...
Frankie Fresh points out that RSS Bandit developers are considering an ad blocking feature in the...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 04/28/2005
Attention! Yahoo! experiments with Attention.xml
'My Web', is Yahoo's new personal search engine integrated with Yahoo! Search...from their blog:...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 04/27/2005
Internet Boom v.2.0 Has Just Begun
The second Internet boom has just begun, according to Mary Meeker, Morgan Stantley's MD: "Meeker has...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 04/26/2005
Google Ads Are Coming to RSS
Google Ads Are Coming to RSS, via John Battelle. Good, bad?
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 04/26/2005
Marc Andreessen launches new start-up, Open Media Network
ZDNet: "Netscape pioneers Mike Homer and Marc Andreessen are back on the start-up scene, launching a...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 04/26/2005
Microsoft names Chris Liddell as new CFO
Associated Press: "Software maker Microsoft Corp. said Monday that it hired Chris Liddell as the...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 04/25/2005
Bill Gates - video from WinHEC
From Bill Gates' webcast page "In his keynote presentation, Microsoft Chairman and Chief Software...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 04/25/2005
Yes, Darth Vader blogs too
Darth Vader is blogging: "Short entry today. Full schedule. Deploying killer probe droids across the...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 04/22/2005
IE7 beta details emerge
IE blog: "We’re doing a lot more than this in IE7, of course, and we’re really excited that the beta...
Author: MSDN Archive Date: 04/22/2005