site resource type
Namespace: microsoft.graph
The site resource provides metadata and relationships for a SharePoint site.
Method | Return type | Description |
Get root site | site | Access the root SharePoint site within a tenant. |
Get site | site | Access a sharePoint site using the siteId. |
List sites across geographies | collection of sites | List sites across all geographies in an organization. |
List subsites for a site | collection of sites | Get a collection of subsites defined for a site. |
List root sites | site | List all available sites in an organization. |
Get site by path | site | Access the root SharePoint site with a relative path. |
Get site for a group | site | Access the team site for a group. |
Get analytics | itemAnalytics | Get analytics for this resource. |
Get activities by interval | itemActivityStat | Get a collection of itemActivityStats within the specified time interval. |
Get delta | site collection | Get newly created, updated, or deleted sites without having to perform a full read of the entire sites collection. |
Search for sites | collection of site | Search across a SharePoint tenant for sites that match the keywords provided. |
Follow site | collection of site | Follow a user's site or multiple sites. |
Unfollow site | collection of site | Follow a user's site or multiple sites. |
List followed sites | collection of site | List the sites that are followed by the signed-in user. |
Get permission | GET /sites/{site-id}/permissions/{permission-id} | |
List permissions | GET /sites/{site-id}/permissions | |
Create permissions | POST /sites/{site-id}/permissions | |
Delete permission | DELETE /sites/{site-id}/permissions/{permission-id} | |
Update permission | PATCH /sites/{site-id}/permissions/{permission-id} | |
List operations | richLongRunningOperation collection | Get a list of rich long-running operations associated with a site. |
List pages | GET /sites/{site-id}/pages |
Property | Type | Description |
createdDateTime | DateTimeOffset | The date and time the item was created. Read-only. |
description | string | The descriptive text for the site. |
displayName | string | The full title for the site. Read-only. |
eTag | string | ETag for the item. Read-only. |
id | string | The unique identifier of the item. Read-only. |
isPersonalSite | bool | Identifies whether the site is personal or not. Read-only. |
lastModifiedDateTime | DateTimeOffset | The date and time the item was last modified. Read-only. |
name | string | The name/title of the item. |
root | root | If present, provides the root site in the site collection. Read-only. |
sharepointIds | sharepointIds | Returns identifiers useful for SharePoint REST compatibility. Read-only. |
siteCollection | siteCollection | Provides details about the site's site collection. Available only on the root site. Read-only. |
webUrl | string (url) | URL that displays the item in the browser. Read-only. |
A site is identified by a unique ID that is a composite of the following values:
- Site collection hostname (
- Site collection unique ID (GUID)
- Site unique ID (GUID)
The root
identifier always references the root site for a given target, as follows:
: The tenant root site./groups/{group-id}/sites/root
: The group's team site.
Relationship | Type | Description |
analytics | itemAnalytics resource | Analytics about the view activities that took place on this site. |
columns | Collection(columnDefinition) | The collection of column definitions reusable across lists under this site. |
contentTypes | Collection(contentType) | The collection of content types defined for this site. |
drive | drive | The default drive (document library) for this site. |
drives | Collection(drive) | The collection of drives (document libraries) under this site. |
items | Collection(baseItem) | Used to address any item contained in this site. This collection can't be enumerated. |
lists | Collection(list) | The collection of lists under this site. |
onenote | onenote | Calls the OneNote service for notebook related operations. |
operations | richLongRunningOperation collection | The collection of long-running operations on the site. |
pages | Collection(baseSitePage) | The collection of pages in the baseSitePages list in this site. |
permissions | Collection(permission) | The permissions associated with the site. Nullable. |
sites | Collection(site) | The collection of the sub-sites under this site. |
termStore | | The default termStore under this site. |
termStores | Collection( | The collection of termStores under this site. |
The following JSON representation shows the resource type.
The site resource is derived from baseItem and inherits properties from that resource.
"id": "string",
"isPersonalSite": "bool",
"root": { "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.root" },
"sharepointIds": { "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.sharepointIds" },
"siteCollection": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.siteCollection"},
"displayName": "string",
/* relationships */
"analytics": { "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.itemAnalytics" },
"contentTypes": [ { "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.contentType" }],
"drive": { "@odata.type": "" },
"drives": [ { "@odata.type": "" }],
"items": [ { "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.baseItem" }],
"lists": [ { "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.list" }],
"operations": [ { "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.richLongRunningOperation" }],
"permissions": [ { "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.permission" }],
"sites": [ { "@odata.type": ""} ],
"columns": [ { "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.columnDefinition" }],
"onenote": { "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.onenote"},
"termStore": { "@odata.type": "" },
"termStores": [ { "@odata.type": "" } ],
/* inherited from baseItem */
"name": "string",
"createdDateTime": "datetime",
"description": "string",
"eTag": "string",
"lastModifiedDateTime": "datetime",
"webUrl": "url"