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Manage Azure HDInsight clusters by using the Azure CLI

Learn how to use the Azure CLI to manage Azure HDInsight clusters. The Azure CLI is the Microsoft command-line interface. You can use this cross-platform experience to manage Azure resources.

If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.


Connect to Azure

Sign in to your Azure subscription. If you plan to use Azure Cloud Shell, select Try it in the upper-right corner of the code block. Otherwise, enter the following command:

az login

# If you have multiple subscriptions, set the one to use
# az account set --subscription "SUBSCRIPTIONID"

List clusters

Use az HDInsight list to list clusters. Edit the following commands by replacing RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME with the name of your resource group, and then enter the commands:

# List all clusters in the current subscription
az hdinsight list

# List only cluster name and its resource group
az hdinsight list --query "[].{Cluster:name, ResourceGroup:resourceGroup}" --output table

# List all cluster for your resource group
az hdinsight list --resource-group RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME

# List all cluster names for your resource group
az hdinsight list --resource-group RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --query "[].{clusterName:name}" --output table

Show clusters

Use az HDInsight show to show information for a specified cluster. Edit the following command by replacing RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME and CLUSTER_NAME with the relevant information. Then enter the command:

az hdinsight show --resource-group RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --name CLUSTER_NAME

Delete clusters

Use az HDInsight delete to delete a specified cluster. Edit the following command by replacing RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME and CLUSTER_NAME with the relevant information. Then enter the command:

az hdinsight delete --resource-group RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --name CLUSTER_NAME

You can also delete a cluster by deleting the resource group that contains the cluster. This action deletes all the resources in the group, including the default storage account.

az group delete --name RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME

Scale clusters

Use az HDInsight resize to resize the specified HDInsight cluster to the specified size. Edit the following command by replacing RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME and CLUSTER_NAME with the relevant information. Replace WORKERNODE_COUNT with the number of worker nodes that you want for your cluster. For more information about scaling clusters, see Scale HDInsight clusters. Enter the command:

az hdinsight resize --resource-group RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --name CLUSTER_NAME --workernode-count WORKERNODE_COUNT

In this article, you learned how to perform different HDInsight cluster administrative tasks. To learn more, see the following articles: