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Upload crashes via API


Visual Studio App Center is scheduled for retirement on March 31, 2025. While you can continue to use Visual Studio App Center until it is fully retired, there are several recommended alternatives that you may consider migrating to.

Learn more about support timelines and alternatives.

You can upload a crash report if you don't want to use our SDK or develop for a custom platform. Upload a crash, error, or attachment log to App Center and view the details in the App Center Diagnostics UI. The following sections will explain how to upload crashes, errors, and attachments.


App Center only accepts up to 60 crashes and handled errors per minute per unique app. We won't ingest any crashes or errors that exceed this limit.

To upload a report, call the App Center ingestion endpoint at https://in.appcenter.ms/logs?Api-Version=1.0.0 with the following headers:

  • Content-Type: describes the format of the body. App Center currently only supports JSON format.
  • App-Secret: string that's the unique identifier for each app. You can find the app secret in the settings of an app.
  • Install-ID: string that can be any GUID used to keep track of counts.

Log properties:

  • type: required string with log type - "appleError" for Apple crashes, "managedError" for other crashes, "handledError" for errors, and "errorAttachment" for error attachments.
  • timestamp: optional string with log timestamp date-time, e.g "2017-03-13T18:05:42Z" - if set, needs to be at most 72 hours in the future of time of ingestion
  • appLaunchTimestamp: required string that specifies timestamp date-time when the app was launched, for example "2017-03-13T18:05:42Z".
  • device: required object with device characteristics
    • appVersion: required string with application version name, for example "1.1.0"
    • appBuild: required string with application build number, for example "42"
    • sdkName: required string with name of the SDK. Consists of the name of the SDK and the platform, for example "appcenter.android" for Android and "appcenter.custom" for custom platforms
    • sdkVersion: required string with version of the SDK in semantic versioning format, for example "1.2.0" or "0.12.3-alpha.1"
    • osName: required string with OS name, for example "android"
    • osVersion: required string with OS version, for example "9.3.0"
    • model: optional string with device model, for example "iPad2"
    • locale: required string with language code, for example "en-US"
    • timeZoneOffset: optional offset in minutes (between -840 and 840) from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) for the device time zone. Including daylight savings time, for example 120.
  • userId: optional string used for associating logs with users
  • exception: required object with exception details
    • type: required string with exception type
    • frame: optional array with stack frames
    • message: optional string with exception reason
    • stackTrace: optional string with raw stack trace
    • innerException: optional array with inner exceptions

You can find examples of how to upload a crash report, error report, and attachment below. For more specifications, you can find the complete file here.


Because of retention policies, the report timestamp must be no more than 25 days in the past or 3 days in the future.

Upload a crash report

The following properties are required to upload a crash report:

  • processId: required integer with process identifier
  • id: required string with exception identifier, needs to be a unique ID for this report
  • fatal: required boolean that indicates if the exception resulted in a crash
  • processName: required string with the process name
  • appNamespace: required for Android apps, otherwise optional string with the bundle identifier, package identifier, or namespace, depending on what platform is used.

To upload a crash report other than the Apple format, make sure the log type is set to "managedError".

curl -X POST \
  'https://in.appcenter.ms/logs?Api-Version=1.0.0' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'app-secret: <app secret>' \
  -H 'install-id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001' \
  -d '{
  "logs": [
      "type": "managedError",
      "timestamp": "2019-10-08T04:22:23.516Z",
      "appLaunchTimestamp": "2019-09-29T22:22:23.516Z",
      "processId": "123",
      "id": "bca65f46-46ee-451b-83bb-2e358c3f45bf",
      "fatal": true,
      "processName": "com.microsoft.appcenter.demo.project",
      "device": {
        "appVersion": "12.0",
        "appBuild": "1",
        "sdkName": "custom.android",
        "sdkVersion": "1.0.0",
        "osName": "android",
        "osVersion": "9.3",
        "model": "Pixel",
        "locale": "en-US",
        "appNamespace": "com.contoso.myapp"
      "userId": "TestID",
      "exception": {
        "type": "java.lang.RuntimeException",
        "frames": [
            "className": "android.app.ActivityThread",
            "fileName": "ActivityThread.java",
            "lineNumber": 2575,
            "methodName": "performResumeActivity"
            "className": "android.app.ActivityThread",
            "fileName": "ActivityThread.java",
            "lineNumber": 2603,
            "methodName": "handleResumeActivity"
            "className": "android.app.ActivityThread",
            "fileName": "ActivityThread.java",
            "lineNumber": 2089,
            "methodName": "handleLaunchActivity"
            "className": "android.app.ActivityThread",
            "fileName": "ActivityThread.java",
            "lineNumber": 130,
            "methodName": "access$600"
            "className": "android.app.ActivityThread$H",
            "fileName": "ActivityThread.java",
            "lineNumber": 1195,
            "methodName": "handleMessage"
            "className": "android.os.Handler",
            "fileName": "Handler.java",
            "lineNumber": 99,
            "methodName": "dispatchMessage"
            "className": "android.os.Looper",
            "fileName": "Looper.java",
            "lineNumber": 137,
            "methodName": "loop"
            "className": "android.app.ActivityThread",
            "fileName": "ActivityThread.java",
            "lineNumber": 4745,
            "methodName": "main"
        "innerExceptions": [
            "type": "java.lang.RuntimeException",
            "frames": [
                "className": "android.app.Activity",
                "fileName": "Activity.java",
                "lineNumber": 5084,
                "methodName": "performResume"
                "className": "android.app.ActivityThread",
                "fileName": "ActivityThread.java",
                "lineNumber": 2565,
                "methodName": "performResumeActivity"
                "className": "android.app.ActivityThread",
                "fileName": "ActivityThread.java",
                "lineNumber": 2603,
                "methodName": "handleResumeActivity"

Upload an Apple crash log

To upload an Apple crash log, make sure the log type is set to "appleError". The following properties are also required:

  • primaryArchitectureId: required integer with CPU primary architecture
  • applicationPath: required string with the path to the application
  • osExceptionType: required string with OS exception type
  • osExceptionCode: required string with OS exception code
  • osExceptionAddress: required string with OS exception address
  • binaries: required array with binaries associated to the error

For example:

curl -X POST \
  'https://in.appcenter.ms/logs?Api-Version=1.0.0' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'app-secret: <app secret>' \
  -H 'install-id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001' \
  -d '{
        "type": "appleError",
        "timestamp": "2019-10-08T02:44:55.000Z",
        "appLaunchTimestamp": "2019-09-29T22:22:23.516Z",
        "id": "00aa00aa-bb11-cc22-dd33-44ee44ee44ee",
        "applicationPath": "iOS/salesforce",
        "osExceptionType": "CustomerIssue (TestIssue)",
        "osExceptionCode": "0",
        "osExceptionAddress": "0x00",
        "processName": "salesforce",
        "fatal": true,
        "isTestMessage": false,
        "device": {
          "appVersion": "10.0",
          "appBuild": "1",
          "sdkName": "custom.ios",
          "sdkVersion": "1.0.0",
          "osName": "iOS",
          "osVersion": "9.3",
          "model": "iPhone9,1",
          "locale": "en-US"
        "userId": "00aa00aa-bb11-cc22-dd33-44ee44ee44ee",
        "fatal": true,
        "threads": [
          "id": 0,
          "frames": [
              "address": "0x000000018ada4d70",
              "code": "0x18ad87000 + 122224"
              "address": "0x0000000104463884",
              "code": "0x10445c000 + 30852"
              "address": "0x000000010438f640",
              "code": "0x104388000 + 30272"
              "address": "0x00000001b859fb64",
              "code": "0x1b8229000 + 3631972"
          "id": 1,
          "frames": [
              "address": "0x000000018bb4fce0",
              "code": "0x18baa2000 + 711904"
              "address": "0x000000018bbf7078",
              "code": "0x18baa2000 + 1396856"
              "address": "0x000000018baa8258",
              "code": "0x18baa2000 + 25176"
              "address": "0x000000018bb1c49c",
              "code": "0x18baa2000 + 500892"
          "id": 3,
          "frames": [
              "address": "0x000000018b755b9c",
              "code": "0x18b732000 + 146332"
              "address": "0x000000018b7dcd00",
              "code": "0x18b7ce000 + 60672"
      "binaries": [
          "id": "d449e33d-7e74-379d-8b79-15ee104ed1df",
          "startAddress": "0x0000000104388000",
          "endAddress": "0x0000000104413fff",
          "name": "CrashProbeiOS",
          "path": "/var/containers/Bundle/Application/023013EA-0D58-4F6D-8B98-49E1372F4044/CrashProbeiOS.app/CrashProbeiOS",
          "primaryArchitectureId": 16777228,
          "architectureVariantId": 0
          "id": "5da23653-d126-39f0-bdcf-994b3019f92c",
          "startAddress": "0x000000010445c000",
          "endAddress": "0x0000000104467fff",
          "name": "CrashLibiOS",
          "path": "/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/023013EA-0D58-4F6D-8B98-49E1372F4044/CrashProbeiOS.app/Frameworks/CrashLibiOS.framework/CrashLibiOS",
          "primaryArchitectureId": 16777228,
          "architectureVariantId": 0

Upload a custom crash log

To upload a crash for a custom platform, make sure the log type is set to "managedError" and the sdkName is set to "appcenter.custom". For example:

curl -X POST \
  'https://in.appcenter.ms/logs?Api-Version=1.0.0' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'app-secret: <app secret>' \
  -H 'install-id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001' \
  -d '{
  "logs": [
      "type": "managedError",
      "id": "a7bea41b-1e4d-4e42-ae76-1025f4fdfc4f",
      "userId": "TestID",
      "timestamp": "2019-11-26T02:00:04Z",
      "appLaunchTimestamp": "2019-11-26T02:00:04Z",
      "architecture": "armeabi-v7a",
      "fatal": true,
      "processId": 4871,
      "processName": "com.microsoft.appcenter.sasquatch.project",
      "sid": "bca65f46-46ee-451b-83bb-2e358c3f45bf",
      "errorThreadId": 1,
      "errorThreadName": "main",
      "device": {
        "appBuild": "1337",
        "appVersion": "7.1.0",
        "appNamespace": "com.microsoft.appcenter.sasquatch.project",
        "carrierCountry": "us",
        "locale": "en_US",
        "model": "Galaxy Nexus",
        "oemName": "samsung",
        "osApiLevel": 16,
        "osBuild": "JRO03O",
        "osName": "Android",
        "osVersion": "5.0.0",
        "screenSize": "720x1184",
        "sdkName": "appcenter.custom",
        "sdkVersion": "1.9.1",
        "timeZoneOffset": -480
       "exception": {
        "frames": [
            "className": "android.app.ActivityThread",
            "fileName": "ActivityThread.java",
            "lineNumber": 2575,
            "methodName": "performResumeActivity"
            "className": "android.app.ActivityThread",
            "fileName": "ActivityThread.java",
            "lineNumber": 2603,
            "methodName": "handleResumeActivity"
            "className": "android.app.ActivityThread",
            "fileName": "ActivityThread.java",
            "lineNumber": 2089,
            "methodName": "handleLaunchActivity"
        "innerExceptions": [
            "frames": [
                "className": "android.app.CustomActivity",
                "fileName": "CustomActivity.java",
                "lineNumber": 8673,
                "methodName": "performCustomResume"
                "className": "android.app.ActivityThread",
                "fileName": "ActivityThread.java",
                "lineNumber": 2565,
                "methodName": "performResumeActivity"
            "message": "Activity {com.microsoft.appcenter.sasquatch.project/com.microsoft.appcenter.sasquatch.activities.CrashSubActivity2} did not call through to super.onResume()",
            "type": "android.app.CustomNotCalledException"
        "message": "Unable to resume activity {com.microsoft.appcenter.sasquatch.project/com.microsoft.appcenter.sasquatch.activities.CrashSubActivity2}: android.app.SuperNotCalledException: Activity {com.microsoft.appcenter.sasquatch.project/com.microsoft.appcenter.sasquatch.activities.CrashSubActivity2} did not call through to super.onResume()",
        "type": "java.lang.RuntimeException"
      "threads": [
          "frames": [
              "className": "dalvik.system.NativeStart",
              "fileName": "NativeStart.java",
              "lineNumber": -2,
              "methodName": "run"
          "id": 369,
          "name": "Binder_3"
          "frames": [
              "className": "dalvik.system.NativeStart",
              "fileName": "NativeStart.java",
              "lineNumber": -2,
              "methodName": "run"
          "id": 345,
          "name": "Compiler"


Upload a Breakpad crash log and Minidump

You can upload a custom Breakpad crash for Android and Windows. For example:

curl -X POST \
  'https://in.appcenter.ms/logs?Api-Version=1.0.0' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'app-secret: <app secret>' \
  -H 'install-id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001' \
  -d '{
      "type": "managedError",
      "id": "00aa00aa-bb11-cc22-dd33-44ee44ee44ee",
      "userId": "TestID",
      "processId": 9448,
      "processName": "Contoso.UWP.Puppet.exe",
      "fatal": true,
      "timestamp": "2019-10-08T06:22:23.530Z",
      "architecture": "X64",
      "timestamp": "2019-10-08T06:22:23.516Z",
      "sid": "d4608adf-83b9-4f69-90ad-8bb0234080a7",
      "device": {
        "sdkName": "appcenter.custom",
        "sdkVersion": "2.4.1-SNAPSHOT",
        "model": "Parallels Virtual Platform",
        "oemName": "Parallels Software International Inc.",
        "osName": "WINDOWS",
        "osVersion": "10.0.18363",
        "osBuild": "10.0.18363.418",
        "locale": "en-US",
        "timeZoneOffset": -300,
        "screenSize": "4608x2470",
        "appVersion": "1.0",
        "appBuild": "1.0",
        "appNamespace": "10805zumoTestUser.AppCenter-Contoso.UWP.Puppet",
        "carrierCountry": "us",
        "wrapperSdkName": "custom.ndk"
      "exception": {
        "type": "minidump",
        "wrapperSdkName": "custom.ndk"
      "contentType": "application/octet-stream",
      "errorId": "00aa00aa-bb11-cc22-dd33-44ee44ee44ee",
      "fileName": "minidump.dmp",
      "id": "7b975468-5656-40a5-8242-c1907b26fc31",
      "sid": "03693776-cdd4-46b8-bbda-12af457f1732",
      "timestamp": "2019-10-08T06:22:23.516Z",
      "type": "errorAttachment",
       "device": {
        "sdkName": "appcenter.custom",
        "sdkVersion": "2.4.1-SNAPSHOT",
        "model": "Parallels Virtual Platform",
        "oemName": "Parallels Software International Inc.",
        "osName": "WINDOWS",
        "osVersion": "10.0.18363",
        "osBuild": "10.0.18363.418",
        "locale": "en-US",
        "timeZoneOffset": -300,
        "screenSize": "4608x2470",
        "appVersion": "1.0",
        "appBuild": "1.0",
        "appNamespace": "10805zumoTestUser.AppCenter-Contoso.UWP.Puppet",
        "carrierCountry": "us",
        "wrapperSdkName": "custom.ndk"
      "data": "<base64 encoded minidump>"


To upload a Breakpad crash, the wrapperSdkName field must be set to "custom.ndk" and you must attach the minidump file as an attachment to the crash report. Learn how to send an attachment in the attachments section of this page.

To symbolicate your crash, you must upload your symbols through the CLI, or API according to our API docs. If you're using Breakpad with Android, both options specified in our Android NDK docs are supported; if you're using Breakpad with Windows, only option 2: "Upload Breakpad symbols" is supported.


If you're uploading your symbols from macOS, then you must clean your symbols of any extraneous folders, for example, __MACOS gets generated and to delete this you can use zip -d <symbols.zip> __MACOSX/\*.

Upload an error report

Handled errors are only supported for Android, Xamarin, Unity, UWP, WPF, and WinForms apps today. To upload an error report, make sure the log type is set to "handledError".

curl -X POST \
  'https://in.appcenter.ms/logs?Api-Version=1.0.0' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'app-secret: <app secret>' \
  -H 'install-id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001' \
  -d '{
      "type": "handledError",
      "timestamp": "2019-10-08T06:22:23.516Z",
      "appLaunchTimestamp": "2019-09-29T22:22:23.516Z",
      "id": "118dee14-9193-4ac3-9ef0-f6c11b43f2c4",
      "device": {
        "appVersion": "11.0",
        "appBuild": "1",
        "sdkName": "custom.android",
        "sdkVersion": "1.0.0",
        "osName": "android",
        "osVersion": "9.3",
        "model": "Pixel",
        "locale": "en-US"
      "userId": "TestID",
      "exception": {
        "type": "System.IO.IOException",
        "message": "Server did not respond",
        "stackTrace": "  at Contoso.Forms.Puppet.FakeService+<>c.<DoStuffInBackground>b__0_0 () [0x00000] in <7ad93f134a5d4c00a8db8be9aa9c0f76>:0 \n  at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[TResult].InnerInvoke () [0x0000f] in <b38d4262627948c1b945a72f56ce6466>:0 \n  at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute () [0x00010] in <b38d4262627948c1b945a72f56ce6466>:0 \n--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---\n  at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () [0x0000c] in <b38d4262627948c1b945a72f56ce6466>:0 \n  at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) [0x0003e] in <b38d4262627948c1b945a72f56ce6466>:0 \n  at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification (System.Threading.Tasks.Task task) [0x00028] in <b38d4262627948c1b945a72f56ce6466>:0",
        "innerExceptions": [
            "type": "System.IO.IOException",
            "message": "Network down",
            "stackTrace": "  at Contoso.Forms.Demo.CrashesContentPage.SendHttp () [0x00002] in <4fd9174f6e18457b9721bfba2cd78098>:0 ",
            "wrapperSdkName": "appcenter.xamarin"
            "type": "System.ArgumentException",
            "message": "Invalid parameter",
            "innerExceptions": [
                "type": "System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException",
                "message": "It is over 9000!",
                "stackTrace": "  at Contoso.Forms.Demo.CrashesContentPage.ValidateLength () [0x00002] in <4fd9174f6e18457b9721bfba2cd78098>:0 ",

Upload an attachment

All attachments must be associated with a crash report. You can either upload an attachment with a crash report in one call or in two separate calls.

Attachment-specific properties:

  • contentType: required string with content type, for example, "text/plain" for text. You can find examples of supported type listed here
  • data: required string with data encoded as base 64
  • errorId: required string containing the unique identifier of the attachment's associated error report
  • fileName: required string for NDK crashes that's set to "minidump.dmp"


The size limit for attachments is currently 7 MB. Attempting to send a larger attachment will trigger an error.

Below is an example of uploading a crash report and an attachment in one call.

curl -X POST \
  'https://in.appcenter.ms/logs?Api-Version=1.0.0' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'app-secret: <app secret>' \
  -H 'install-id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001' \
  -d '{
  "logs": [
      "type": "managedError",
      "timestamp": "2019-10-01T02:22:23.516Z",
      "appLaunchTimestamp": "2019-09-29T22:22:23.516Z",
      "id": "bca65f46-46ee-451b-83bb-2e358c3f45bf",
      "fatal": true,
      "processName": "com.microsoft.appcenter.sasquatch.project",
      "device": {
        "appVersion": "13.0",
        "appBuild": "1",
        "sdkName": "appcenter.android",
        "sdkVersion": "1.0.0",
        "osName": "android",
        "osVersion": "9.3",
        "model": "Pixel",
        "locale": "en-US"
      "userId": "118dee14",
      "fatal": true,
      "exception": {
          "type": "CustomerIssue",
          "frames": []
      "type": "errorAttachment",
      "contentType": "text/plain",
      "timestamp": "2019-10-01T02:22:23.516Z",
      "data": "aGVsbG8=",
      "errorId": "bca65f46-46ee-451b-83bb-2e358c3f45bf",
      "id": "7caaea8e-dab1-4588-993c-95de2d9a4fd1",
      "device": {
        "appVersion": "13.0",
        "appBuild": "1",
        "sdkName": "appcenter.android",
        "sdkVersion": "1.0.0",
        "osName": "android",
        "osVersion": "9.3",
        "model": "Pixel",
        "locale": "en-US"