
CCF_NODEID clipboard format

In MMC 1.1 and later, the CCF_NODEID clipboard format enables a snap-in to specify the node ID for the selected enumerated item in the scope pane. MMC uses this node ID to identify the selected item and select that item when a console file is reopened. This format can also be used to specify that an item should not be restored when the console file is reopened.

Data Format

SNodeID structure. Return an SNodeID structure that contains the node ID for the scope item.


Your snap-in should support this clipboard format in its IDataObject::GetData method if any of its enumerated items has a volatile display name (such as the current computer name) or if any enumerated items should not be restored when the console file is reopened.

MMC calls the IDataObject::GetData method with this clipboard format in the following cases:

  • When the console file is saved. MMC does this to preserve the root item and the selected item for a window when either is an enumerated node (item).
  • When a new view (MDI window) is created, using the New window from here menu command or drag-and-drop. If the snap-in specifies that it does not want the item persisted, MMC marks the view as not-to-be-persisted and does not open an empty view when the console is reopened.
  • When the console file is loaded. MMC calls IDataObject::GetData on each of the snap-in's items (starting from the first item) until it finds the saved node IDs so it can identify selected and root items.

When a console file (.msc) is saved, MMC persists some information about the selected item in the scope pane so that it can restore the scope tree with that particular item selected. When the .msc file is saved, MMC calls the IDataObject::GetData method with the CCF_NODEID clipboard format on the selected item's data object.

The snap-in's IDataObject::GetData method implementation can specify the node ID that should be persisted for that item so that MMC can identify and select the appropriate item when the .msc file is reopened. The snap-in should fill in the SNodeID structure and return S_OK in the IDataObject::GetData method.

The snap-in can also specify that an item should not be re-expanded when the console is reopened. To do this, set the cBytes member of the SNodeID structure to 0 (zero) and return S_OK in the IDataObject::GetData method. Be aware that this setting not only keeps the selected item from being persisted but also prevents its parent item from automatically expanding when the console file is reopened.

If the snap-in's IDataObject::GetData method does not support the CCF_NODEID clipboard format or if a FAILED HRESULT is returned by the IDataObject::GetData method, MMC uses the display name of the item as the node ID.


Minimum supported client
Windows Vista
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2008