
Switch Window

The switch window displays whenever a user presses ALT+TAB to switch to a different application. The switch window contains an icon for each application currently running.

The window class name for the switch window is "#32771".

Supported Properties and Methods

  • accDoDefaultAction
    The switch window object itself does not have a DefaultAction property. The DoDefaultAction method for each item in the switch window activates the specified item.
  • accHitTest
    The ChildCount property is zero.
  • get_accDefaultAction
    The switch window object itself does not have a DefaultAction property. The DefaultAction property for each item in the switch window is "Switch".
  • get_accFocus
    The switch window parent object cannot receive focus; only the individual children can receive focus.
  • get_accName
    The switch window object itself does not have a Name property . The Name property for each application icon in the switch window is the same as the displayed application name.
  • get_accRole
    The switch window object itself has a Role property of "window [32771]". Also, each application icon in the switch window has the Role property ROLE_SYSTEM_LISTITEM.
  • get_accState
    The switch window object itself does not support the State property. The State value for the list view items is STATE_SYSTEM_FOCUSABLE.

Events Generated




See Also

IAccessible Interface