
reuseConnection Property

This topic documents a feature of Binary Behaviors, which are obsolete as of Internet Explorer 10.

Specifies the persistence of the connection information required by Web services that use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) authentication.


Scripting [ objUseOptionsreuseConnection = ] objUseOptions.reuseConnection

Possible Values

objUseOptions An instance of the useOptions object.
reuseConnection A Boolean that specifies the mode of remote method invocation.
Default. Remote method invocations are processed in parallel. If SSL authentication is required by the Web Service, then authentication is required to process each call to the Web Service.
Remote method invocations are processed sequentially. The data provided for SSL authentication is retained for each call to the Web Service.

The property is read/write. The property has a default value of false.


To retain the SSL authentication for each remote method invocation, this property must be used with the useOptions object and the useService method. For code samples illustrating the use of this property, see the createUseOptions method.

When this property is set to true, remote method invocations are queued by the WebService and submitted sequentially. This setting minimizes memory usage on the client. It can slow down the response of the WebService behavior, if it is heavily loaded by multiple remote method calls.

When this property is set to false, remote method invocations are submitted to the Web service in parallel. This setting maximizes the rate of processing for the remote method invocations. However, this setting also increases memory use on the client machine when hundreds of remote method calls are pending.

Applies To

useOptions, WebService

See Also

callService, funcName, password, portName, SOAPHeader, timeout, userName