
ToolbarCheckButtonCollection Class

This class represents a collection of ToolbarCheckButton objects within a Toolbar.


Visual Basic  Public  Class ToolbarCheckButtonCollection Inherits BaseChildNodeCollection
C# public   class ToolbarCheckButtonCollection : BaseChildNodeCollection
Managed C++ public:  __gc class ToolbarCheckButtonCollection :  public BaseChildNodeCollection
JScript public   class ToolbarCheckButtonCollection extends BaseChildNodeCollection

Inheritance Hierarchy


Members Table

The following table lists the members exposed by the ToolbarCheckButtonCollection object.

Property Description
Item Retrieves the item in the collection that matches the int being searched for.
Method Description
Add Adds a ToolbarCheckButton to the ToolbarCheckButtonCollection.
AddAt Adds a ToolbarCheckButton to the ToolbarCheckButtonCollection at a specified index.
Contains Determines whether a ToolbarCheckButton is in the ToolbarCheckButtonCollection.
IndexOf Determines the index of a ToolbarCheckButton within the ToolbarCheckButtonCollection.
OnClear Prepares the items in the collection to be cleared.
OnInsert Sets the object properties when adding a new object to the collection.
OnInsertComplete Adjusts the selected object after inserting an item.
OnRemoveComplete Sets the parent of the object that was removed to null.
OnSet Called when a node's properties are being set.
Remove Removes a ToolbarCheckButton from the ToolbarCheckButtonCollection.

Class Information

Namespace Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls
Assembly Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.dll

See Also

Internet Explorer WebControls, About the Toolbar WebControl