
SYSTEMIMAGESPATH Attribute | SystemImagesPath Property

Sets or retrieves the path to the directory that contains supporting tree images (lines, plus and minus signs, and so on).


Visual Basic  Public  Property SystemImagesPath As string
C# public  string SystemImagesPath { get; set; }
Managed C++ public:  __property string get_SystemImagesPath();
public:  __property void set_SystemImagesPath(string);
JScript public   function get SystemImagesPath() : string;
public   function set SystemImagesPath(string);

Possible Values

sSystemImagesPath string that specifies or receives the relative path to the directory that contains supporting tree images.
treeimages/Default. Directory that contains tree structure images (.gif).

The property is read/write. The property has a default value of treeimages/.


The path is relative to the directory that contains Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.dll. In other words, you should create the treeimages/ directory in the same directory as Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.dll.

Applies To


See Also

Internet Explorer WebControls, About the TreeView WebControl