
Predicate Versions of heap

說明如何使用述詞的版本的堆積 STL Visual C++ 中的函式。

template<class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare> inline
   void make_heap(
      RandomAccessIterator First, 
      RandomAccessIterator Last, 
      Compare Compare
template<class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare> inline
   void sort_heap(
      RandomAccessIterator First, 
      RandomAccessIterator Last, 
      Compare Compare
template<class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare> inline
   void push_heap(
      RandomAccessIterator First, 
      RandomAccessIterator Last, 
      Compare Compare
template<class RandomAccessIterator, class Compare> inline
   void pop_heap(
      RandomAccessIterator First, 
      RandomAccessIterator Last, 
      Compare Compare




堆集是一系列的組織,例如二進位樹狀目錄中的項目。 堆積中的每個元素會對應至樹狀節點。 在序列中的第一個值 [First...Last) 是根目錄,且已排序的述詞。 比方說,如果是更大的述詞,堆積中的每個項目滿足下列陳述式: 每個項目是大於或等於其父系。 最小的項目會儲存在根目錄中,按住所有子系變得較大的值。 Make_heap 函式將轉換的範圍 [First...Last) 堆積。 Sort_heap 函式排序以建立一系列make_heap函式。 Push_heap 函式的堆積中插入新的值。 Pop_heap 函式交換所指定的堆積中的第一個和最後一個項目 [First, Last),然後再降低然後再還原堆積屬性的其中一個序列的長度。 堆積函式的述詞的版本進行比較,使用比較功能。


// heap_PVfunctions.cpp
// compile with: /EHsc
// Illustrates how to use the predicate versions
// of the make_heap, sort_heap, push_heap
// and pop_heap functions.
// Functions:
//    make_heap : Convert a sequence to a heap.
//    sort_heap : Sort a heap.
//    push_heap : Insert an element in a heap.
//    pop_heap  : Remove the top element from a heap.

// disable warning C4786: symbol greater than 255 character,
// okay to ignore
#pragma warning(disable: 4786)

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

int main()
   const int VECTOR_SIZE = 8 ;

   // Define a template class vector of int
   typedef vector<int > IntVector ;

   //Define an iterator for template class vector of strings
   typedef IntVector::iterator IntVectorIt ;

   IntVector Numbers(VECTOR_SIZE) ;
   IntVectorIt it ;

   // Initialize vector Numbers
   Numbers[0] = 4 ;
   Numbers[1] = 10;
   Numbers[2] = 70 ;
   Numbers[3] = 10 ;
   Numbers[4] = 30 ;
   Numbers[5] = 69 ;
   Numbers[6] = 96 ;
   Numbers[7] = 100;

   // print content of Numbers
   cout << "Numbers { " ;
   for(it = Numbers.begin(); it != Numbers.end(); it++)
      cout << *it << " " ;
   cout << " }\n" << endl ;

   // convert Numbers into a heap
   make_heap(Numbers.begin(), Numbers.end(), greater<int>()) ;
   cout << "After calling make_heap\n" << endl ;

   // print content of Numbers
   cout << "Numbers { " ;
   for(it = Numbers.begin(); it != Numbers.end(); it++)
      cout << *it << " " ;
   cout << " }\n" << endl ;

   // sort the heapified sequence Numbers
   sort_heap(Numbers.begin(), Numbers.end(), greater<int>()) ;
   cout << "After calling sort_heap\n" << endl ;

   // print content of Numbers
   cout << "Numbers { " ;
   for(it = Numbers.begin(); it != Numbers.end(); it++)
      cout << *it << " " ;
   cout << " }\n" << endl ;

   make_heap(Numbers.begin(), Numbers.end(), greater<int>()) ;
   //insert an element in the heap
   Numbers.push_back(7) ;
   push_heap(Numbers.begin(), Numbers.end(), greater<int>()) ;
   cout << "After calling push_heap()\n" << endl;

   // print content of Numbers
   cout << "Numbers { " ;
   for(it = Numbers.begin(); it != Numbers.end(); it++)
      cout << *it << " " ;
   cout << " }\n" << endl ;

   //remove the root element from the heap Numbers
   pop_heap(Numbers.begin(), Numbers.end(), greater<int>()) ;
   cout << "After calling pop_heap\n" << endl ;

   // print content of Numbers
   cout << "Numbers { " ;
   for(it = Numbers.begin(); it != Numbers.end(); it++)
      cout << *it << " " ;
   cout << " }\n" << endl ;


標頭: <algorithm>


