
The Ultimate Visual Studio Tips and Tricks Blog

by Zain Naboulsi

Congratulations to Catto for winning today’s $100 ThinkGeek gift certificate!

I'll be giving away one or more $100 gift certificates from ThinkGeek every day. See my post here...

Author: zainnab Date: 04/14/2010

The Best of Visual Studio 2010: How to use Reference Highlighting

Keyboard: CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN ARROW (forward); CTRL+SHIFT+UP ARROW (reverse) Command:...

Author: zainnab Date: 04/14/2010

Track Changes in the Editor

Menu: Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> GeneralVersions: 2008,2010Published:...

Author: zainnab Date: 04/14/2010

Congrats to D. WOODSIDE he won today’s $100 ThinkGeek Gift Certificate!

I'll be giving away one or more $100 gift certificates from ThinkGeek every day for about 30 days....

Author: zainnab Date: 04/13/2010

The Best of Visual Studio 2010: Pasting a single selection into a box selection

Keyboard: SHIFT + ALT + [ARROW] Versions: 2010Published: 1/13/2010Code: vstipEdit0008 In a previous...

Author: zainnab Date: 04/13/2010

Comment and Uncomment Code

Keyboard: CTRL + K, CTRL + C (comment); CTRL + K, CTRL + U (uncomment)Menu: Edit -> Advanced...

Author: zainnab Date: 04/13/2010

@t_burger wins today's ThinkGeek Gift Certificate!!

Congratulations @t_burger you win today's ThinkGeek $100 Gift Certificate! I will be in touch with...

Author: zainnab Date: 04/12/2010

The Best of Visual Studio 2010: Zero-Length Box Selection

Keyboard: SHIFT + ALT + [ARROW] Versions: 2010Published: 1/14/2010Code: vstipEdit0009 Just a...

Author: zainnab Date: 04/12/2010

Visual Studio 2010 Launches TODAY!!

    Today is the DAY!!!  Visual Studio 2010 has finally launched!  You can check...

Author: zainnab Date: 04/12/2010

Change the Tooltip Font Size

Menu: Tools -> Options -> Fonts and Colors -> Show settings forVersions:...

Author: zainnab Date: 04/12/2010

Using the Undo and Redo Stack

Keyboard: CTRL + Z (undo); ALT + BACKSPACE (undo); CTRL + SHIFT + Z (redo); ALT + SHIFT + BACKSPACE...

Author: zainnab Date: 04/11/2010

View White Space

Keyboard: CTRL + R, CTRL + WMenu: Edit -> Advanced -> View White SpaceCommand:...

Author: zainnab Date: 04/09/2010

Transpose Lines, Words, and Characters -- vstipEdit0042

Keyboard: ALT + SHIFT + T (line); CTRL + SHIFT + T (word); CTRL + T (character)Command:...

Author: zainnab Date: 04/08/2010

Click and Drag Text to a New Location

Command: OtherContextMenus.DragandDrop.MoveHereVersions: 2008,2010Published: 4/7/2010Code:...

Author: zainnab Date: 04/07/2010

VS2010 Launch Events!! Sign Up Today!

It’s time to get your LAUNCH on! Make sure to sign up for one of these great launch events...

Author: zainnab Date: 04/06/2010

Delete to the Beginning or End of a Word

Keyboard: CTRL + DEL (forward); CTRL + BACKSPACE (backward)Command: Edit.WordDeleteToEnd;...

Author: zainnab Date: 04/06/2010

Select the Current Word

Keyboard: CTRL + WCommand: Edit.SelectCurrentWordVersions: 2008,2010Published: 4/5/2010Code:...

Author: zainnab Date: 04/05/2010

Cut or Delete the Current Line

Keyboard: CTRL + L (cut text); SHIFT + DEL(cut text and carriage return); CTRL + X(cut text and...

Author: zainnab Date: 04/04/2010

Delete Horizontal White Space

Keyboard: CTRL + K, CTRL + \Menu: Edit -> Advanced -> Delete Horizontal White SpaceCommand:...

Author: zainnab Date: 04/03/2010

Announcing the Tips and Tricks SWAG Fest Beginning April 12th

So, someone thought it would be a good idea to give me some money for SWAG to give to my readers....

Author: zainnab Date: 04/02/2010

Understanding the File Tab Channel Drop Down Button

Versions: 2008,2010Published: 4/2/2010 Code: vstipEnv0012 This one is is something most of us...

Author: zainnab Date: 04/02/2010

Close All But This on the File Tab Channel

Command: File.CloseAllButThisVersions: 2008,2010Published: 4/1/2010 Code: vstipEnv0011 If you ever...

Author: zainnab Date: 04/01/2010

Closing Just the Selected Files You Want

Menu: Window -> WindowsCommand: Window.WindowsVersions: 2008,2010Published: 3/31/2010Code:...

Author: zainnab Date: 03/31/2010

Using the Miscellaneous Files Project

Menu: Tools -> Options -> Environment -> DocumentsVersions: 2008,2010Published: 3/30/2010...

Author: zainnab Date: 03/30/2010

Track Active Item in Solution Explorer

Menu:  Tools -> Options -> Projects and Solutions –> General Commands: ...

Author: zainnab Date: 03/29/2010

Creating Temporary Projects

Menu: Tools -> Options -> Projects and Solutions -> General Versions: 2008,2010Published:...

Author: zainnab Date: 03/28/2010

Create a Custom Keyboard Shortcut

placeholder text

Author: zainnab Date: 03/27/2010

Using Solution Folders

Menu: Project -> Add New Solution Folder; [Right-Click Solution] -> Add -> New Solution...

Author: zainnab Date: 03/27/2010

Sara Ford’s Visual Studio Extensions

  Just a reminder that Sara Ford is now doing weekly posts (every Thursday) on great extensions...

Author: zainnab Date: 03/26/2010

Hide or Show the Solution File in Solution Explorer

Menu: Tools -> Options -> Projects and Solutions -> General Versions: 2008,2010Published:...

Author: zainnab Date: 03/26/2010

Toggle Icon Size in the New Project Dialog

Versions: 2008,2010Published: 3/25/2010Code: vstipProj0007 When you create a new project (or add a...

Author: zainnab Date: 03/25/2010

Change the Default New Project Location

Menu: Tools -> Options -> Projects and Solutions -> GeneralVersions: 2008,2010Published:...

Author: zainnab Date: 03/24/2010

Using Older Frameworks with Multi-Targeting

Versions: 2008,2010Published: 3/23/2010Code: vstipProj0005 Do people make fun of your out-of-date...

Author: zainnab Date: 03/23/2010

Using Hide Selection

Keyboard: CTRL + M, CTRL + H Menu: Edit -> Outlining -> Hide Selection Command:...

Author: zainnab Date: 03/22/2010

Cut, Copy, and Paste Collapsed Code with Outlining

Keyboard: CTRL + M, CTRL + M (toggle outlining expansion) Menu: Edit -> Outlining -> Toggle...

Author: zainnab Date: 03/21/2010

Turn Off the Selection Margin

Menu: Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> General -> Display Versions:...

Author: zainnab Date: 03/20/2010

Sara Ford’s Visual Studio Extensions Blog has Started!!

This post is a couple of weeks overdue so apologies for the delay. I am pleased to announce that...

Author: zainnab Date: 03/19/2010

Turn Off or On Outlining

Keyboard: CTRL + M, CTRL + P (stop outlining) Menu: Edit -> Outlining -> Stop Outlining; Edit...

Author: zainnab Date: 03/19/2010

Collapse to Definitions with Outlining

Keyboard: CTRL + M, CTRL + O Menu: Edit -> Outlining -> Collapse to DefinitionsCommand:...

Author: zainnab Date: 03/18/2010

Collapsing or Expanding All Your Code with Outlining

Keyboard: CTRL + M, CTRL + L Menu: Edit -> Outlining -> Toggle All Outlining Command:...

Author: zainnab Date: 03/17/2010

Expanding Your Code with Outlining

Keyboard: CTRL + M, CTRL + M Menu: Edit -> Outlining -> Toggle Outlining Expansion Command:...

Author: zainnab Date: 03/16/2010

Collapsing Your Code with Outlining

Keyboard: CTRL + M, CTRL + M Menu: Edit -> Outlining -> Toggle Outlining Expansion Command:...

Author: zainnab Date: 03/15/2010

How to Convert Tabs to Spaces and Vice Versa

Menu: Edit -> Advanced -> Tabify Selected Lines; Edit -> Advanced -> Untabify Selected...

Author: zainnab Date: 03/14/2010

Automatic vs. Default in Fonts and Colors

Menu: Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Fonts and Colors Versions: 2008,2010Published:...

Author: zainnab Date: 03/13/2010

Printing the File Path in the Page Header

Menu: File -> Page SetupCommand: File.PageSetupVersions: 2008,2010Published: 3/12/2010Code:...

Author: zainnab Date: 03/12/2010

Printing in Different Fonts and Colors

Menu: Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Fonts and ColorsVersions: 2008Published:...

Author: zainnab Date: 03/11/2010

Reuse the Same Editor Window When Opening Files

Menu: Tools -> Options -> Environment -> DocumentsVersions: 2008,2010Published:...

Author: zainnab Date: 03/10/2010

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