
Server Evangelism Blogroll


image Thought you might want to know about how many cool folks I work with in the Platform Evangelism team and what they are all up to. Instead of introducing each of them I let them speak for themselves, via their weblogs.

The (never-) complete Platform Evangelism Blogroll in no particular order:

James Conard https://blogs.msdn.com/jamescon/  .NET and Connected Systems Evangelism RSS 2.0Atom 1.0
Matthew Winkler https://blogs.msdn.com/mwinkle Matt W's Windows Workflow Place

RSS 2.0Atom 1.0

Jason Olson https://blogs.msdn.com/jolson/https://www.managed-world.com/ A developer, Windows Server, and a ton of adventures and stories

RSS 2.0Atom 1.0

Saptak Sen https://blogs.msdn.com/saptaks/ Trivia on Windows 64-bit, High Performance Computing, Virtualization, Storage and everything else RSS 2.0Atom 1.0
Neil Hutson https://blogs.msdn.com/neilhut Windows Server 2008, Visual Studio 2008 and .NET 3.5 are exciting new releases for Microsoft. I am responsible for developer excitement and adoption of this platform at Microsoft and want to show a view of the excitement and challenges of the role RSS 2.0Atom 1.0
Nigel Watling https://blogs.msdn.com/nigelwa/ Security and identity for developers

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Giovanni Marchetti tba.
David Aiken https://blogs.msdn.com/daiken/ Management, Building Manageable Applications, Design for Operations, WMI, DSI, MMC, VSMMD and of course Windows Powershell

RSS 2.0Atom 1.0

Adam Carter https://blogs.technet.com/adamca/ Ad Nauseam - ramblings of a technologist RSS 2.0Atom 1.0
David Tesar https://blogs.technet.com/extreme eXtreme. cool technology. live life on the edge. RSS 2.0Atom 1.0
Steven Woodward https://blogs.msdn.com/stwood/ Steve's Identity Corner RSS 2.0Atom 1.0
Brian Keller blogs.msdn.com/briankel Brian Keller is a Technical Evangelist for Microsoft Visual Studio Team System. Brian is based in Redmond, Washington and has a passion for technology, video games, and the outdoors RSS 2.0Atom 1.0
Justin Smith https://blogs.msdn.com/justinjsmith The Cybertopian Chronicle RSS 2.0Atom 1.0
Ryan Dunn https://dunnry.com/blog/ Extemporaneous Mumblings RSS
Vittorio Bertocci https://blogs.msdn.com/vbertocci Scatter thoughts

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Donovan Follette https://blogs.msdn.com/donovanf donovanf's Identity and Access Blog

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Volker Will https://blogs.msdn.com/volkerw Stuff mostly about Windows Fundamentals

RSS 2.0Atom 1.0

If you want to work with us, check out the Microsoft career website and search for "Evangelism" or "Evangelist". We belong to the Developer and Platform Evangelism group (D&PE) at the corporate headquarters in Redmond, WA.

Virtually Yours


  • Anonymous
    June 20, 2007
    Now that I have your attention, I just got approval for another position in our developer evangelism