
Microsoft and HPC? Of course!

You certainly want to hear more about what is going on inside Microsoft with the upcoming CCE version of Windows Server. CCE stands for Compute Cluster Edition. Details on this SKU will have to wait a bit.

But wrt HPC, Microsoft is working with many key players in the arena of high performance computing for quite some time already. The Cornell Theory Center is one of those close partners.

Interested in what the Cornell Theory Center is doing wrt Windows clusters this will be an interesting read.

Windows Supercomputer Simulates Threats to U.S. Water Supply
US EPA National Homeland Security Research Center installs Windows HPC system.



Oil Production “Trigger Prices” Calculated on Windows Cluster
Compute time reduced from 5 days to 3 minutes on HPC cluster.

<https://www.tc.cornell.edu/CTC-Main/News/2005/050303.htm> _______________________________________________________________

Windows HPC Simulation Clarifies How the Tsunami Struck Coastlines
Cornell Leads Scientific Delegation into Sri Lanka's Wave-Ravaged Areas <https://www.supercomputingonline.com/article.php?sid=7822>

Cornell Researchers Create Simulation of Deadly Indian Ocean Tsunami.


CTC Windows HPC Training Offered at Cornell Campus:
May 9-10, 2005 - Ithaca, NY
Windows High-Performance Computing Technical Training Workshop <https://www.tc.cornell.edu/CTC-Main/Events/Pages/050509.htm>

May 11-12, 2005 - Ithaca, NY
Introduction to .NET and Web Services Workshop <https://www.tc.cornell.edu/CTC-Main/Events/Pages/050511.htm>


Life Sciences Push Planned by Microsoft 

Microsoft plans to combines new HPC cluster software and collaboration with Microsoft partners to develop life science-specific computing solutions.


Microsoft Announces Digital Pharma Initiative <https://www.bio-itworld.com/news/031505_report7790.html>

Sample Windows HPC Life Science Projects at Cornell & TechExchange Sites:

See Windows HPC Life Sciences at BioIT World, 5/17-19, CTC Booth 509 <https://www.bio-itworldexpo.com/live/26/>


Windows Server 2003 Compute Cluster Edition to Beta <https://news.com.com/Windows+for+supercomputers+likely+out+by+fall/2100-1012_3-5598603.html?tag=sas.email>


Hands-On Guide Available from CTC on Using Web Services for Financial Computations
New introductory guide provides software requirements, sample code, and instructions for using Web services in a Windows environment on .NET clusters.


CTC and ASPEED Collaborate on Dynamic Load Balancing on HPC Clusters <https://www.tc.cornell.edu/CTC-Main/News/2005/050201.htm>


CTC Partner Fluent Releases FLUENT 6.2

Fluent uses CTC for product testing and Cornell's Steve Pope is developing combustion codes to run efficiently on Windows HPC clusters for the manufacturing, power generation, and transportation industries.

Contact Paul Redfern at 607-227-1865 to discuss CTC Partner opportunities.


CTC Leads USDA HPC Colloquium in Washington, DC <https://www.tc.cornell.edu/CTC-Main/News/2004/041214.htm>

CTC Uses .NET and SQL Server to Generate More Accurate Temperature  Models at the NOAA Northeast Regional Climate Center <https://www.tc.cornell.edu/nr/shared/CTC-Main/SC2004/files/compag2.pdf>

USDA Chooses SQL Server for New 25-Terabyte Warehouse <https://www.microsoft.com/resources/casestudies/CaseStudy.asp?CaseStudyID=16212>