
Tech Ed Challenge - The results

WOW and when I say WOW I mean WOW!

The TechNet team have been overwhelmed by the response to the TechEdChallenge! We received nearly 500 entries to the competition and had to judge more than 40 Blog article submissions. 

On behalf of the team I wanted to thank each and ever person that took the time to download, try and write a blog article. It is a time consuming exercise and we Thank You for your submissions.

With more than 40 articles to review we pulled together an expert panel of judges to review:

  • Dan Pilling - IT Pro Audience Lead
  • Elizabeth Berresford - Marketing Communications Specialist
  • Simon May - IT Pro Evangelist
  • Andrew Fryer - IT Pro Evangelist
  • Justin Pearce - Assistant Director of Bite Global, former Editor of New Media Age
  • Steve Plank - Azure Evangelist

After more than 4 hours of review we came to the following results. 

The Winners are:


TechED Challenge: Best System Center Blog: Ryan Boud:


Judges Comments:

"Liked the intro and summary, he sets the scene and then brings it to conclusion" Elizabeth

"Puts himself in the heads of the readers" Justin

"Really easy to read, liked the format" Andrew

TechED Challenge: Runner Up: System Center Blog: Robin Cook:


"Felt it was focused and as a result it would grab the readers attention" Justin

"Liked the format and style of the article" Simon


TechED Challenge: Best Windows Server Blog: James Murray:


"Tells a story and storytelling always grabs your attention" Justin

"Different style but still really engaging" Dan

"Had succinct and substantiated points" Simon

TechED Challenge: Runner Up: Windows Server Blog: Paul Iddon:


"Made it personally and is obviously passionate about the subject, that comes through" Dan

"Some really good talking points" Simon


TechED Challenge: Best Azure Blog: 'Richard Arpino:


"For me, this approaches gold standard blogging across any sort of industry" Justin

"It was the marmite of the submissions but I like Marmite" Dan

"Attention grabbing style of content" Elizabeth

TechED Challenge: Runner Up Azure Blog: Andy Cox:

Written submission

"Comprehensive and simple to follow" Andrew

"Liked the way the detail was laid out." Planky


Congratulations to everyone who took part in the competition and a special well done to those who have won!

Dan @danpi