

Exchange 2010 SP1 için RU8, Exchange 2010 SP2 için RU5 v2 ve Exchange 2007 SP3 için RU9 11 Aralık 2012 de yayınlandı

Exchange 2010 SP1 için Ru8, Exchange 2010 SP2 için Ru5 v2 ve Exchange 2007 SP3 için Ru9 11 Aralik 2012 de yayinlandi. Ilgili Exchange blog sayfasi: https://blogs.technet.com/b/exchange/archive/2012/12/11/released-update-rollup-5-v2-for-exchange-2010-sp2-exchange-2010-sp1-ru8-and-exchange-2007-sp3-ru9.aspx

Exchange 2007 SP3 Ru9 ile gelen en önemli fix EdgeTransport.exe isleminin tekrarlanan toplanti istegini islerken crash etmesidir. Sunucu sadece bir defa olusan ancak tekrarlanan toplantiyi islerken bu problemi vermektedir. Bunun nedeni AppointmentReccurenceBlob özelliginin bu tip toplanti istekleri için desteklenmemis olmasidir. Bu nedenle InvalidOperationException hatasi alinarak EdgeTrasnport.exe crash ediyor.

Bu kosulda event loglara düsecek olasi hatalar:


Time: Time

ID: 10003

Level: Error

Source: MSExchangeTransport

Machine: Computer

Message: The transport process failed during message processing with the following call stack: System.InvalidOperationException: Property AppointmentRecurrenceBlob is not permitted on meeting occurrences.


Time: Time

ID: 4999

Level: Error

Source: MSExchange Common

Machine: Computer

Message: Watson report about to be sent to dw20.exe for process id: Process ID, with parameters: E12, Build Type, Version Number, edgetransport, M.E.D.Storage, M.E.D.S.OccurrencePropertyBag.InternalSetValidatedStoreProperty, System.InvalidOperationException, XXXX, Version Number. ErrorReportingEnabled: False

Güncellemeyle ilgili daha detayli bilgiye https://support.microsoft.com/kb/2748658 buradan ulasabilirsiniz.

Exchange 2010 SP2 UR5 v2 ile de gelen önemli fixler var bunlardan sik karsilastiklarimiz sunlar; 

Gönderici attigi epostanin bazi alicilara iletilmesine ragmen iletim listesindeki herkes için iletilemedi (NDR) mesajini almasi. Bunun nedeni  Hub Transport sunucunun disariya email atilirken 3rd party smart-host ile route ederken Delivery Service Notification (DSN) tablosundan yanlis alicilari eklemesidir. Detayli bilgi için https://support.microsoft.com/kb/2748767


Microsoft Exchange Replication servisinin Exchange 2003 den Exchange 2010 a mailbox tasinirken araliklarla crash etmesi. Bunun sebebi Excange 2010 CAS sunucunun tamamlanmis
tasima talebini silerken o esnada olan tasima islemini düzgün isleyememesidir.

Event loglara düsebilecek olasi hatalar:


Log Name:      Application

Source: MSExchange Mailbox Replication

Date: Date

Event ID:      1121

Task Category: Request

Level:     Error

Keywords:    Classic

User:      N/A

Computer: Computer

Description: The Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication service was unable to process a request due to an  unexpected error.

Request GUID:GUID 

Database GUID: GUID

Error: MapiExceptionNotFound: Unable to open entry ID. (hr=0x80004005, ec=-1601)


Log Name:      Application

Source:      MSExchange Common

Date: Date

Event ID:      4999

Task Category:General

Level:        Error

Keywords:     Classic

User:         N/A

Computer: Computer

Description: Watson report about to be sent for process id: Process ID, with parameters: E12, Build Type,Version Number, MSExchangeMailboxReplication,
M.Exchange.MailboxReplicationService, M.E.M.MoveBaseJob.<BeginJob>b__c, System.NullReferenceException, XXX, Version Number.

ErrorReportingEnabled: True


Log Name:      System

Source: Service Control Manager

Date: Date

Event ID:      7031

Task Category: None

Level:        Error

Keywords: Classic

User:         N/A

Computer: Computer

Description: The Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this XX time (s). The following corrective action will be taken in XX
milliseconds: Restart the service.  

Fix ile ilgili daha ayrintili bilgiye buradan ulasabilirsiniz https://support.microsoft.com/kb/2727802.


Bir diger önemli mesele Exchange 2010 Mailbox server Store.exe servisinin VSAPI (virus scanning API) tabanli antivirus yazilimi kullanimi sonucunda crash etmesidir. Bunun sebebi Exchange sunucunun yanlislikla noktali virgül isaretini bazi VSAPI 2.6 protokolünün kullandigi bazi property lere koymasidir. Bu nedenle üstesinden gelinemeyen kural disi bir durum olusur ve store.exe crash eder.

Event loglara düsebilecek olasi hatalar:


Log Name:      Application

Source: Application Error

Date:     Date

Event ID:      1000

Task Category: (100)

Level:        Error

Keywords:     Classic

User:         N/A

Computer:      Computer

Description:Faulting application store.exe, version Version, time stamp TimeStamp, faulting module mdbrest.dll, version Version, time stamp TimeStamp, exception code 0xc0000005, fault offset
Offset, process id ProcessID, application start time Time.

Fix in detaylarina buradan ulasabilirsiniz https://support.microsoft.com/kb/2716145.

C. Sinem Tosun