

My Windows Surface Pro is now equipped with a 4-way hub with all my attachments for success! Check it out…..

This last Saturday (Feb 9th – Surface Pro Launch Day!) I was finishing up the Angelbeat events in Florida delivering information on Windows Azure and Windows Server 2012.  Since I was in Fort Lauderdale for the last Angelbeat event on Friday, I decided to stay for the .NET Code Camp.

When driving to the code camp I made a decision to go buy a Windows Surface Pro tablet.  I called the local Best Buys and the Microsoft Store Online and they had already sold out of the 128GB devices. I was really only looking to purchase the 64GB and thought I would go over to the Staples that was on my way to NOVA University.  I went into the store and they only had one. So go figure, the Microsoft guy buys the only device allocated to that Staples store.  This is the first computer/tablet I have purchased for myself in over 20 years!

Today - I decided to conduct a test on my Surface Pro and my 4-way USB hub so that I could hook up my wireless mouse, beat box music speaker, slide clicker and USB to VGA adapter – and what did I get?  SUCCESS. I also have RSAT on the box for Remote Server Management.  I’ll add a micro drive to the system soon, as they have 32GB Micro SD’s for $29.00 at Best Buy.


All of my 4 devices on the Windows Surface Pro (above) just worked.  


My system hooked up to the Tampa Microsoft Office projection system

The only issue I had was getting the Windows 8 Driver for the Eclipse SEE2 UV150 for my Windows 8 Surface pro to see it. If you are looking for the driver you will have to call support or get the driver here. To get the best resolution set the Display on the desktop to 1680X1050.

Pretty cool setup and so far I’m really liking my Windows Surface Pro -