

TeachTec @ FETC 2011 tweet you there!



I’m really hoping to see a lot of educators at FETC in Orlando Florida next week, I’ll be at the conference all week and would love to meet you face to face. It’s always nice to be able to meet the people you tweet with (most times Smile ) so please stop by the meeting room or our booth, ask for TeachTec or Tec, Tony Time and get a small token of appreciation for following us! Let me know if I should be on the lookout for you.

Webcast 004

Here’s the Marketing, but I’m more interested in sharing what you’re doing with Microsoft technologies to share with our TeachTec friends!



Join Microsoft at FETC 2011 in Meeting Room #M1, located in the

back of the exhibit hall and in Booth #121 or attend one of our sessions to learn more!


Wednesday - February 2, 2011

10:00 – 10:30 am - Free Tools for Educators

Stop by and learn about the free tools that make teachers productive and great in the classroom. Come explore tools such as Office Add-ins, Mouse Mischief, Pivot, Windows Live Skydrive, AutoCollage, Photosynth, Songsmith and Worldwide Telescope and more.

· Office add-ins: Make presentations interactive, graph equations, and more.

· Mouse Mischief: Ask questions with PowerPoint, students click answers.

· Pivot: Interact with massive amounts of data in powerful and fun ways.

· Windows Live SkyDrive: 25 GB of free storage.

· AutoCollage ( : Automatically create collages of your pictures.

· Photosynth: Create 3-D experiences from multiple images.

· Songsmith: Musical accompaniment to match your singing voice.

· WorldWide Telescope: Virtual telescope using the Hubble and more


11:30 – 12:00 pm - Live@Edu– Connect your teachers and students

Looking to provide better services to your school while reducing costs at the same time? Looking to move to a hosted e-mail solution, while maintaining essential controls of your mail environment? Introducing “Microsoft Live@edu”. With 10 gigabytes (GB) of email storage, it’s the no-cost Outlook Live e-mail service built on Exchange 2010. Live@edu provides the familiar and reliable Outlook Web Access (OWA) co-branded with your school’s name and logo, helping students build lifelong ties to your educational institution.

With 25 GB of additional file storage, Live@edu is more than just e-mail— it includes access to other services that enhance your school’s ability to collaborate and communicate, including calendars, document sharing, video chat, mobile e-mail, and more.

2:00 – 2:30 pm. Microsoft IT Academy – Give your students a leg up into the workplace with Microsoft certifications

Microsoft IT Academy is a subscription-based membership program designed to help schools offer students and faculty learning solutions for IT skills training and certification as well as technology essentials for professionals. Access to these resources helps students build a successful future with the skills that employers demand.

Microsoft IT Academy offers the opportunity for faculty to stay up to date on the latest Microsoft technologies. Best of all, its built-in flexibility makes it easy to integrate these technologies into new or existing curricula, so schools and educators can tailor classes to meet the needs of students of all ages and levels of experience.

3:00 – 3:30 p.m. – Microsoft Office in the classroom – Indispensable tools for teachers

A teacher's day is nonstop—from before the first bell to after the last paper you grade at night. The Microsoft Office system can help you handle the writing, presenting, organizing, and communicating it takes to keep moving at the speed of the school calendar.

· Organize your materials. Microsoft OneNote helps organize class lessons, web articles, videos, and other multimedia classroom content in one convenient program.

· Express your ideas. Learn about the improved designs, transitions, quality graphics, and more to better engage your students with Microsoft PowerPoint.

· Access and share. New Microsoft Office Web Apps are online companions to Microsoft Office programs, like Word, OneNote, and PowerPoint. You can access, edit, and share documents from virtually any computer with an Internet connection, even if Microsoft Office isn't installed.*


Thursday – February 3, 2011

10:00 – 10:30 am - Free Tools for Educators

Stop by and learn about the free tools that make teachers productive and great in the classroom. Come explore tools such as Office Add-ins, Mouse Mischief, Pivot, Windows Live Skydrive, AutoCollage, Photosynth, Songsmith and Worldwide Telescope and more.

· Office add-ins: Make presentations interactive, graph equations, and more.

· Mouse Mischief: Ask questions with PowerPoint, students click answers.

· Pivot: Interact with massive amounts of data in powerful and fun ways.

· Windows Live SkyDrive: 25 GB of free storage.

· AutoCollage ( : Automatically create collages of your pictures.

· Photosynth: Create 3-D experiences from multiple images.

· Songsmith: Musical accompaniment to match your singing voice.

· WorldWide Telescope: Virtual telescope using the Hubble and more

11:30 –12:00 pm Live@Edu– Connect your teachers and students

Looking to provide better services to your school while reducing costs at the same time? Looking to move to a hosted e-mail solution, while maintaining essential controls of your mail environment? Introducing “Microsoft Live@edu”. With 10 gigabytes (GB) of email storage, it’s the no-cost Outlook Live e-mail service built on Exchange 2010. Live@edu provides the familiar and reliable Outlook Web Access (OWA) co-branded with your school’s name and logo, helping students build lifelong ties to your educational institution.

With 25 GB of additional file storage, Live@edu is more than just e-mail— it includes access to other services that enhance your school’s ability to collaborate and communicate, including calendars, document sharing, video chat, mobile e-mail, and more.