
Blog checkup

A little rant first... Generally when I blog about something I rely on comments to respond to folks. I dont check referrals to my blog very often. I wish  that I could somehow see direct referrals easier.. but I can't due to a bajillion links from Google and other search engines.  If want to contact me  - leave  a comment or email me.  But beware that email may not make it through due to SPAM filters at MS.

However, today I was poking around ( since I'm on vacation ) and noticed that a while back I had commentd on smartphone vs IPods  and a referral was linked to Scoble who had some valid points  on both sides of the fence. Anyway... one of his complaints was that he could not email me from internal MS because I did not make it clear as to who I am. So,  I have changed the title of this blog to include my full name...

Thanks for the heads up Scoble.
