Soft reset your ipod video...
My ipod video just freezed the other day and since there are not many buttons I can not even turn it off . since it's also a software system I thought there must be a way to soft reset it instead of just leaving it there until the battery runs out.
Just found this post for reset ipod video by:
1. Toggle the Hold switch on and off. (Slide it to Hold, then turn it off again.)
2. Press and hold the Menu and Select buttons until the Apple logo appears, about 6 to 10 seconds. You may need to repeat this step.
I did it only one time and my ipod reset itself and back to normal.
Technorati tags: apple, ipod, music, video, player, reset
August 09, 2007
ty man mine I pod cracht now it is back on again :DAnonymous
April 16, 2009
i reset my ipod with restore and soft reset and i still cannot hear anything out of my ipod