
John Campbell & Tana's handbag.

This is my first blog post written with a pen!

I was interested in Campbell live tonight. Last week at WebStock we were handing out Idealog magazines that where profiling generation c. Yup, John Campbell went behind that article tonight and interviewed people that produce their own content and put it out there on the web. John questioned the driver for why people do it... he hinted to the feeling of celebrity. I would argue that celebrity is a side affect of the "Semantic Web" where content and in turn popularity defines relevance. For years we relied on main stream media to tell us what to listen to what to read what to buy. Everyone has heard of myspace.com but do any of you know of https://artistdirect.com? What about https://shoutweb.com ?

Back in 2000 some friends of mine started shoutweb... they hooked up some Us & Uk magazine contacts for content and then relied on "community" to gain a pulse on what was cool. Back then the site launched the career of Linkin Park much like myspace launched the career of artic monkeys today. Shoutweb got its launch when Daniel's korn fansite go recognised as Best Rock fansite at the 1999 Artist Direct Music Awards. A couple of mates and I were flown to Hollywood by artist direct... at the time artist direct was trying to understand community... they had the bands, No Doubt, Cypress Hill etc etc but they were too corporate to reach their customers. MySpace has both which is why it was sold for $400 Million USD to Rupert Murdoch.

Who saw Tana's handbag on Trade Me today? People where commenting just so they could be on the TV news... bids reached 100 million before being removed. . . it is now at a humble $12k and almost 400,000 page views! It reminded me of a CD I sold a couple years ago for $300!

IMO Rowan did a great job of discussing the Trade Me model at WebStock... and like any good presentation you can always read what other people thought of it. If you are coming to Tech Ed  you'll have a chance to see Rowan speak and ask questions about their migration.

The other thing on Campbell live tonight was Gordon Bell talking about his MyLifeBits project. Mark Carroll did a great job looking after Gordon while he was in Wellington this week. I'll do this justice to this topic in another post.

So what about my Ego search?

My 1st attempt at GC has 1 fan and almost 100 Views Woot!

My best photo on flickr has 331 Views, 16 favourites & 9 comments.

When you "Google" Nigel Parker I am 7 out of the 10 on the 1st page.

If it wasn't for Nic I wouldn't fear well in the technorati search test!

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My influence

this score is pretty low... I need to blog more... or say something controversial ;)

What about you? Drop me a comment about on how you check out in the ego search?

UPDATE: I got some feedback on this post about the font size... my fault... sorry... hopefully this update will fix it.

"I read and enjoy your blog in RSS Bandit. This post however appears in font so miniscule that it is unreadable by anyone out of their teens.
You may want to look into that issue. In the alternative, you can jigger your upcoming posts so they are aimed at the demographic that can read them and go to work for MS in 10 or so years."

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