
Hello World!

Hi There!

My name is Mr. (Scoop) Proactive, and I am one of the Community Leads for Premier Field Engineering (PFE). My partner in crime is Miss T. Proactive (no relation). Miss T. won't ever tell me her real first name. She says it is "Tips and Tricks", but I can never tell if she is serious.

We started this blog so that the PFE community can share their proactive items with you as well as share "Tips and Tricks" that we come across. As PFEs, we do this all of the time with our customers. We see this as a great way to get the word out about what PFEs do. Which brings me to the next item...

What is a PFE? Glad you asked. Premier Field Engineers have gone by many names in the past: Alliance (Engineers, Consultant, Support Professionals), RRE (Rapid Response Engineer), ROSS (Rapid Onsite Support), the list could go on and on. But now, we all fall under the PFE umbrella. As a PFE, generally we are either Dedicated Support Engineers (DSE) or Transactional Engineers.

PFEs are known proactive offerings and for the great relationship that we have with our customers. We know the customers' environments and history of issues. This means that when they give us a call with a reactive issue, they don't have to go in to great detail about their environment, and we can focus on the issue that they are seeing immediately. But it also means that when we hear other customers are running into an issue, we can proactively let our customer know, so we can get ahead of it before it becomes a bigger problem. Kind of cool, right?

Transactional PFEs do a lot of the above, but they also deal with a lot more customers, since they are not assigned a specific customer generally, but a region of customers. This allows them to build a lot of great relationships. And many times, as the customers' see the value of a dedicated resource; they may end up asking for a DSE. Also, most of the Risk Assessment Programs (RAPs like ExRAP, ADRAP, SQLRAP, etc.), Workshops, and other offerings in our Premier Proactive Services catalog are handled by the Transactional PFEs. They are a very busy group of experts.

PFE is a truly great place to work. In fact, we will also be sharing job opportunities with you on a daily basis. (I kid... Maybe monthly... I don't like reading about job offerings either, but we are always looking for great people to work at the greatest company in the greatest role!) Ok, enough about that.

Also, since we have a large number of offerings that we provide customers that you may not be aware of, we will occasionally share the details with you so that you can jump on them as soon as they are available.

Well, that is enough for now. Keep this blog in mind since I am sure you will be enjoying some of the posts that we will be sharing. Feel free to contact me anytime with any questions you may have by clicking on the "Email Blog Author" link at the right. Both Miss T. and I get those emails and try to respond when we can.