

Windows Live announced a brand new, fully updated, FolderShare web site yesterday! It's just aweosme...I've been using FolderShare a lot and it's very helpful to keep all the documents in sync. It's esp important for me as I travel quite a bit in my job and there have been a number of times where I wished I had access to my desktop at work!


Anyway, definitely try it out!

  • Check out the new website for FolderShare (Don't try to 'Sign in' - First check 'Get Started' and then use that sign in name to get in. The login page is very deceptive and looks like a normal passport sign in page but its not! Install the tool first and it has its own sign in mechanism- Aaargh!)
  • Install the new FolderShare
  • And, of course give us your Feedback!


-Mithun Dhar

Technorati tags: FolderShare, Folder Share, live drive
