

Thanks to the good folks at LogoWorks I now have a logo!

TheBraidyTester.com logo

I didn't have any clue what I wanted at first, but I am super happy with the final result.

And thanks to Register4Less I now have a ten year lease on TheBraidyTester.com. There's not much there yet, but I do have links to my most post popular blog posts and to my published articles. Let me know what else you would like to see!


  • Anonymous
    December 02, 2005

    Thanks for the shout out - we're very glad that we were able to make you happy. We hope you'll come back and use us if you ever have design needs. Thanks again.

  • Anonymous
    December 02, 2005
    On your new web page, the image URL's have (back slashes) 's in them when they should be (forward slashes) /'s. IE takes care of it and renders the page. FireFox displays a broken image.

    Check the report generated by the following URL

  • Anonymous
    December 02, 2005
    Thanks for catching that! It's fixed now.