
Are you event ready?

Kudos to Alex Norko of Okron Data The guy knows BI/SQL really well and wanted to leverage the Microsoft Partner Events machine for a September-focused discussion.

He realized, however, that he had too much on his plate.

He’s rebuilding and rebranding his website. He’s got some leads to pursue and, of course, has some existing clients to serve.

Lastly, he wasn’t 100% sure he could bang out the type of event that he (and we) wanted.

So, what is he doing?

  1. Taking courses at www.msreadiness.com in the BI competency so he is fully up to speed on the technology and selling the value of the platform


  1. Leveraging www.microsoftpartnerevents.com to make sure his presentation skills are primed when he does sign up for an event


You can bet that his events are going to be GREAT when he executes.