
Up and Running

Finally after many emails and headaches.. got this blog up..

so.. what is this blog about? well i'm hoping that this will give you some insights into our planning cycle for the MEDC 2006 event. If you don't know already, my name is Loke Uei (pronounced Loke Oui), I'm a Product Manager in the Mobile and Embedded Devices Group. I'm the Content Lead for MEDC 2006 taking over from James Pratt who did a fantastic job in MEDC 2005.

What will I be posting? well I will post everything and anything about MEDC 2006 and the trials and tribulations we go through when setting up a big event like MEDC. Also, since I own the content, this will be a great place to share with all of you what we will be talking about at the event. This also gives me an opportunity to get feedback if you think we should add, modify or cut certain sessions.

Where are we now with Content planning? we've just closed the Call for Papers and is in the process of reviewing the session ideas that have been submitted from the external sources like MVPs, RDs, Partners and folks from other divisions. we have close to 180 sessions submitted. which is REALLY cool. Will update once we filter and sanitize the list a little more.

