
Newsbreak 2.0

Newsbreak, my "mostest-favoritest" RSS reader has been upgraded to v2.0. New and improved with fancy icons and PODCAST and VIDEO BLOG support amongst others. Woot! Checkout some screenshots I took today.

(viewing news item and clicked on download podcast)


(in channel view, watch the download progress bar)


  (progress bar exists even in the main Channels view. Sweet)


Go get it now for a cheap introductory price of USD7.95 or try it free for 30 days. Trust me, you won't regret it.


  • Anonymous
    March 09, 2007
    So after installing Newsbreak 2.0 from Iliumsoft and finally being able to subscribe to all my favorite

  • Anonymous
    March 14, 2007
    Happy Pi Day ! Software / Hardware Outlook Mobile team blog . Subscribed . Loke notes that Newsbreak