Evel Knievel anyone?
I’ve been riding motorcycles since I was very young. Blame my Father and Uncle Stanley for my need for speed. I still remember to this day the first time I pulled the front wheel off the ground at 60+ MPH and road a wheelie over a mile.
Needless to say the custom bikes at DEUS EX MACHINA get my heart thumping. I thought this one suited my younger self in many ways. I still remember seeing Evel jump in the Astrodome in Houston. It doesn’t get any better than that.
I need to move to Australia so I can ride kewl bikes like this.
May 11, 2010
I'm just wondering whether you even tried to check the spelling of his name. It's Knievel.Anonymous
May 11, 2010
Actually I did and still got it wrong. I double checked to see if it was Evil or Evel since I couldn't remember, then checked the beginning of his last name. The a versus the e in the last part of his name was a stupid mistake. I should have just done a cut an paste. It was late.Anonymous
May 15, 2010
I saw Robby (his son?) perform many years ago. He attempted to jump over about 20 busses. He didn't quite make it but was unhurt in his attempt.