
Where to see John in May

May 4th Tulsa, OK Office 2010, Sharepoint 2010, and Visual Studio 2010 Launch event www.technetevents.com

May 6th DFW IT PRO User Group  www.dfwitprofessionals.com

May 13th AITP Baton Rouge, LA  www.aitpbatonrouge.org

May 18th Dallas Office 2010, Sharepoint 2010, and Visual Studio 2010 Launch event  www.technetevents.com

May 20th Houston Office 2010, Sharepoint 2010, and Visual Studio 2010 Launch event  www.technetevents.com

May 26th Dallas AITP Monthly meeting www.aitpdallas.org

May 27th SpechTechular 2010 Fort Worth New Horizons


Another busy month of events.