
UC and Call Center Application

As you know the last few months I have been doing many activities around our new Office Communicator product. Launches, Hands on labs, all kinds of ways of interacting with customers about the incredible new product. I keep getting the same question over and over. Who is writing a Call Center application on top of this new great UC technology? Is Microsoft coming out with one? Well I have done some checking and the answer is a lot of people are thinking, but No one I talk to knows of any definite plans to build one. Neither Microsoft or any of our partners, YET. I think there is huge potential for something like this. Do you agree? If you do, please send me an email directly to jweston@microsoft. Put UC Call Center in the subject for me please. I have a direct ear to some of the people in product group. I need to let them know there is a real need for something like this.

Oh by the way. I developed a really cool demo for UC. In my presenations I have the audience call my redmond phone number. They see me try to answer as many of these calls as possible. What they don't realize is I am capturing their caller ID's. After hanging up on all the calls. I go back to the UC client and expose Recent contacts. Highlight all 10 caller ID's there. Right click and start conference call. This Dials all 10 cell phones in the room from my UC client. We all can talk, I have just built a conference call with everyone in the room! People love this, very interactive with the audience.
