
A View from Elsewhere

John Montgomery's Weblog

An Ad, but a Funny Ad

Everyone once in a while, Microsoft does a good one. Check out this LiveMeeting ad.

Author: johnmont Date: 10/25/2005

Evolution of the Cathedral

In his post about the changing cathedral and bazaar, Jon Udell asserts that the cathedral and the...

Author: johnmont Date: 10/12/2005

Are You Dumb?

A game to play with the sound turned low so nobody can hear whether you're dumb or not.

Author: johnmont Date: 10/11/2005

Supersonic Flight

I guess the Concorde never made back what it cost to research and develop it. I suspected that, but...

Author: johnmont Date: 10/11/2005

VB .Next

Good article on eWeek on VB "9."

Author: johnmont Date: 10/11/2005

I Suppose It's Kind of Like Goodwill or the Salvation Army

Britney Spears is selling her used clothing on eBay for charity. You know, somewhere in here,...

Author: johnmont Date: 10/11/2005

Text Your Teapot

Engadget picks up some interesting items, among them this teapot that you can send a text message to...

Author: johnmont Date: 10/11/2005

What? No Captain Underpants?!

Evidently book banning is still in style. I thought that went out with goose-stepping and invading...

Author: johnmont Date: 10/11/2005

Brilliant Serenity

After admitting to Bill Dunlap, the C++ product manager, that I was a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan,...

Author: johnmont Date: 10/11/2005

The Myth of the Once-Readable DVD

I'm getting kind of a kick out of reading Ed Bott's stories documenting how he's trying to clarify...

Author: johnmont Date: 10/11/2005

At the Heart of Science Fiction

I've been reading a bunch of sci fi for the past couple of months (John C. Wright, Richard Morgan,...

Author: johnmont Date: 10/09/2005

Yuck. And Let Me Repeat, Yuck

Sucking blood from your daughter's thumbs. Mega-yuck.

Author: johnmont Date: 10/09/2005

Oh, The Irony

A headline on CNN caught my eye: Clinton inducted into women's hall of fame. That's only because it...

Author: johnmont Date: 10/09/2005

Shrunk/Shrank and Other Grammatical Observations

Found a useful Web site for my previous post. Nice for a grammar nut like me.

Author: johnmont Date: 10/09/2005

You Need a Better Tape Measure

Everest shrank?

Author: johnmont Date: 10/09/2005

Comcast DVR Trick

My Comcast DVR learned a new trick: to skip back after fast forwarding. If you're like me, when you...

Author: johnmont Date: 10/09/2005

Andreessen Posts on Ning

I'm not sure why I decided to pick a fight, but Alex Barnett chose to answer my questions, and...

Author: johnmont Date: 10/09/2005

Google and Sun: Room for Interpretation

I just noticed an article in the NY Times about how the vapidity vaporousness announcement made by...

Author: johnmont Date: 10/08/2005

Gentlemen, Start Your Icons

A minor flame war about whether Microsoft should introduce a "non-standard" icon to IE to represent...

Author: johnmont Date: 10/08/2005

I'm Glad He Said It, Not Me

Dave Winer had an unpositive reaction to Google's latest try at understanding blogs, mentioning that...

Author: johnmont Date: 10/08/2005

This Job May Make You Go Blind

I have no further comment on this one. OK, maybe one comment. But I'll keep it to myself. OK, I...

Author: johnmont Date: 10/07/2005

Does This Mean Two-Minute TV Shows?

A hybrid microwave/TV.

Author: johnmont Date: 10/07/2005

Gilder-stern is Dead

Charles Fitzgerald eloquently puts George Gilder in his place.

Author: johnmont Date: 10/07/2005

Superplatforms and Commodities

I'll continue one argument I was having with Jon in the open, just to see what happens. The premise:...

Author: johnmont Date: 10/07/2005

Why I Blog About Meaningless Things

I was having an email conversation with Jon Udell the other day about the concept of the...

Author: johnmont Date: 10/07/2005

As Seen on TV

A couple of weeks ago, my wife was on Jeopardy. Of course, I joined her, flying to LA to watch the...

Author: johnmont Date: 10/06/2005

Just Read It for the Last Paragraph

It's this kind of humor that I find the best -- something hovering on the irony/satire line.

Author: johnmont Date: 10/06/2005

The World is a Strange Place

Though not much for art, and definitely not much for graffiti, I'm dying to give the FatJab a try.

Author: johnmont Date: 10/06/2005

Security Signoff

Visual Studio 2005 and .NET Framework 2.0 just passed their final security review in preparation for...

Author: johnmont Date: 10/05/2005

March Toward Launch

Yesterday, our customers signed off on our release candidate. In case you don't know, the VS and...

Author: johnmont Date: 10/04/2005

Seattle No Longer the Lap Dance of Luxury

Seems the city council decided that lap dances were bad. Now, I'm not a big attendee at strip clubs,...

Author: johnmont Date: 10/04/2005

Call It 32 Inches

My father in law walked up the street to a construction site where they were lowering a house back...

Author: johnmont Date: 10/04/2005

So What's a PDC Like "Behind the Scenes?"

As an attendee, you don't think about this kind of stuff. But, like many things, you notice it when...

Author: johnmont Date: 09/13/2005

Watching ChrisCap Give a Demo

Chris Caposella is the VP of Office marketing -- senior guy. I've worked with him on a couple of...

Author: johnmont Date: 09/13/2005

.NET Framework Dull?

Ed, I'm insulted! You've called my baby ugly!!

Author: johnmont Date: 09/10/2005

To The Screaming Children (You Know Which Ones I Mean)

Dear Kids, I want to thank you: You are how I know summer is here. You see, when summer is here,...

Author: johnmont Date: 08/06/2005

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words. A Comic Is Worth A Million.

Author: johnmont Date: 08/05/2005

WinFX Runtime Components and Windows Vista Beta 1 Available

The new MSDN Windows Vista Longhorn Developer Center is live, including pointers to the download for...

Author: johnmont Date: 07/27/2005

Shareware Starter Kit

Dan got picked up by Mary Jo. This project has been a total labor of love for Dan, whose full time...

Author: johnmont Date: 07/17/2005

A Three-Hour Walk

Yesterday, my wife and I went for a three-hour walk. Ostensibly, it was to participate in the...

Author: johnmont Date: 07/17/2005

More Headlines to Love: "China to send pig sperm to space"

Check out the story, especially the picture.

Author: johnmont Date: 07/17/2005

Brad Evidently Needs a Job

Brad Abrams seems to want a job. I do have openings, but they're going fast.

Author: johnmont Date: 07/15/2005

Another Amsterdam Bathroom Observation

At the RAI, I noticed another thing in the bathroom. They have created a peculiar hybrid hand-drying...

Author: johnmont Date: 07/05/2005

The Fly

I went to the men's room here at the RAI in Amsterdam. As I stood before the urinal, I looked down....

Author: johnmont Date: 07/04/2005

Scalable User Experiences

I had a thought on the plane on the way over after we announced Atlas. The past ten years in...

Author: johnmont Date: 07/04/2005

Aaah, Amsterdam!

Whenever I arrive at a new location, I want to check it out. Primarily, I want to know where my...

Author: johnmont Date: 07/04/2005

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