Lock Your Offices
Seeing this image of “A Traditional Microsoft ‘Welcome Back’” reminded me that there was a similar, if not same group of people responsible for what happened to my office when I left to get married in September of 2002…
The picture is small but the effect of 1,500 lbs of sand and all the various paintings you can’t see in the picture was large.
Thankfully they left me a bunch of beer in the cooler to help ease the pain and moved my computers to the hallway at the same time so I could get some work done. There will be payback one day that I’ll be sure to post about.
January 16, 2004
One question, who had to clean this up ?Anonymous
January 16, 2004
I know its not the same penguin...but still..Anonymous
January 17, 2004
I tried to offer the sand up for free U-Haul, but no one seemed interested. So it sat there for a week or so before some kind people offered to help haul it out one trash can at a time.
The penguin belonged to a friend from college who, obviously was a big linux fan. He couldn't fit it in his car so I promised to give it a good home in my office at Microsoft where it still sits today.Anonymous
December 17, 2008
Yes, yes. I’m linking to a post by my husband again, but especially since readers have been interested in our effort to bring some transparency to the Recruiting process, I thought Josh’s post on Rebuilding Customer Connections One PersonAnonymous
January 14, 2009
Yes, yes. I’m linking to a post by my husband again, but especially since readers have been interested in our effort to bring some transparency to the Recruiting process, I thought Josh’s post on Rebuilding Customer Connections One Person