
Exchange Hotfix KB (12/20 - 1/9)

There were a few Exchange Hotfix KBs during the Christmas and New Year holidays. For Exchange Server 2007, there has been no new Rollup Update and Service Pack released in the last two weeks. For Exchange Server 2003, there are two articles I would like to share:

KB944903 The text of the e-mail message may be corrupted when Exchange 2007 receives an e-mail message that does not specify character set information

KB943721 Event ID: 8206 occurs when a MAPI-based application modifies calendar items in Exchange 2003

KB944903 is about a memory leak issue. Generally, you may find out a memory leak issue by checking the memory usage of a specific process in Performance Monitor. If a process occupied memory keeps increasing till a high level, we may suspect there is a memory leak issue. However, to identify a memory leak issue, further troubleshooting is necessary. For example, Debug Diagnostic Tool is one of the troubleshooting tools.


Tony Wang
