
Windows Live SDK

On dev.live.com you can find out all about the release of the Windows Live SDK. It's great to see a more one-stop-shopping approach and of course major updates and even new SDK's (Search, Alerts, adCenter).

On Thursday I delivered my presnetations on the Live Developer Platform at the Turkish Developer Event Microsoft had. I believe they were well received. I also learned a lot about the API's so now I only need to implement them on www.mahupcode.net which is currently in a macabre state!

I got quite some questions at the event. For instance:

- When can we expect better tool support in VS 2005? I don't have the answer yet but I understand where this question comes from. I'm already very happy that VS Orcas will include much better support for client side script. That will help trmendously. But what about managed wrappers or stubs so I can at least test my code partially when offline?

- Can we use Virtual Earth without it showing the logo on the maps

I had more about the Contacts control too but I expect to post about that soon. But first I need to write some code to make my mashup site somewhat presentable.

If you are into mashups, check out this site: www.go2web20.net, the programmable web stays the reference imho.