
The Monad...


I am now two and a half years working for Microsoft and still the company is able to astonish me once a day. Today I learned – ok, this is not really new I know but I just recently fell over it – that Monad is base for Exchange 12. Say, how cool is that ??
See https://www.microsoft.com/technet/community/chats/trans/windowsnet/wnet_120704.mspx for more information...

Monad is one of those ideas which are somehow simple and after getting them to know I am just wondering why this was not my idea years ago (I suffered the same effect with XML). So what is Monad ? There is an interesting BLOG-Entry which was written years ago (https://weblogs.asp.net/jnadal/archive/2003/10/29/34413.aspx). One complaint in this entry is that Monad is an overseen star and to be frank this was not only true for the PDC but also for subsequent events we did.

My colleague Frank Prengel showed Monad to an audience of students some time ago. The effect was “Uh, is Microsoft heading back to GUI-less times?” (Whereas the Avalon part of the 3-d arrangement of windows to toggle through its collection resulted in applause…)

OK, Monad needs some advocates and I will be one of them…

