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Windows 8 Design: C++, a little XAML and Tile Notification

Implementing a tile, is easy and simple in C++ To read a really well written blog about tile...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 09/11/2012

Free Hands on Learning: Using IE 10 to learn about the Design Process for Windows 8 apps

Check this out: https://ie.microsoft.com/testdrive/Graphics/hands-on-css3/ I don’t know about you,...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 09/10/2012

Win8 Design: Seriously you need to do design. But HOW?

In our modern times we think of great pieces of architecture and engineering as the only way design...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 09/08/2012

Building a software company with free stuff

First, you will need to learn how to do some programming and design.  There are a lot of free...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 09/07/2012

Box2D Physics port to JavaScript

So in my previous blog I mentioned Box2D and WinRT.  David mentioned that there was Box2D for...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 09/04/2012

Using Shared WinRT C++ Physics Engines in Your WinJS game

Currently there are no Physics Engines that will drop into WinRT and work, but bear in mind that...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 08/31/2012

First Prize in Imagine Cup: $50,000

Get signed up at https://www.imaginecup.com NOW.  And it’s THREE, that’s right 3 $50,000 first...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 08/29/2012

JavaScript anonymous functions, weird or callbacks to the future?

This whole javascript anonymous function is just odd isn't it? Like that beautiful women who goes...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 08/22/2012

Why is javascript in Windows 8 so anonymous and weird?

I have been staring at javascript in Windows 8, and it just seems weird.  That anonymous thing...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 08/22/2012

Getting started with Direct2D/Direct3D: The Secret of External Dependencies

You were sitting there thinking you were on top of the world, built some XNA stuff, maybe even read...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 08/20/2012

XNA=DirectXMath? Xbox Live part of Windows 8

XNA on Windows 8?  Really?  From Microsoft?  No.  Check out MonoGame. ...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 08/20/2012

List of 2 Reasons to use WinRT: Ease of use and JavaScript

WinRT can be used to create COM (DLL files) with C#/VB/C++.  COM is pretty easy to do in C#/VB,...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 08/17/2012

Windows To Go in Win8 RTM, UI, and some total coolness

Wow, let’s say you are working at place that won’t upgrade your computer from Windows XP to Windows...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 08/16/2012

Free Online Hackathon! This is a first

Hey sign up for this free Hackathon, win prizes (as described in the link): Free Online Hackathon!...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 08/15/2012

Upgraded Hybrid JavaScript and C++ Sample to functionality on Win8 RTM

Hi, I have been working on WinRT C++ stuff and found that some of the samples aren’t working...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 08/15/2012

VS 2012 will build but not deploy when using a WinRT with Javascript

WTH (What the Heck)!  I just upgraded my VS 2012 on August 18, 2012 and got the error that was...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 08/15/2012

Running Windows 8 RTM, some blathering and tested Win8 Win-shortcut keys

Well after struggling with Windows 8, like where is that darn start button, and then figuring out...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 08/14/2012

Data Structures class using Windows 8 and WinRT with JavaScript an introduction

Teaser overview: Arrays are usually the first data structure that we encounter.  They are...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 08/13/2012

Modern UI flap

I just pulled down a post on Modern UI, not for any other reason then it was bad (or you can think...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 08/13/2012

Data Structures using Windows 8 Modern UI design, part deux: Students Excited

Data Structures in Windows 8 have changed, but the really cool thing is that the Modern UI allows...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 08/10/2012

Free Windows 8 Virtual Labs available NOW, no Windows 8 required

What?  Did I get that right?  Seriously?  Learn how to program Windows 8 without...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 08/08/2012

Free! 21 Part Free tutorial on HTML5 and CSS

If you read no other free tutorial this summer then this is the one you need to work through. Do not...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 08/06/2012

OneNote 2013: Amazingly great!

Not sure about your, but OneNote always felt like the features were good, but they never felt all...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 08/04/2012

Promises and asynchrony: S/W Promises defined with words normal people can read

Promises have a simple lifecycle. Initially, a promise is unresolved – it represents the expectation...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 08/03/2012

PowerPoint Storyboard: How to create your own shape library

In this blog I will show how it is easy to create your own shape library and then get the library...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 08/03/2012

Developing Outlook.com: Well back from whatever July was and Outlook.com appears! Impact on Windows 8 (Win8)

Wow, Outlook.com, nice, I got my personal email address over there and the whole system looks...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 08/01/2012

App for Office365: Getting started

Well first of all, the documentation on line for Office 365 is wrong, the Office 365 is not in...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 07/31/2012

Apps for Office?

Really, didn’t Office already have app capability?  Well, the VBA macro language was useful for...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 07/30/2012

Free eBook: Office 365

Just what is Office 365?  Why should you be interested is there money to be made? ...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 07/29/2012

Port your UNIX code to Visual Studio 12

All right, you just graduated from college, never worked with Visual Studio and you got a lot of...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 07/28/2012

VS 12 for UNIX Users, an introduction!

Check out this article on how to use VS 12 for UNIX Users! Introduction to Visual C++ for UNIX Users...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 07/27/2012

Free eBook: Programming Windows 8 Apps

  Nice, I forgot to write about this free eBook about programming Windows 8 Apps. ...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 07/26/2012

Game Design: Brainstorming a game with block diagrams part 2

Today I met with 12 very bright high school students who are part of the College Bound program....

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 07/22/2012

Game Design: Tools you need to get familiar with, a bunch of downloads and installs

In the current environment of game design you can get away with flash and dash game design, that is...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 07/20/2012

Skydrive with Office 2010 versus Office 2013

One of my commenters ask about the use of Skydrive in Office 2010 versus Office 2013. Office 2010...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 07/19/2012

Game Design: Which Tool to use for your database management

Lightswitch.  Wow.  Now you should know how to use the other tools, but this tool looks...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 07/18/2012

Office 2013: Sweet on the Tablet! You choose where to store your files!

Just got Office 2013 on my Tablet and it is sweet!  I love the ability to simply install and...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 07/17/2012

Thinking about game design

I have a number of blogs that I write, the links are: Research, Games, SoCal-Sam, and this one,...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 07/17/2012

Best Game Construction HTML5/JS and WIndows 8 tool for game design

I have looked at a number of design tools that support HTML5/JS and Windows 8.  Ok I also...

Author: Surf4Fun Date: 07/15/2012

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