
SCVMM Part8 (PowerShell)

If you know a bit about PowerShell this post wont enlighten you further, so you might stop reading here.  However if you're new to PowerShell or specifically PowerShell with System Centre Virtual Machine Manager (SCVMM) then the command GET-COMMAND will be useful.


Type this command to get a list of all the possible commands (cmdlets) available.

This extensive list is a good place to start when you need to investigate what PowerShell can do for you, however you may need to filter the data to make it more specific to you.  To do this you can use a wildcard search perhaps to see just the major SCVMM  commands, an example of this is:

get-command *-vm*

This command only shows those CmdLets with "-vm" in their names and returns when run on a SCVMM server the following data (sorry I know the right side of this has been truncated, but you should be able to read enough detail):

CommandType Name Definition
----------- ---- ----------
Cmdlet add-vmhost add-vmhost [-VMHostGroup <HostGroup>] -Serv.
Cmdlet add-vmhostnetworkadapter add-vmhostnetworkadapter -VirtualNetwork <V.
Cmdlet discardsavedstate-vm discardsavedstate-vm -VM <VM> [-Reason <Str.
Cmdlet discover-vmhost discover-vmhost -Server <ServerConnection> .
Cmdlet Get-VM Get-VM -Server <ServerConnection> [-Verbose.
Cmdlet Get-vmcheckpoint Get-vmcheckpoint [[-Vm] <VM>] -Server <Serv.
Cmdlet get-vmhost get-vmhost -Server <ServerConnection> [-Com.
Cmdlet Get-VMHostGroup Get-VMHostGroup -Server <ServerConnection> .
Cmdlet get-vmhostnetworkadapter get-vmhostnetworkadapter -Server <ServerCon.
Cmdlet Get-VMHostRating Get-VMHostRating -VmHosts <Host[]> -VM <VM>.
Cmdlet get-vmhostvolume get-vmhostvolume -VMHost <Host> [-Verbose] .
Cmdlet Move-VM Move-VM -VM <VM> -VMHost <Host> [-StartVMOn.
Cmdlet Move-VMHost Move-VMHost -VMHost <Host> -NewParentHostGr.
Cmdlet Move-VMHostGroup Move-VMHostGroup -VMHostGroup <HostGroup> -.
Cmdlet New-VM New-VM -Template <Template> -Name <String> .
Cmdlet New-vmcheckpoint New-vmcheckpoint [-Vm] <VM> [-Description <.
Cmdlet New-VMHostGroup New-VMHostGroup -Server <ServerConnection> .
Cmdlet refresh-vm refresh-vm -VM <VM> [-Verbose] [-Debug] [-E.
Cmdlet refresh-vmhost refresh-vmhost -VMHost <Host> [-Verbose] [-.
Cmdlet Remove-VM Remove-VM -VM <VM> [-Delete] [-Reason <Stri.
Cmdlet Remove-vmcheckpoint Remove-vmcheckpoint -VMCheckpoint <VMCheckp.
Cmdlet remove-vmhost remove-vmhost -VMHost <Host> [-Reason <Stri.
Cmdlet Remove-VMHostGroup Remove-VMHostGroup -VMHostGroup <HostGroup>.
Cmdlet remove-vmhostnetworkadapter remove-vmhostnetworkadapter -VirtualNetwork.
Cmdlet restart-vm restart-vm -VM <VM> [-Reason <String>] [-Ru.
Cmdlet Restore-vmcheckpoint Restore-vmcheckpoint -VMCheckpoint <VMCheck.
Cmdlet resume-vm resume-vm -VM <VM> [-Reason <String>] [-Run.
Cmdlet savestate-vm savestate-vm -VM <VM> [-Reason <String>] [-.
Cmdlet Set-VM Set-VM -VM <VM> [-Owner <String>] [-Operati.
Cmdlet set-vmhost set-vmhost -VMHost <Host> [-MaintenanceHost.
Cmdlet Set-VMHostGroup Set-VMHostGroup -VMHostGroup <HostGroup> [-.
Cmdlet shutdown-vm shutdown-vm -VM <VM> [-Reason <String>] [-R.
Cmdlet start-vm start-vm -VM <VM> [-Reason <String>] [-RunA.
Cmdlet stop-vm stop-vm -VM <VM> [-Reason <String>] [-RunAs.
Cmdlet Store-VM Store-VM -VM <VM> -VMLibrary <LibraryServer.
Cmdlet suspend-vm suspend-vm -VM <VM> [-Reason <String>] [-Ru.

Many of the information commands that you can use with PowerShell and this is also true of PowerShell in SCVMM start with "GET" something, so you could use the following command to list just those:

get-command *get-*

I think this probably lists most of the SCVMM commands (but I don't know that for sure), I've had a play with a few but will be spending most of my time in the GUI from now on (whilst testing Beta1).


When you have found a cmlet that interests you you can then use the GET-HELP command to get more information, so if you wanted to know more about get-process then you would type:

get-help get-process

It was whilst looking at the get-help command that I realized that SCVMM doesn't have any help functionality (it errors on my machine at least) so you can't in this build type for instance get-help get-vm


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003

    Clive Watson has been testing the new System Center Virtual Machine Manager Beta 1 and he has posted...