
Calvin Hsia's WebLog

thoughts from a professional developer

Running out of space ? What's on your disk?

Often a hard disk gets close to full and undesirable things happen, especially on the volume that...

Author: CalvinH Date: 06/15/2005

SQL Select data from a text file

It’s often very useful to be able to execute a SQL SELECT statement on a text file. I was debugging...

Author: CalvinH Date: 06/13/2005

Randy's Devcon Demo

Randy is using my blog as part of a Demo at the Devcon keynote. He has some Fox code running from...

Author: CalvinH Date: 06/12/2005

Data Entry for dates: autoincrement tip

A handy tip that is not widely known: When a VFP textbox contains a date or datetime field, the user...

Author: CalvinH Date: 06/06/2005

Write your own Task Manager

Often an error message occurs: “The process cannot access the file because it is being used by...

Author: CalvinH Date: 06/02/2005

Application logging and Error methods

I have some Fox classes that run in several modes. The normal fox interactive design environment In...

Author: CalvinH Date: 05/27/2005

Activation Key

Remember the old days when downloading a large file was a rare occurrence and your modem was the...

Author: CalvinH Date: 05/24/2005

Binding to Internet Explorer events: bug in Typelibrary

I was using the web browser control and getting some errors when binding to its events. This can be...

Author: CalvinH Date: 05/17/2005

What's the difference between Internet Explorer and Explorer?

From the navigate bar of either, you can type a web URL like www.msn.com or a local file path like...

Author: CalvinH Date: 05/16/2005

Word to audible speech

Here’s some interesting code to run. It starts Microsoft Word and binds some Fox code to some Word...

Author: CalvinH Date: 05/16/2005

Your VFP runtime splash screen

A customer asked the following: “When VFP starts wee see it's splash screen almost immediately after...

Author: CalvinH Date: 05/09/2005

Put your registry into a table

It’s pretty easy to use Foxpro to examine the registry. Here’s some simple recursive code I whipped...

Author: CalvinH Date: 05/05/2005

Third Party application does work as a COM+ application

A few months ago, I reported a problem that a customer was having with a particular 3rd party...

Author: CalvinH Date: 04/22/2005

Floating Point calculations: comparing with zero

I was asked about floating point calculations. In particular, I can write code like this: x=3.4 y=10...

Author: CalvinH Date: 04/13/2005

April Fool's Pranks

In the spirit of April Fool’s Day, I was talking to my daughter about some pranks that took place in...

Author: CalvinH Date: 04/01/2005

Calling the Windows APIs for Large Files

A customer was trying to use FoxPro to handle large files. The files that Fox handles natively (like...

Author: CalvinH Date: 03/18/2005

Memory Handles

I was asked a question about how VFP uses memory: Recently, on a project to determine and resolve...

Author: CalvinH Date: 02/17/2005

Sharing Disneyland Digital pictures

A family reunion in Disneyland means bring my camera! I wanted to make sure that the digital...

Author: CalvinH Date: 02/14/2005

Relaxen und watchen das blinkenlights. What lights?

In the old days, computers had blinking lights. Indeed, old movies used to show computers working...

Author: CalvinH Date: 01/28/2005

Undocumented APIs and 16 bit DLLs

As a long time software company, Microsoft has certain procedures to follow when releasing software...

Author: CalvinH Date: 01/26/2005

Intercept power broadcast messages: How do you tell if Bindevent is really successful? SendMessage!

Question: BINDEVENT( ) always returns 1 when a Windows message event binding is created. Soooo, how...

Author: CalvinH Date: 01/24/2005

How to use a COM interface when there is no COM object ?

I was asked a question: In VFP9 I am attempting to access StructuredStorage via the stgOpenStorageEx...

Author: CalvinH Date: 01/21/2005

Decoding the timestamp in class libararies and forms

I was asked Is there a way to translate the timestamp in a VCX to a human readable format? Visual...

Author: CalvinH Date: 01/21/2005

Heartbeat: Garbage collection in VFP and .NET are similar

VFP stores user defined names such as variable, field, property, class and procedure names in a...

Author: CalvinH Date: 01/20/2005

User Interface design for numeric keypads

I have just read Raymond’s User interface design for interior door locks which reminded me of a...

Author: CalvinH Date: 01/19/2005


I saw this post which shows some VFP code to permute a string. For example, there are 6 permutations...

Author: CalvinH Date: 01/18/2005

Wite your own RSS News/Blog aggregator in <100 lines of code

The internet is a great way for people/entities to publish information. An RSS reader is a tool to...

Author: CalvinH Date: 01/14/2005

Do you like reading a blog author? Retrieve all blog entries locally for reading/searching using XML, XSLT, XPATH

If you like reading a particular blog and want to read more from the same author, you can subscribe...

Author: CalvinH Date: 01/12/2005

Use a simple XSLT to read the RSS feed from a blog

On most Blogs, there is a link called “Syndication”,”RSS”, or “XML” that is the RSS feed. Click on...

Author: CalvinH Date: 01/11/2005

Binding to Windows Events for Fox windows

In a prior blog I described a demo I gave at Las Vegas Devcon that showed how to bind to Windows...

Author: CalvinH Date: 01/04/2005

Interactively experimenting with controls: the Slider

I have a simple form that can show an individual photograph, or at the push of a button, show an...

Author: CalvinH Date: 12/17/2004

Fox plays music

I received a customer question: I have searched the net and asked as many people as I could and...

Author: CalvinH Date: 12/16/2004

Foxpro Performance tip: field name lookup for tables

When FoxPro opens or uses a table or cursor, internally we have to keep track of the field names...

Author: CalvinH Date: 12/14/2004

Creating a VFP application as a service:

Sometimes it’s useful to make your application run as a service. A service can run without any user...

Author: CalvinH Date: 12/13/2004

Sending Christmas cards: Creating mailng labels automatically

A family member sent out an emergency email plea for help: I bought labels: Avery 8160, which have...

Author: CalvinH Date: 12/10/2004

Using non-Automation compatible types

A customer asks: I’m using a third party COM server dll with my VFP8 application. One of its methods...

Author: CalvinH Date: 12/10/2004

Intellisense: inspecting live objects

In this entry I talked about a performance improvement of FoxPro’s object handling. I showed an...

Author: CalvinH Date: 12/08/2004

Unbelievable performance gain by changing an Algorithm

Visual Foxpro added Object Oriented Programming in version 3 which was released about 10 years ago....

Author: CalvinH Date: 12/06/2004

Another customer problem: a product doesn't work with VFP

A customer reported that a product they have doesn’t work with Visual Foxpro. Time to put on the...

Author: CalvinH Date: 12/03/2004

Programmatically add a watch expression to the debug watch window

A user may want to add a particular variable or expression to the Visual Foxpro debug watch window...

Author: CalvinH Date: 11/19/2004

Screen Saver Tricks

In a prior blog entry I describe how a couple lines of code can start the currently registered...

Author: CalvinH Date: 11/17/2004

Run your code in response to a new drive being inserted

At the Las Vegas Devcon last month I used a digital camera to take a picture, then I plugged the...

Author: CalvinH Date: 11/16/2004

Using Outlook to manage new documents

I like using Outlook to manage documents that I compose, such as this blog entry. What I mean by...

Author: CalvinH Date: 11/01/2004

Creating, parsing, graphing web hit logfiles or other temporal data

Looking at temporal data can be quite informative. For example, I have a table of about 16000...

Author: CalvinH Date: 10/28/2004

Very Advanced Debugging tips

While debugging code, it might take very many complicated steps to reproduce an issue. The following...

Author: CalvinH Date: 10/22/2004

Give the impression that you're an expert and earn palpable respect

Our local bridge club uses a computer program to tabulate scores. The bridge director enters scores...

Author: CalvinH Date: 10/19/2004

Is a process hijacking your machine?

Suppose there is a process on your machine that is hijacking your processor. Perhaps it’s in an...

Author: CalvinH Date: 10/18/2004

The Plane Man

A couple years ago, despite the airspace security implications just after 9/11, an airplane flew...

Author: CalvinH Date: 10/12/2004

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