VB LINQ Samples Updated
Visual Basic LINQ samples have been updated and were just released today! Lots of stuff to download and play with today.... :-)
May 28, 2007
Hi Beth, I was just playing with the sample queries and found a file called Northwind.dbml with the note: "This code was generated by a tool." The Custom Tool property indicates "MSLinqToSQLGenerator". Can you point us to this tool and how to use it? Thanks, Ken MVP [ASP.NET]Anonymous
October 04, 2007
Hi Beth, Do you read the comments on your blog? I'd like to know the answer to Ken's question as well... Many thanks!Anonymous
October 04, 2007
Hi Guy, The tool is the OR designer in VS 2008. You can download the beta here: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/vbasic/aa700831.aspx Also, you can watch a couple videos I released on how to get started with it: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/vbasic/bb737878.aspx http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/vbasic/bb737879.aspx Also you may want to read this post about setting up one-to-many associations: http://blogs.msdn.com/bethmassi/archive/2007/10/02/linq-to-sql-and-one-to-many-relationships.aspx Cheers, -BAnonymous
August 30, 2009
hi massi , pls try to put all your sharing blogs in a pdf book format including related topics and cases for example chapter 1 : dataset and all about dataset chapter 2 : what about linq and so on thank you