

[原文发表地址] How To Send HTML Email from a LightSwitch Application

[原文发表时间] 27 Jan 2011 7:31 AM

不久前,Paul Patterson写了一个非常棒的、逐步实现的博客帖子,它基于一个论坛上的提问,是关于如何使用LightSwitch的System.Net.Mail来自动发送电子邮件。如果你错过了这个帖子,这里有链接:

Microsoft LightSwitch – 从 Light Switch发送电子邮件



正如Paul解释道,要从LightSwitch middle-tier(服务器端)来发送一封电子邮件你所需要做的就是在Solution Explorer上切换至File View,并且向Server项目添加一个类。 理想情况下你会想要把这个类放进UserCode 文件夹里以保持有序。


提示:如果你没有看到UserCode 这个文件夹那意味着你还没有编写任何服务器规则。要创建这个文件夹你需要返回并在designer中任意选择一个entity,在右上方下拉“Write Code”按钮,并选择一个像entity_Inserted的服务器方法。

发送一封电子邮件的基本代码很简单。你只需要指定SMTP服务器, 用户id, 密码和端口。提示:如果你只知道用户ID和密码,那么你可以尝试使用Outlook 2010来自动为你获取剩余信息

注意:在我的SMTPMailHelper类中 我在快速地检查是否包含HTML的body参数,如果包含,我会设置合适的邮件属性:

 Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Mail

Public Class SMTPMailHelper 
 Const SMTPServer As String = "smtp.mydomain.com" 
 Const SMTPUserId As String = myemail@mydomain.com 
 Const SMTPPassword As String = "mypassword" 
 Const SMTPPort As Integer = 25
  Public Shared Sub SendMail(ByVal sendFrom As String,
                               ByVal sendTo As String,
                               ByVal subject As String,
                               ByVal body As String)
         Dim fromAddress = New MailAddress(sendFrom)
        Dim toAddress = New MailAddress(sendTo)
        Dim mail As New MailMessage With mail
            .From = fromAddress
            .Subject = subject

            If body.ToLower.Contains("<html>") Then
                .IsBodyHtml = True
            End If
                  .Body = body
        End With  
   Dim smtp As New SmtpClient(SMTPServer, SMTPPort)
        smtp.Credentials = New NetworkCredential(SMTPUserId, SMTPPassword)
    End Sub
End Class

从Entity Data创建HTML

既然我们有了发送邮件的代码,我想要向你展示如何使用Visual Basic的XML 文档来从entity data迅速地生成HTML。(我喜欢XML文档之前也写了许多与之相关的东西)如果你对XML文档还不熟悉,我建议你从这篇文章和这个视频开始。要使用XML文档你需要确保你有一个相关的集合,包括System.Core, System.Xml, 和System.Xml.Linq。

我想要做的是为一个有子Order_Details的Order entity创建一个HTML电子邮件发票。首先,我这么做来使事情简单些:通过点击adding computed properties让 Order_Details 和 Order entities各自计算line item和 order totals,。这些计算属性的代码如下:

 Public Class Order_Detail
    Private Sub LineTotal_Compute(ByRef result As Decimal)
        ' Calculate the line item total for each Order_Detail
        result = (Me.Quantity * Me.UnitPrice) * (1 - Me.Discount)
    End Sub
End Class
 Public Class Order
    Private Sub OrderTotal_Compute(ByRef result As Decimal)
        ' Add up all the LineTotals on the Order_Details collection for this Order
        result = Aggregate d In Me.Order_Details Into Sum(d.LineTotal)
    End Sub
End Class

然后,当订单被输入数据库之后我想发送一封自动的电子邮件。在designer中打开Order entity,并且在右上方下拉“Write Code”按钮,然后选择Order_Inserted来生成该方法的基本框架。要生成HTML你所需要做的是向编辑器中输入良好的XHTML并使用嵌入表达式从entities中拉出数据。

Public Class NorthwindDataService
    Private Sub Orders_Inserted(ByVal entity As Order)
        Dim toEmail = entity.Customer.Email

        If toEmail <> "" Then
Dim fromEmail = entity.Employee.Email
            Dim subject = "Thank you for your order!"

            Dim body = <html>
<body style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">
<p><%= entity.Customer.ContactName %>, thank you for your order!<br></br>
                               Order date: <%= FormatDateTime(entity.OrderDate, DateFormat.LongDate) %></p>
<table border="1" cellpadding="3"
                                   style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">
<td><b>Line Total</b></td>
                                   <%= From d In entity.Order_Details
                                       Select <tr>
<td><%= d.Product.ProductName %></td>
<td align="right"><%= d.Quantity %></td>
<td align="right"><%= FormatCurrency(d.UnitPrice, 2) %></td>
<td align="right"><%= FormatPercent(d.Discount, 0) %></td>
<td align="right"><%= FormatCurrency(d.LineTotal, 2) %></td>
<td align="right"><b>Total:</b></td>
<td align="right"><b><%= FormatCurrency(entity.OrderTotal, 2) %></b></td>

            SMTPMailHelper.SendMail(fromEmail, toEmail, subject, body.ToString)
        End If
End Sub
End Class
诀窍是确保你的HTML像XML(即结构良好的开始/结束标记)然后你可以使用嵌入表达式( <%= 语法)来把Visual Basic代码嵌入HTML。我使用LINQ查询订单细节来填充HTML表格。(顺便说一下,你也可以用我在这展示的其他诀窍来查询HTML)。




上述的解决方案对于发送自动生成的电子邮件行之有效,但是如果你想要允许用户在邮件发送之前修改邮件呢?在这种情况下我们需要一个可以从LightSwitch 用户界面中被调用解决方案。一个选择是使Microsoft Outlook自动化—很多人似乎使用那种流行的电子邮件客户端,尤其是我的伙伴们)。除此之外,LightSwitch有一个很好的数据网格功能,它允许在完全托管的情况下将这些数据导出到Excel中。我们可以向我们的屏幕添加一个相似的Office办公功能,它会自动地为使用Outlook的用户生成一封电子邮件。这会允许他们在邮件发送前对它进行修改。

这回我们在客户端需要一个helper 类。就像在上述的SMTP例子中一样,通过Solution Explorer 中的file view添加一个新的类,但是这一次选择Client 项目。这个类使用COM自动化,它是Silverlight 4及更高版本的一个功能。首先我们需要通过检查AutomationFactory.IsAvailable的属性来核查Windows机器d 上的浏览器是否脱机运行。然后我们需要获得一个Outlook的引用,如果它没有打开请打开这个应用程序。剩余的代码会创建电子邮件并向用户演示它:

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices.Automation


Public Class OutlookMailHelper

    Const olMailItem As Integer = 0

    Const olFormatPlain As Integer = 1

    Const olFormatHTML As Integer = 2


    Public Shared Sub CreateOutlookEmail(ByVal toAddress As String,

                                         ByVal subject As String,

                                         ByVal body As String)


            Dim outlook As Object = Nothing


            If AutomationFactory.IsAvailable Then


                    'Get the reference to the open Outlook App

                    outlook = AutomationFactory.GetObject("Outlook.Application")


                Catch ex As Exception 'If Outlook isn't open, then an error will be thrown.

                    ' Try to open the application

                    outlook = AutomationFactory.CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

                End Try


     If outlook IsNot Nothing Then

                    'Create the email


                    ' Outlook object model (OM) reference:

                    ' https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff870566.aspx


                    Dim mail = outlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)

                    With mail

                        If body.ToLower.Contains("<html>") Then

                            .BodyFormat = olFormatHTML

                            .HTMLBody = body


          .BodyFormat = olFormatPlain

                            .Body = body

                        End If



                        .Subject = subject





                    End With

                End If

            End If


        Catch ex As Exception

            Throw New InvalidOperationException("Failed to create email.", ex)

        End Try

    End Sub

End Class




Private Sub CreateEmail_CanExecute(ByRef result As Boolean)

    result = System.Runtime.InteropServices.Automation.AutomationFactory.IsAvailable

End Sub


Private Sub CreateEmail_Execute()

    'Create the html email from the Order data on this screen

    Dim toAddress = Me.Order.Customer.Email

    If toAddress <> "" Then


        Dim entity = Me.Order

        Dim subject = "Thank you for your order!"


        Dim body = <html>

                       <body style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">

                           <p><%= entity.Customer.ContactName %>, thank you for your order!<br></br>

                          Order date: <%= FormatDateTime(entity.OrderDate, DateFormat.LongDate) %></p>

       <table border="1" cellpadding="3"

                               style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">






                                   <td><b>Line Total</b></td>


    <%= From d In entity.Order_Details

                                   Select <tr>

                                      <td><%= d.Product.ProductName %></td>

                                      <td align="right"><%= d.Quantity %></td>

                                      <td align="right"><%= FormatCurrency(d.UnitPrice, 2) %></td>

                                      <td align="right"><%= FormatPercent(d.Discount, 0) %></td>

                                      <td align="right"><%= FormatCurrency(d.LineTotal, 2) %></td>







                                   <td align="right"><b>Total:</b></td>

                                   <td align="right"><b><%= FormatCurrency(entity.OrderTotal, 2) %></b></td>






        OutlookMailHelper.CreateOutlookEmail(toAddress, subject, body.ToString)


        Me.ShowMessageBox("This customer does not have an email address",

                          "Missing Email Address",


    End If

End Sub

现在当用户点击命令板上的Create Email按钮,HTML电子邮件就会被生成并且在Outlook 邮件窗口打开,它允许用户在点击发送前进行修改。


