
Hello, is anyone home?

Just a very quick note to say that this site is not dead, it’s just neglected Smile

I will be posting a lot of content here after MMS.  I have been working on a lot of new content that we tested for the first time last week at our internal event, TechReady and will be publicly shown for the first time at MMS next month.

This is my personal blog, so what gets posted here will be my own views on things.  Nexus will continue to be my primary communication channel for things that relate to announcements and global centric content.  The Opalis blog (and the new version that will be set up under the name of Opalis vNext – yes, it will be a different name, with a different website, different blog and different twitter handle) will be product specific content.  And this little neck of the woods will be my ramblings about where we are going, and explaining some of the thinking behind what we are doing.

I intend to explore concepts here.  Like what a Private Cloud actually is and how it is different from what you have in your Datacenter today.  Like where Opalis vNext fits in System Center 2012.  And how you can leverage all the cool capability coming with Opalis vNext!

So, talk to you again soon.
